Do americans really.. ?
Do americans really.. ?
I once bought american sourced heinz ketchup and I shit you not it had like 10 more ingredients and corn syrup
>Doesn't make his own pasta
That is the most hipster thing and I've done that myself.
I think some staple foods have to be fortified by law so people don't get anemia and other vit/min deficiency problems due to their poor diet. Same happens here.
please start your own blog
I don’t think there’s any American food product which is actually made better in America.
Fuck America
I'm writing this down
Dumb euroshitter who can't even understand what the label says, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid are literally just vitamins.
I just got food poisoning with diarrhea vomiting and 39c fever from eating frozen chicken here haha
Vitamins are good for you and chemicals are bad. Don't be like this Seppo.
How does this work? I never cook any of my meat because I'm not a woman.
this is going to change very soon
>Folic acid
Isn't that vomit?
USA version looks more red and ketchup is supposed to be red.
they put loads of chemicals in their foods that are illegal in the EU
Your stomach is full of vomit. What will a little extra do?
We are nanny states.
Reddit thinks the UK's food standards are set by the EU
>We are nanny states
I preffer that over to die from leukemia because Monstanto™ decided to open a factory for agent orange production next to my house
They are you moron. The EU has common food standards and your dumbfuck country follows them and Trump probably wants you to change them if you want any trade with the US.
Next time you try to criticize Monsanto, try to spell the name of the firm correcrly.
Do you think that we had no food regulations before the EU came around? If finland left the EU would you suddenly start eating mud?
i still dont know where should i look at in this webm
why the fuck do americans fortify pasta?
fuck off sperg
Good thing to fortify surely seeing as everyone eats it. We do it with flour
That's not what he said, dumbass. Whatever food standards you had were synchronised with the EU regulations (unless you opted out but I don't think you did). Now you have your own standards, except Boris is desperate for a US trade deal so he will gladly destroy them like Trump explicitly said he wanted
Is this why I'm a 180lb American with manboobs?
Why do you do this?
Why are you so obsessed with the UK? You're always banging on about us. And that whole chicken thing is pure fantasy, I look forward to when that deal never happens so Yas Forums can shut up about it, just like the 'porn ban'
As someone who has lived in the US for periods of times with my uncle and cousins, their food is a lot sweeter than ours. Even the fucking bread.
I noticed this, the first time I had this I honestly couldn't eat it, and I eat loads of rubbish here so it's not like I'm classy. It tasted like a dessert
>It tasted like a dessert
This. It's not supposed to taste like that. It's just wrong.
What's with americans and corn syrup?
>doesn't cook
Women are soon to be completely obsolete, why can't you cook, faggot?
Do americans really?
>Sissyfying salts
strange, but it doesn't looks like dangerous stuff
The right is sold as organic ketchup here
>lived in the US for a year
>salt was sweet
a lot of noteworthy regulations that we have for example in food quality and safety standards we have is due to UK initiative and credit
I think it was during bird flu or some other disease that they tightened their standards and lead the charge in EU too but don't take my word for it
>Next time you try to criticize Monsanto, try to spell the name of the firm correcrly.
Sadly, I'm beginning to notice that the dyes are definitely coloring my shit.
Please let me into your country thank you
So instead of craving for fruits when you have a deficiency like what happened for millions of years, consumers will eat more and more transformed foods because their brain has been hijacked into thinking those foods while solve their deficiencies.
Seems like we have the italian one - just wheat and water
I don't think it is related to EU but competition between companies
Yes as in only companies led by idiots would not make products which would be sellable in a giant market practically next door.
eating sugar releases lots of endorfins, it works on the same neural pathways as opioids or alcohol. rat who can chose between something or something with some more added glucose, will learn to choose the latter. so from marketing standpoint it makes sense to put as much sugar into the product as possible before it starts to interfere with taste.
This is wrong.
They have to buy a certein amount of corn as a subsidy for farmers and therefore it costs near to nothing to make it.
Real sugar would be like 20 times more expensive because there is no subsidies on its production.
did you know that americans pronounce porsche like "porsh" and adidas like "adeee-duzz"
We get the same stuff too no wonder we are all big boys out here
I bet smoking is a healthier habit than downing one of those.
>finnish (you)
what word from the bog?
it's just adding nutrients that won't affect the taste
they are too poor to afford fruit
It also due to differences in their water supply. Some cities have naturally mineral rich water. Other cities don't.