Any tips on getting better at russian? Genuinely a beginner here. I have done some duolingo, but it feels insufficient...

Any tips on getting better at russian? Genuinely a beginner here. I have done some duolingo, but it feels insufficient. Cпacибo.

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Move to Russia
You will never learn Russian perfectly because it's such a complex language, so might as well move to Russia and pick up broken Russian. They'll understand simplified Russian like "Me go drive"
"Me 25 year" "Me eat now" which is enough

>"Me go drive"
>"Me 25 year" "Me eat now"
But that's regular Russian.

That is a huge leap. I am more talking about the before-moving-there step

Please come to fuck our women

Isn't that unironically how russian speak though?
Or maybe that was the joke?

It is partly true. For example:
"Гдe мoи яблoки?." "Where my apples"

That's the joke, but it's also truth. Spoken Russian is so far off proper textbook Russian


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Serious answer: watch Soviet kino classics. They're all available on youtube

>Move to Russia
You really don't have to move anywhere to learn a language in 2020. You can do pretty much everything online, and it's not like you'll cut ties with your friends and family from our own country to speak the language you want to learn exclusively.

That sounds dumb not because russian is simple, but because English is retarded though

It's true, but only partly.
With short sentences in Russian consisting few words, you can say so much different meanings, which you'd need to make long paragraph in English to explain.

I'm not the poster you're replying to but,
actually moving to a place were a language is spoken is indeed the best way to quickly a language. Learning it through online resources is much harder.

If you do try to learn Russian from Finland then you should try to get a Russian speaking friend to speak it with. There are websites for language exchange online. You need to practice speaking a language if you want to learn it.

Are you Eastern Finnish? My experience is that all the Ryssäboos come from there. Which is weird considering how that specific region was affected by the Soviets.

No. Originally from Northern Ostrobothnia, currently living in Uusimaa

Most important thing while learning another lang. is to surround yourself with it. Every day, read something you find interesting in Russian (although chans have lots of slang, it's still viable), or watch videos on YouTube in Russian. Vocabulary is important, but sitting down and memorizing isolated words is rather useless. You have to actively read and translate the words you notice, then the next time you see them you will not have to translate them, but just some other ones, etc. and statistically you will get the most common ones first.
Then you have to notice the structure of the language and grammar. It's okay to make mistakes with conjugation at first, because later it will come naturally. But learn proper glue words like: with, and, or, although, maybe, on, etc. And don't take their meaning directly from English, because sometimes they might mean something else too.
It's important to get the gist of how Russian speakers THINK and not just translate, because the very way of thinking in Russian is different than English.
Take your time, don't rush things, but also don't give up after a month. Stick it with, and just be consistent.

I would say, subscribe to some channels of Russians in Anglo-countries (speaking Russian), or Anglos in Russia (speaking Russian and English) that upload regularly, and watch them sometimes. I don't know what you do in your free time, but implement Russian language into it.

Play CS go, since you're from finland you'll get matched with russians and they never speak english.

It's not that hard or complex if you already speak a slav language heheh, I picked it up rather quickly ;^))

Why even learn Russian then? It's not really that useful. If you mainly live in Ostrobothnia and Uusima then it would definitely be more useful to be good at Swedish. But perhaps you already are.

I'll be honest, Russian is incredibly useful if you travel anywhere south / south-east of Estonia.

Russian is useful even in Germany, NY, LA and UK

It shouldn't be. Ivan and his squatting friends should learn Estonian or move out. Narva was still majority Estonian before ww2, when the native population was deported.

>Russian is useful even in Germany, NY, LA and UK
Might as well learn Yiddish then if you're only interested in visiting diaspora ghettos. All those Russians know English/German anyway

It is favorable it one knows how to speak english, swedish, russian and german while looking for jobs.

Why should you bother with questions like "How should it be?", it is the way it is

You focused too much on Estonia, I only chose it as a starting point. I meant everything including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria (to a lesser extent) , Turkey, and obviously Russia. And the Balkans.

Of course it's useful, I was just checking that you knew the alternatives.

Russian is very good to know if you want to work with Eastern Europeans.

There is Russian blogger on YT, living in US, working as car transporter driver. He barely speaks English.

Ya adit vazit
Ya dvadset pyat god

Yes, Russian is useful in all of Eastern Europe.

What I'm saying is that those specific Russian speakers should know Estonian anyway. And if you already speak Finnish, then there's no problem. Estonian sounds like drunk Finnish.

>actually moving to a place were a language is spoken is indeed the best way to quickly a language.
The best way to learn a language would be to USE it as much as possible, which is usually the case when you move to another country since you're literally forced to use it to survive. However, you'll still need to read books, watch movies etc. to improve it as speaking alone won't be enough. And you can do all of those things online too, including speaking.

>The best way to learn a language would be to USE it as much as possible, w
>And you can do all of those things online too, including speaking.
Yes this was basically the advice I gave. OP should try to find a native speaker to speak Russian with.
>read books, watch movies
This is indeed needed but as you said yourself, the most important part is to USE the language yourself. Create your own sentences etc. You need to understand the logic of the language so that you can speak it yourself.

>Yes this was basically the advice I gave. OP should try to find a native speaker to speak Russian with.
if anyone needs help with Russian hit me up Kefa#3994 (discord)

>Any tips on getting better at russian?
Don't. Just don't. You don't need Russian, just polish your English to C2 and get a proper English/American accent and move there.

Russian grammar is infinitely more complicated and more flexible than any germanic language.
Me go drive can be said several dozen different ways. Word conjugation is extremely advanced.
'Me go drive' - it sounds that way because in russian we don't use prepositions and all that shite, instead we use suffixes and prefixes that fill in that role, which is much easier.

Some slavic languages would have it like this
Gdzie jest moje jabloki?(not a specific language, just generic slavic that most slavs will get)
where are my apples?

>Don't. Just don't. You don't need Russian, just polish your English to C2 and get a proper English/American accent and move there.
do we still say redpilled? if so, redpilled

>Don't. Just don't. You don't need Russian, just polish your English to C2 and get a proper English/American accent.
This was my point from the beginning. But hey, if OP really wants to do it I can't stop him. I wouldn't recommend it though. English is at the moment THE most important language you can learn so you should work on perfecting it. For a third language, German or Swedish would be about at least as useful as Russian but much more useful.

If he does actually try to learn Russian, then this was a nice offer. Good call user

>at least as useful but much more useful
Fuck I meant to write "at least as useful but much easier to learn"

I want to improve my English speaking skills but I don't want to speak with strangers, and making friends is hard, especially when I've already got people that I actually want to speak to. What do?

How the fuck is swedish more useful than russian, when swedish has such little speakers compared to russian? What if his english is already good enough?

>Don't. Just don't. You don't need Russian, just polish your English to C2 and get a proper English/American accent and move there.
Why would he move here?

privet kuntskamera

>Why would he move here?
More money, more freedoms, better infrastructure

>How the fuck is swedish more useful than russian
it's not, but Russian isn't that much more useful.


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just a femoid trying to sell her pussy to foreign incels, calm down. Russian/Ukrainian blokes have no issues with finding english-speaking friends.

Russian is the sixth most spoken language I think, about tied with Portuguese. You already know how many countries Russian is spoken in, compared to Swedish, which is only Sweden and small parts of Finland with like 15 million speakers.

why you want to learn english if you dont want to speak with foreigner ?

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world but apart from the Chinese nobody learns or wants to learn it because nobody needs to go to China since it's a totalitarian commie shitehole.
Same with Russian and Portuguese.
Having more native speakers doesn't render your language more or less useful. Being a wide-spread language, however, does.

Dont add this Ukrainian!! He will feed you with propoganda, you will turn into porohobot

>Chinese is the most spoken language in the world but apart from the Chinese nobody learns or wants to learn it because nobody needs to go to China since it's a totalitarian commie shitehole.
>Same with Russian and Portuguese.
factually incorrect

No, people don't learn Mandarin because its difficult as fuck for most people and it doesnt have much everyday use to an american for example, and languages like Spanish are more useful. Considering OP is finnish and already knows english, why cant he learn Russian? Should he learn spanish or French instead? Stop sperging out

russian is more interesting than spanish and french (dead languague beside literature interest).

>nobody learns or wants to learn it because nobody needs to go to China
After these words, no need to read further, your opinion discarded.
Chinese market is huge and their production possibilities are huge. Shitton of companies need Chinese speaking agents.

>How the fuck is swedish more useful than russian, when swedish has such little speakers compared to russian? What if his english is already good enough?

Swedish is an official language in Finland. It is used especially in those two regions that OP said he lives/works in.

In 50 years Swedes will speak English. Swedish is dying language.

Only learn Russian if you wanna fuck some big titty slut. Even without that you can pull it off
t. had a hot as fuck Ukrainian gf

>119855861 (you)
Whatever you say, Ivan.

>and it doesnt have much everyday use to an american for example
It's the same for the rest of the world. Nobody uses mandarin outside of China.

>Considering OP is finnish and already knows english, why cant he learn Russian?
Him(or his, not sure which one's correct because I've been reading Daniel Defoe recently and he uses his) being finnish doesn't make him more prone to learn one language or another. But even if it did, he'd be better off learning swedish, because, iirc, Swedish is taught in some Finnish schools, because western finland is basically sweden.

>Should he learn spanish or French instead?
Spanish would be useful, yes. Half of our planet speaks Spanish.
Regarding French, read blah blah blah

Also, this.

>learning another language
No thanks

there's a lot more you can do with English besides speaking

Finnish is mandatory in every school except high education.

desu english is easy and you have tons of site, methid and exchange apps on the internet to learn it. not that hard if you put little effort

I use English more than my first language at this point but I still speak Russian with my friends simply because I don't want to many any new ones.

Chilling in sauna with my pal rn. Feels good

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me on the right btw