/lang/ - Language Learning General

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make chino your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free chino on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of chino chan for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yo aprendiendo castellano sin victoria.

borders closed! no need for languages anymore

This for Anglo-Saxon or Old-Norse speaker.
In Scots there is was -o and -um augmentives, so horsie means small horse and horso means big horse.
-o for substantives and -um for adjectives.
Is this from Anglo-Saxon?

It's still Old English, nibba; we've been over this, and no, OE does not have that kind of augmentative.

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Where does the expression "lui faire sa fête" come from? Same with all the variations like "te faire ta fête".
Reverso has it as either violent or sexual along with the direct translation.

>Busuu offers free live-streamed language classes (that are usually paid) for kids during the pandemic

Are you going to be joining the watch party, lads?

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No you nonce

Oh no not another weeb edition
Stop using weeb pics for /lang/

10 years from now, what will be the 3 most important languages to know?

English, Chinese, Hindi.

What's the fastest way to fix a low vocabulary?
It's basically the one big impediment in listening comprehension once the ear gets used to the language's prosody

Practically every Indian speaks English

Get a book and copy down words that you don’t use

but chino chan

Attached: my wife chino... denm.png (1327x211, 32.79K)

That's true but there is going to be a push for Hindi over the next ten years.

I feel very proud of myself for learning a meagre amount of japanese

can anyone link me a live stream of some german news?

J'étudie français maintenant, et j'ai une question. Comment puis-je différencier entra la pronuntiation de "mer" et "mère"? Je ne peux pas remarquer la différence.

You have the "langsam gesprochene Nachrichten" each day.

Je pense qu'ils sont homophones

you mean other than DW?
cause otherwise:
>Live filter

Oui, ça est ce que je pensais.

i forgot about DW. thanks

why are you learning German btw?

i like the language and country. rich cultural history, substantial scientific and philosophical contributions, amazing engineering and infrastructure in their cities


German is actually an extremely popular language among polyglots. Like whenever you have those people doing videos with speaking in 10+ languages, you're almost guaranteed German will be one of them. I'm also in numerous polyglot and language-learner groups on Facebook and most people seem to be learning German, from all parts of the world, not just central and eastern Europe (where it's taught in schools). It's quite interesting honestly.

Very strange that Old English doesn't have it.
I have no idea where it is from.
Thank you from your answer.

How hard is Finnish

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Japanese is easier

I need to stop playing video games and actually study. The entire world is on pause and I am wasting it.

Fuck it, bros. From now on I'll just do 1 exercise and 1 lesson on Duolingo everyday. The rest of the time I'll be consuming media while looking up for words I don't know and consulting grammar points.

Yes. Just imagine. You could -practically- become fluent in Scots during this break but you are wasting it.

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I wanna be Dutch!!!!

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based & redpilled

more like duoNIGGO


How in the FUCK do you roll your r's (trill)? Fuck me I've developed a had habit of making some weird guttural sound that kind of sounds like it but it sounds more like I'm choking on something. Ik there's tons of guides online but which ones a good one?

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You can't learn it.
You just have to live the rest of your life being disabled.

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opinion discarded

What's so hard?
I couldn't trill in Russian too until I was about 13 when I decided one day that I should learn how already and stop sounding like a retard. Literally took me a day. If you're curious I used to pronounce it as [ʁ].
If you are American try saying "put it up" repeatedly as fast as you can, some other burger reported it helped him.

I think it's the fact I developed this bad habit that's making it hard, keep falling back to it to make the sound. Hopefully with some practice in quarantine I'll get the hang of it

thocht ordit.

I learned to roll my r when i was like 6
I was so happy when i finally figured out how to make that sound

Kind of funny how people here actually struggle to not trill their R's while speaking English. It's one of the things I have to consciously remind myself to do while speaking English. Also this is one of the reasons why I kept getting "hard" and "soft" consonants mixed up in Russian. We usually say we want to "soften" our R's so I thought that soft sounds came from moving your tongue back not the opposite.

just posting for reference

b s/ss a ae ey
d sh i ie y
j t u o owe
f ch/tch e ou oy
g þ ui ghou
gh ð aa
c v
l u
m quh/hw
n ch
ng z/s
p qu

bac sauf/poliss at tae gey
den ship it tien by
jamp tap up on growe
fliem chair et out boy
grip þing puir ghou
ghont ðe saaft
cin verra
lauch uatter
mak quhat/hwat
nicht loch
sang zulu/pleis
pap quien

>How in the FUCK do you roll your r's (trill)?
The key is to stop thinking of /r/ as anything like [ɹ]; [ɹ] is quite an oddity in the /r/-spectrum, and [r] and [ɹ] are pronounced in fundamentally different positions in the mouth. This whole mentality applies to any phoneme btw; one should strive to not settle for approximations.

Now to the practicality:
Put the tip of your tongue against the upper part of your front teeth, where they meet the roof of your mouth. From there, pull your tongue-tip back a bit, to where you can feel the roof of your mouth getting higher. Then blow air.
Grats, you can now trill.

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German is what got me interested in languages. Back when I only had English classes, I thought all foreign languages other than English were useless and boring. Mandatory German classes quickly made me change my mind and even sign up for French because I wanted more.
Dunno about other countries but here like 90% of people hate on German because they think it's hard, boring and ugly. People who like or have a talent for languages don't have this sort of prejudice of the language though, they don't really hate on any languages.

ok I think I'm getting it...

sorry if this autistic lads but does this sound like a trill or am I doing gutteral sounds again

It sounds like your trilling from your throat
Don't obstruct your throat user, your thrill has to come solely from your tongue

>It sounds like your trilling from your throat
Exactly this. Make sure that the vibrations are located solely between the Alveolar Ridge and your tongue.

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fuuuuuck that's the bad habit I was talking about, will practice more... thanks bros

I want to learn russian but i think german will be more useful,also want to learn swedish because there is a chance to go there.But in the end i don`t do nothing
What do ?

I don't think I do a very good job but I basically just started trying to pronounce it randomly (in public too) until I got ok(?) At it, most of my coworkers probably think I have autism though
I could send a vocaro maybe, I might be pronouncing it poorly

>your thrill has to come solely from your tongue
sounds kinky :^)

>What do ?
Learn Swedish of course.

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It's easy bro just learn it

>an*lo making fun of anyone else regarding langauges

>I'm making a new conlang
>it's a sequel to English

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Did you fix spelling

Any tips on learning new languages? Already read the wiki.

Not fully but I'm adding more nuances to the spelling. More silent letters, for sure.

>suga min kuk
>hur mar du
That`s the furthest extent i have in svenska.Any tips, swedebro?

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Have a variety of study materials
Develop a routine you can stick to
Collect media in your target lang that interests you
Find excuses to use the language even if it's just shitposting

I'm just triggered by the infinitive verb being used here rather than the imperative 2bh

[spoiler]I reckon you were just posting profanities for the sake of it[/spoiler]

Ana aia zici ca a mancat uraniu de dimineata si dup-aia s-a dus sa-i faca poza pt ambalaj