/v4/ + Turkmenistan

Poland edition

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you forgot + /balk/ slim4o

No I didn't, GTFO Balkanimal

lord let me sleep

I am an incel.

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Ritualistic posts should be a bannable offence
But then again, so should generals

why do dead u all fucks should be quarantined

They seem like a fun bunch

looks like Ukranians.

Idk I never saw you. It took you too long to get dressed

One day I will stop being an incel and post a happy wojak and the thread will explode and all will clap for me

Hurry up then

I'll on ur mums ass

gambate, incel-kun

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sounds like you're getting off heroin

They look like Ostravaks.

bored at work
what do

rape and pillage

i wish to die

suko suko suko ale bym cie napierdalał

Comfy day at work

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comfy day at quarantine.

Why didn't I start working out earlier

I have so much shit to do for school but I'll just play games instead

Working out is for weaklings

I am hornyyyy

I am ronery

It's the opposite

>apartmentkikery bubble might pop any moment now
Thank, you corona-chan!

Working out is a cope.

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well masturbation is just a silly idea innit

your genitalia are opposite

>self improvement bad

I need a girl, fapping does nothing

this pasta always fucking ruins my day

ahh if it isnt the protectors of Europe from foreign muslim invaders

thats what everyone says before they coooooooom

>screencaping your own autistic rants
>muh genetics
For a leftie you seem awfully fond of genetic determinism.

Fuckking korona you did this to me aaa

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Just do what you enjoy

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>taking sloni's brain vomits seriously

My life was ruined by my inferior genes.

that's not his it's from some incel forum iirc

>started working out
>playing ranked seriously again
>learning how to cook

Ironically this quarantine will be most productive thing that happened to me

shut it fatty

bUt I ain't got no drugs and my ADHD is going strong brmmmm

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Not an argument.

>playing ranked seriously again
This is your mind on consoompill

It's better than playing some MMORPG. Given the circumstances it is productive

My biggest surprise so far is how weak my shoulders are, no joke I probably have shoulder strength of a teenager

How many pullups can you do with proper form in one series? I can do 10

Three at best, but I can only do them if I do it as first exercise.


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Hey, are you the guard?

How r u

I'm good, not yet cooronad
You just sit there and let people in or what?

I go on patrols around and inside complex, I check who goes in, rn Im at one stand at reception, bored af. I have work laptop but i can only check news and use YT, cannot play vidya.
Im bored

How long is a shift then? 12h?

Yes 12h. I finish in 6h.
Btw Im fridgeanon nice to meet u

being a guard always seemed super cosy to me
(if you could be on computer during night shifts)

Yea I can but at night I do patrols and inbetween I nap lol

How often do you work then? 5 days one week, 2 day the next?

I work at Securitas myself

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We have Securitas here too but I work in regional company.
I work 168h a month. I could do more hours
If I cross the limit I could lose disability bux


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Ah, we have a 165,5h/month limit

cosy stuff

Oh, and here you can't have any disability

This software always says rounder faces = Polish, I've found.

In SWEDEN? O_o That's a shocker desu.I imagine some other system is in place though? A more universal one?
You know, Sweden being more socialist meme and all

Really? Fucc

tfw no hot teacher gf

Nah. To become a normal guard you have to have what is called VU1+VU2 (security guard education), and a authorization by Länsstyrelsen (the state). Just things like a speeding ticket may block you from becoming a guard.

do your face next

I can do 10 as well despite stopping working out, my upper body is naturally strong

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How is the pay? In croatia you cant live a decent life with it
And how is your relationship with girls? I bet they dont find it attractive.

I don't have that app.

barely 3
Im a very tall skinnyfat guy