Not only do we have a lower mortality rate from corona than the rest of the “civilized” world, but most of us are living through this statement: “those who’d trade freedom for security deserve neither”
The Coronavirus is only affecting certain, more leftist and reddit areas of our country anyways, so most of us don’t care.
Is this something the rest of the world can learn from?
all the entertainment you consume comes from america all the things you care about in life come from america the board you're posting on right now is from america
think about that the next time you try to disrespect us
Cope. Unless you’re a member of the upper class you are a bottom of the barrel shit tier peasant. You have zero tangible rights and exist solely to get shafted by corporations.
If people don't have the means to self-quarantine, there's no reason to do it. All of the recommendations in the world don't change that. We still have to pay our bills.
Zachary Cox
Post your address
Let’s see how brave you are
Ryder Morris
This man has a son back home in West Virginia who sticks it to them liberal Europeans on
what are you talking about, guns are for manlets that cant punch because even bullets kill chads, their the resort of the weak
Grayson Richardson
I mean if we just stayed it would've just become like North vs South Korea. People underestimate the South Vietnamese a lot in the war and , for some reason, assume we are the only reason why South Vietnam didn't want to be part of the North.
Brandon Barnes
>Thinking that an obvious vpn nigger is serious this, it's probably some chinkoid getting paid to shitpost all day
William Flores
Well that’s fine. I guess your parents are already dead or you don’t care about them either way, and you don’t care about elderly close ones of your friends either. After all, everyone dies sooner or later and if you’re young then you don’t really consider this an issue.
Kayden Bell
You kinda were tho always quashing the referendum and helping make more votes than voters
Jaxson James
Don’t try arguing with the sisterfucking toothless West Virginian just post dead soldiers and ruin his shit thread to cause maximum seethe
do you get bullied at school, I know it's hard but you don't gotta take it out on others
Ryder Long
>ma’am...he died like a true American...fighting to pay off his student loans and that sweet Kawasaki ninja...
Christian Cook
>Not only do we have a lower mortality rate from corona This doesn't matter when I can still get shot from walking down the street
Parker James
Yeah exactly, even a gimp can pull a trigger, tool of the weak. A world without guns is ruled by the strong. simple as
James Sanchez
Rutherford Alcock, British diplomatist, "The Capital of the Tycoon (1863)" >I have no hesitation in saying that Japanese are, upon the whole, a cleanly people, wash often - live in houses open to the air, and look on wide and well-ventilated streets, where nothing offensive is allowed to rest. In all these things the Japanese have greatly the advantage over other Eastern races, and notably over the Chinese, whose streets are an abomination to any one possessing eyes to see, or a nose to smell with. (Vol. I, p. 189)
Why would anyone celebrate death of another? American, Vietnamese, soldier or farmer, young or old... what benefit would one derive from it? And would any benefit be enough to justify ending a world?
Gabriel Long
nuuuu not the hekin israles finest!!!!
Ryder Gomez
Matthew C. Perry, American naval officer, "Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron (1852-1854)" >Simoda shows an advanced state of civilization, much, beyond our own boasted progress in the attention of its constructors to the cleanliness and healthfulness of the place. There are not only gutters, but sewers, which drain the refuse water and filth directly into the sea or the small stream which divides the town. Hakodadi, like all the Japanese towns, is remarkably clean, the streets being suitably constructed for draining, and kept, by constant sprinkling and sweeping, in a neat and healthful condition. (p. 507)
We weren't involved in the 1955 referendum ya dufus. That was all on Diem and yes, even though the election was clearly a fraud the South Vietnamese didnt like the North and wanted their own kind of Independence from France
Justin Anderson
Carl Peter Thunberg, Swedish naturalist, "Japan Extolled and Decried (1775-1776)" >Cleanliness is the constant object of these people and not a day passes in which they do not wash themselves, whether they are at home or out upon a journey. In all towns and villages, inns and private houses, therefore, there are baths. (p. 129)
Idk m8 I think strong man vs strong man with gun, the strong man with gun is definitely just a superior man.
Luke Scott
Heinrich Schliemann, German businessman, "La Chine et le Japon au temps présent (1867)" >The Japanese are undoubtedly the most sanitary citizens in the world. No matter how poor they are, they visit public baths at least once a day."
Im SURE the CIA helped it was a US regime and they definitely didnt want a referendum, if they thought it would of helped the cause they would of had it. In the great history of North Vs South the US isnt one to talk about 'just lettin it be'
Oliver Sanders
Do you eat meat? Americans are no different than animals to be slaughtered, it’s not immoral