>your country
>would you rather have a daughter or a son
Your country
*hits pipe*
do you really want an answer to that question?
A son because I have the philosophy that you are a giant cuck when you have a daughter because you can't shield her from dicks other than your own and everybody knows that all women belong to incels like us, even our daughters.
Neither. Dual Income. No kids. Kino life.
Two sons and one daughter
Girl (male)
Son. If you want a daughter you are a pedo and need to be beaten by local anti-degeneracy squad
Are you white?
A daughter/lgf, of course.
Both is cuckold.
For the boy you prep the BVLL to have sex with other women while the girl you prep her for the BVLL.
Only way is good if they become nuns or monk.
one of each
based fellow logical thinkers
son so I don't have to pay for a wedding or all of the other crazy shit women expect
imma just gonna fuck my daughter
This. Having children is the most cucked thing in life. You are essentially clothing, feeding and wasting potentially millions on people who will leave u to die alone anyway. I'd rather use the money to enjoy my old age
According to my taxes I am.
One of each
Knew before I clicked
how is having a son BVUL is cuck ?
I'd rather have a son because its just easier in so many regards, but my brothers took the easy job and gave me 4 smart and impressive enough nephews. I'd have to have daughters to make breeding worthwile. Although posting this on this website is likely to bring out some troll probably FBI making up some shit about me being a pervert that just wants to have father daughter sex or some gay ass shit like you'd almost find in the bible even. Fucking weird world were living in.
But they give you family, otherwise you will die a bitter old man alone. Imagine getting birthday presents from your son, or when he buys a car and gives you a ride in it. It's sad that most old yt man are lonely as fuck because you don't have family values anymore.
I feel like having a daughter would be better than having a son until they hit puberty and it’s reversed
A son. I honestly feel like I could pass on to him a lot of knowledge I obtained through suffering in life. I am familiar with how women act and feel, but I still cannot fundamentally embrace their way of functioning as something natural, it's always alien. I want to have a son so that I can try to be the parent I wish my parents had been.
If I had a daughter I would still love her, of course, I just feel like I would have a huge disconnect with her at a fundamental level at a certain point in her life, like I have with all women. They just feel and experience things differently, and what makes sense to them is not what makes sense to me. I can still predict what they are feeling based on the simple fact they are women, but I still do not understand it.
You’re just saying that because there’s no asians in Austria for you to breed with
Two sons and a daughter.
>90% chance your genes will carry on
>Father-daughter relationship is rather relaxed
>You will always be the one she looks for help
>You can coddle your daughter and spoil her to raise her expectations for other men
>Annoying piece of shit that challenges you
>Chance of becoming a turbo-incel
>If not an incel there is a chance your son might just die because of stupid shit young men do
>40% chance your genes carry on
>very very very small chance your son becomes a chad and will most likely just be a disappointment
I wouldn't care. I'd raise them to be hardasses regardless. A tough girl is 1000 times rarer than a tough boy.
Stupid stereotypes.
You should encourage your son challenging you. Why would you feel threatened by him? You should want your son to be the best human being he can ever be. You should meet his challenge and help him grow in the process.
Just because it's a boy it doesn't mean you cannot give him love and physical affection as well. Why wouldn't you kiss your baby boy in the cheek and hug as you would your daughter? Why wouldn't you want to teach your boy self respect and not to let himself by manipulated by girl that treat him badly as well? Your child is a human being, period.
>You should encourage your son challenging you.
Don't want to spend my life shaping my son who might just turn out to be a faggot
>Why would you feel threatened by him?
I don't. I simply just don't feel like wasting my time with a son when I can do other fun stuff.
>You should want your son to be the best human being he can ever be.
I can't dictate how he ought to be. I can't control him even if I wanted to. And I don't want to.
>You should meet his challenge and help him grow in the process.
Why? I simply want my genes to pass on. Sons require so much extra work. Having a son is a high risk and high reward for a lot of work. Fuck that.
>Just because it's a boy it doesn't mean you cannot give him love and physical affection as well.
Young daughter look cute and adorable. Young sons look repulsive and stupid. Girls are more prone to obedience which suits me.
>Why wouldn't you kiss your baby boy in the cheek and hug as you would your daughter?
Have you seen young boys? Do you remember yourself as a young boy? Young boys are fucking animals.
>Why wouldn't you want to teach your boy self respect and not to let himself by manipulated by girl that treat him badly as well?
Men are only truly shaped by the reality of the world. Fathers can't and should not help them at all. The cruelty and harsh demand that being a man brings is enough to raise a son. If I were to hold his hand, I would merely doom him in the process.
>Your child is a human being, period.
>I simply just don't feel like wasting my time with a son when I can do other fun stuff.
I know I would just want to fuck my daughter.
Extremely fucking bluepilled beta opinion, every real mans dream is that his son surpasses him in every aspect. If you feel threatened by your own son or his success or anything about him you are a fucking beta, you should look with pride as your son slowly surpasses you from things you taught him. You going to get butthurt if he benchpresses more than you? No you are going to say good job and that is my boy, you either didn't have a dad or the one you had was a fucking fag.
I never implied you should decide what your son would be like. I was saying that if it does happen that he feels the need to challenge you, you should encourage it, but not make it easy for him.
I was trying to convey the message that you should let your kids develop themselves, like a plant, while nurturing them and giving them all they need to be healthy.
However, there are a few basic moral and ethical principles you should build into them, in my opinion.
If you simply want to pass on your genes just donate sperm, you don't need to raise anyone.
I agree 100%.
Ideally at least one of each
>hits pipe
I probably should not breed
I don't think i would mind either, that is up until the age of around 13. Then i would only want a son, i could not handle a daughter going through puberty and having guys stare at her or the disgusting boys at school trying to do things. A son after that age is much better, just have to worry about car crashes, fights, wearing a condom and other basic stuff. Where as with a daughter, you have no idea what thye do after becoming manipulative succubus after hitting puberty and knowing they can use their sexuality as leverage.
Harder question
Would you rather have:
A. a gay son that only bottoms for HIV POZ black boys and gets his Neg hole pozzed by BBC's and he dies young from AIDS
B. Would you rather have a coal burner daughter that gets pregnant by a black man and gives birth to a retarded half breed turdlet that grows up into a criminal like his father who abandoned him?
Suicide is what i choose
Aspiefag here.
I don't want to take the chance of having a son or daughter that is exactly like me. I wouldn't wish this life upon anybody
Don't know how you morons got the impressions that I would fear my son surpassing me. Either you are incredibly fucking retarded and can't read or you are projecting some hate image of me. I simply don't want and care about 'building' a copy of myself as you dreamers wish to.
And honestly, what is more bluepilled? To accept the fact that kids is simply all about passing on genetic information, which a daughter does more effectively, or being such a downtrodden failure of a person you wish to copy yourself onto your own son and have him be you.
In truth, I would do my son a service in letting him struggle. Simply because men who struggle and overcome are better. Holding his hand as you would is simply crippling him.
How did he raise them to be so smart and impressive ?
Jesus fucking christ this is the most depressing thing I've ever heard of. Not ashamed to admit that I'm that naiive but really you can't get lower than being the father of or related to in any way like living in the same country as such an abomination.
No offense black people its just that this isn't the kind of thing that decent no no, i dont'e even know I'm flabbergasted.
I'm not the tolerant person I thought I was becoming.
based law abiding citizen
For me, its 3 sons (4 if i was living in a rural place
i just a partner i enjoy being with, i am so sad mannnn
god i hate being alone so much
A is better since you don’t cause a mutt to be born
A son, which is great because mine is coming in summer.
Would have as many children or more than Zeus all blue eyed and blonde north mediterrean.
What name frenchanon
Muhammad II
a daughter might become a whore at worst, a son a criminal
but I feel like you can control a daughter better than a son, I know dickheads who had very good parents yet all the whores had shit parenting
Zeus had 7 wives and hundreds of less official wives
We haven't decided yet, wife and I are extremely picky. So far the only name we both think is tolerable is 'Hugo' but it's still pretty mediocre IMO
can the girl in op pic pass as local in italy
>can control a daughter better than a son
This could not be anything further than the truth, daughters are fucking russian roulette-tier. If you are too hard and controlling they become whores and if you are too nice and lenient they become whores. Sons you honestly just do not spoil or pamper and you have a pretty good chance they come out okay if you teach them some stuff. But in this modern age, it is extremely hard to actually raise a child as so many destructive and malicious factors are going on.
"Alexandre" ?
How about
>Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg