Why does the US Deep South have so bad reputation? How is it actually to live there? Are there any metropolitan cities?

Why does the US Deep South have so bad reputation? How is it actually to live there? Are there any metropolitan cities?

For example. I've always considered Alabama being synonymous with countryside white trash, trailer parks etc. And that I've googled a little bit, they actually seem to have pretty nice cities too.

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its almost as if broadly held opinions might not be totally accurate

The region has a reputation for being poor and not very safe. These are both stereotypes though.

Pretty much all the states with the lowest GDP per capita

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This town looks pretty comf y

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I know that according to the statistics, these states are poorer and have experienced population loss due to internal migration in the US. But on the other hand, many developed areas in the world, that are considered good places to live in, are a lot poorer. Also, just looking and the GDP, unemployment, education etc. does not tell you everything. Cost of living and just the general atmosphere matter a lot too.

I've read, dunno if this is true, that even the race relations are nowadays better in the South than in the big cities in the North and West.

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Atlanta looks great

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Just come on vacation

Every state has good parts and bad parts, but the South is on average poorer, less educated, fatter, and more violent

I'm searching for places where to relocate permanently and which are not under an urgent threat of transforming into far-left nannystates.

Don't care about other people's attitudes and what they're doing with their personal lives, but this madness in Europe is starting to affect my own life too much. Not many oppotunities when everything is taxed or regulated to death. And what is not taxed or regulated to death is socially impeded by the huge NPC majority who prefer government over their own families and values.

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What do you think are the good parts in the South?

Yikes. Imagine wanting to move to the shittiest country earth. Anywhere and I mean literally anywhere is better than Muttmercia. Yes even Bosnia

We're all entitled to our own opinions and preferences. Moving to Finland is quite easy so let's switch places.

>Atlanta looks great
Most soulless east-coast city by far and right up there with sprawl vacuums like Dallas.

Hmm, i take it back. You'd fit it in the south and its history perfectly: just another contrarian hardass european who took a one way ticket to '''merrrika .

Shhh. Let the man think he's the lonewolf hero who travels to """New world"""'' in search of his righteous utopia.

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>Why does the US Deep South have so bad reputation?
55% of all black americans live in the South. The only other places with sizable black populations are a handful of large cities, and California. The South subsequently ranks first place in most "bad" metrics (crime, stds, teen pregnancy) and last place in "good" metrics (income, education). Obviously there are decent higher class (white) areas in the South, but they're not as common as places in the Midwest or North East for example that are 95% white and have the highest quality of life, education, income, and lowest "diversity"

I'm not saying all black people are bad, but as a population they turn every state, city, or neighborhood they settle in large numbers into a shit hole.

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Anywhere relatively rich and mostly democrat. So pockets of Atlanta, Birmingham, Augusta, Brunswick, Marietta, Jackson, Charleston, and Rock Hill

I have nothing against individuals of any race, but yes, as a statistic fact that's right. However, the black percentage in Southern states has been staying pretty much the same for decades and their employment and education has improved.

IF I'd ever move to the US it would be some white state, Massachusetts comes to mind.

I'm petty sure I don't fit into your prejudice. Don't make so harsh assumptions based on a couple of anonymous comments on the internet. I'm well aware that every every single place on Earth has it's pros and cons and America definitely wouldn't be a "dreamland" for me. I would need to work harder there to achieve what I want to achieve. But in the long run, the opportunities exist unlike in Finland.

well a lot of cities in the south are majority black, and it seems like white people have an easier time trusting or accepting black leadership than the other way around

> lowest economic productivity of anywhere in America
> Most unemployment of anywhere in America
> Extreme cases of poverty ( missippi delta)
> Most racist part of America
> Least educated
> Dangerous areas ( new orelans was the murder capital of the USA)
> Backwards stone ages tier political ideologies

Not true for Finland since our schools are some of the best in the world. Basically everything Finns believe is true.

I remember from the article that there has been opinion surveys which show better attitudes between races, and that in the South more people have friends of different race. Liberal cities are more segregated, at least socially.

I've been to most of those and half are shitholes.

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Well, the entire south is a shithole so compare them to the rest of the south

Yeah, they're shitholes comparatively.

Do you have any personal ties to the US South or are those only your personal prejudices? To my knowledge, the South is not the most racist region anymore, Rust belt is doing worse, Chicago, District of Columbia etc. are the most dangerous places and the business environment, local politics etc. are actually pretty flexible today, compared to states like California.

>the black percentage in Southern states has been staying pretty much the same for decades
which is to say it's increasing at the same rate as everyone else because there are no central and south americans flooding into those locations... yet.
>their employment and education has improved.
lots of new jobs all over due to amazon slave warehouses opening in every state, sure. better education? not so much. they basically get hand waived through college on modern affirmative action style college entrance standards just to inflate the numbers so liberals can go "look aren't our pets improving so well!". they literally invented something called an "adversity score" in the US just for the purposes of disqualifiying "privileged whites" and pretending the underperforming blacks "would totally be equivalent to everyone else if only they didn't have it so hard" thus should be admitted into universities at higher numbers despite the fact that they're still the worst performers by every college entrance standard then further have twice the dropout rates once they are let in on bogus "adversity" standards.

tl;dr if you're white you literally have no reason to move to the south. even discounting race, the region in general is shitty. the overall atmosphere is slow both mentally and literally and everything closes early and often, they're extremely religious in the weirdest and most ignorant of ways, the summers are disgusting, and everyone is obese. the south has a single solitary redeeming factor: food.

>Why does the US Deep South have so bad reputation?
because it is generally poorer.

wow, that was a tough one.

>Liberal cities are more segregated, at least socially.
I think that's probably quite oversimplified

communities of people who have just come here usually choose not to integrate, for instance a lot of Latinos basically settle in Latino neighborhoods and form their own little enclave community.
It's the same way in my town where there are a lot of people from Myanmar and most of them really don't want to leave their own ethnic community.

In cities where racial minorities have already integrated, that's not really the case with any except for blacks. If you broke down the dispersion of Korean people around a city like San Francisco it would be a lot more integrated than blacks in the same types of places.

>And that I've googled a little bit, they actually seem to have pretty nice cities too.

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Well, I was quite surprised by that actually. Never thought that Alabama was an actual functional state. We don't really learn about America at school so everything I know is from the media and my own interest in geography and world politics.

the south is generally poor but that doesn't mean they are without it's very rich areas, too. just look at florida. you can drive 30 minutes and go from rich town to poor town

>the south is generally poor but that doesn't mean they are without it's very rich areas
Yes, and that's something a person who knows only the stereotypes won't understand.

>Never thought that Alabama was an actual functional state.
Because, comparatively, it isn't. To be fair it's actually a very small state with very small cities by American standards, population-wise. There are more people in Los Angeles than the entire state of Alabama.

It's entire cotton based economy had some soviet-style shock therapy in 1865 and never recovered. Then it became entirely irrelevant with the development of biotech, GMO plants and plastics after WW2. Imagine if Germany's entire economy was based on organic beer, but better synthetic beer could be made in Greece for 1/10th the cost.

The only not shit parts of the south are ones with New Dealer or Great Society projects: the TVA (literally THE reason Tennessee is not as poor as Mississippi), Medicare, the Dept of Energy, NASA and Amtrak. All these things keep the South glued together and prevent the race war that was brewing in the early sixties.

nowadays southern cities are filled with cosmopolitan westerners and northerners who like to use "y'all" and "folks" in every sentence

i've lived in the south my whole life. there's a lot of contrasts here. there are parts of atlanta that are disgustingly wealthy, and the suburbs are kind of the same way. on the other hand though, there are counties in south georgia that are some of the poorest counties in the united states.

Alabama is shit but it's not 100% shit like Mississippi. Alabama, like Russia, has oil. What do you think Mobil-1 is named after? Mobile, AL. Mobile also has the world's largest heliport, the highest concentration of helicopter pilots, and more helicopters than most countries just to service offshore rigs.

The South's most recent history is rich white areas segregating themselves from poor white areas and nog areas, that's literally the stereotype.

I notice this too and it makes me want to string hipsters from traffic lights tbqh

Yes. But from my point of view it's almost as big as my native country (4,9m vs. 5,5m) which is a very functional independent state with multiple different regions and cultures and fairly big cities.

Never heard of anyone from Finland moving to the South excluding Texas. Everyone's flocking to California and dreams of living in NYC.

Is this really how europeans think about the US? You guys might unironically be kind of retarded. Did you also genuinely believe that being randomly shot as soon as you go outside is a common occurrence too?

yes but Finland also has industry, dignity, and it's own language. Alabama has oil, swamps, and "people" who have lower iqs than monkeys.

>which is a very functional independent state with multiple different regions and cultures and fairly big cities.
and an exceedingly homogenous population, none of which have a massive chip on their shoulder against white people.

California is extremely beautiful and has many interesting areas even outside of the cities to live or farm, etc. NYC is a complete shit hole in every respect unless you're literally worth hundreds of millions and I have no idea why anyone would ever want to live there.

California is easily worse than Finland in every regard, except the handful of northwestern parts that are like Finland but warmer. But even then Finland is still better because Finns have balls.

People have extremely retarded opinions about America. Saw an article where a Finnish person was complaining about how America has lower living standards for educated people like him because they don't have socialism. He lived in Silicon Valley.

Europeans like to complain about Americans' weird assumptions of Europe but it goes the other way around aswell. If you ask random Finnish people which century the US got it's independence, most wouldn't be able to answer. But it's understandable. There is a very limited number of hours for history classes so you can only focus on you own country & continent.

cities like atlanta get a lot of migrants from other parts of the country.
most of them are okay, but there is nothing cringier than a californian who's been in georgia for three years appropriating southern culture while simultaneously lecturing native georgians on how backwards they are

Nigga take a picture of any place during the sunset and its going to look comfy

We have many declining areas too.

Predicted change in population

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Nah, I'm not easily fooled. I'm soon-to-be architect and work in the construction industry.

the south's population has generally been growing since they keep trying to ban/restrict/not allow abortion or birth control at all. Much like mexico, this leads to women having at least 3+ kids each. However, half of it is totally impoverished and a fourth of it can't even get reliable electricity. It's not as bad as wagon burner reservations to the west, but it's pretty bad.

But it's fashionable to live there. I have a SJW friend who posts constantly crap about climate change, social inequality and veganism. And then moves partially to California, to a state with one of the highest consumptions per capita in the world, highest inequality in the US and travels back and forth from Finland to California on airplane, one of the longest distances you can travel.

You don't even have generous welfare, so I doubt about the situation being that bad.

Do you prefer latinos or blacks (i.e. if you had a button that couls deport one of them which ones would you keep)
I kindof feel like the latinos are more invasive and making bigger societal changes desu
Blacks are already a part of the americana and they kindof seem to fit into the culture, 50% black america would still feel like america to me, while 50% latino america would have some completely different image in my mind

having grown up in south carolina and now living in arizona, I'd deport blacks in a heart beat if I had to choose. literally all the hispanics I know have already integrated, those who are bilingual second gen onward speak perfect english, work hard, etc. most of the blacks I knew growing up barely spoke english, let alone read or wrote it, and it was the only language they almost-knew. they were lazy as fuck, blamed everyone but themselves for their problems, and didn't thing twice about breaking or bending rules because they thought things were "owed" to them because their ancestors interned as unpaid farmers. that said I did have one good black friend, but he was whitewashed as fuck and didn't get along with the "black culture" types. also hispanic and mixed hispanic girls are 1000x better looking on average than ameriblacks.

if you get so fat your knees hurt you are considered disabled, don't have to work or pay taxes, and get an $1800 check from the government every month along with free food and a free mobility scooter. It's paid by terminally ill cancer patients that can still work.

The south is a fucking shithole stop asking questions because nobody here can make you feel why, just come live here and you’ll see

The cities are small, gross, and lame. Atlanta is the best one, but it's still not as nice as north and west cities. Upper south, or at least coastal upper south (VA, NC) are much better than deep South

Looks like Africa

it's the least jewified part of the US. take that for what you will

Lmao this is fucking mobile, this is probably the ONE nice street in the entire city, street view the rest of it

Forgot the name of the road I always drove down but the one with all the antebellum architecture after the tunnel is nice, that’s it, tour the rest

to be fair "one nice street" aka a small localized downtown area describes virtually all cities in the US outside of the big three of NYC LA CHI, not including Houston because that place is an inorganic manufactured shit hole with no personality and the worst roadways in the country.

It’s like a half mile of clean roads, nice architecture and like a Wendy’s

That is fucking pathetic

>describes virtually all cities in the US
most cities in the world

Without the big economic liberal states+Texas The South would lag behind the Balkans in terms of HDI.

i'll take your word for it as i haven't been to any of those lesser nations :^)

In Finland it looks like this outside of the town centers

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