reminder that eternal kraut will not rest until he kills the last of Polabian Slavs
>rip Obotrites
>rip Wagrians
>rip Warnabi
>rip Polabians
>rip Vieleti
>rip Rani
>rip Linones
>rip Travnjanes
>rip Drevanie
>rip Hevelli
only Sorbs remain now
Reminder that eternal kraut will not rest until he kills the last of Polabian Slavs
Charles Davis
Jonathan Parker
Poles invited the Teutonic order to help them exterminate Balts.
David Gutierrez
>one prince Kazimierz Mazowiecki invinted Teutonic Knights to help him with defending from pagans
Carson Robinson
it was Masovian fagg, the biggest failure of the entire polishhistory. No wonder his name was Konrad...
Justin Lewis
co jest nie tak w imieniu konrad?
Gabriel Butler
it's G*rman
Nicholas Cooper
>Literally who
Grayson Kelly
the Slavs who built your cities
Jacob Young
cringe larp. pic related
based and redpilled
Isaac Lopez
Polabian Slavs are real tribes who came to these part of country when Germans migrated west