Meridional gallic phenotype edition
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
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It's funny because Nice is in Provence too
no its not
Funny or in Provence
Good night
aaaaaaaa soon
page 10
I'm am awake
Got my census form in the mail.
we're gonna be okay
this is only the first wave, dump it
I'm memeing, we're like 10% up; that's nothing when taking into consideration the crash was like 50%.
What does this mean? A fake BOG?
I sip.
Sippin' status: in progress
if i bought shitcoin yesterday i could have been up goddamniit i was convinced it was gonna tank harder due to oil prices
thems the bricks.
It probably will. I did buy a little bit today (like $50) but I would be extremely cautious.
its ok i'll just spend it all on drugs anyway
oh okay
americans sent help to a town near mine (built tent hospital with 60 beds and 8 icu) so yeah i guess a thank you is in order
based, fuck reality
just saved Italy lads
>implying drugs remove you from reality and don't just alter it
more like blueballed haha
bouta do a big cum
>not doing copious amounts of lsd to connect with deeper (you)
I don't know where to buy it.
connect with deeper me.. hmmm. I'd just go fishing on the river I think. just need some quiet.
psychedelics are overrated
If you do bad ones, yeah. I did truffles once and it was a blast — aside from having to eat them, because they were disgusting.
ummm I'm just stopping by to tell you that the guy in the OP looks a lot like this old australian personality, Dipper. He was a former AFL (Aussie Football League) player who was in many ads for a deparment store called Dimmey's & Forges during the 1990s. Your picture immediately transported me back to my childhood. Thanks for reading my informative cultural announcement
remember the Hong Kong protests?
I don't
herro prease derete dis post it is velly insensiterrr
t. auslalian civirian
the what now
i remember "no trust china, china asshole"
Remember the... uhh can't remember what it was.
i do though
oh yeah I remember that
good times
we talking about the french church that burned down? you call that good?
all of paris was the plan but its a start
so yeah good times
noooooo not the heckin churcherino
i like old building.
I'm still here after my important cultural post
why don't people in this general reply to each other, what a strange culture
why do i have to share opinions with bruce
i dont like you
hows it crackin cunt pass me that bottle of VB aye cunt? oy wheres the vegemite
>cunts still haven't lowered gas prices in town
fucking kikery the likes of which i haven't seen in awhile.
because we play little games.
what does his shirt say? is it cut off?
not you cunt
Cool. Why they did it?
burzum it was vargs band
say the line Bart
pffft varg the e-celeb. I didnt know I had respect to lose just now.
because its not needed
lol thats a great sentence
in ya jocks LMAO
then who?
haha, take THIS
bruce you moron
mais je t'aime, mon cher amant
hella gay
l'amour entre deux hommes n'est pas gay, c'est de l'amour pur
>he doesnt know about the analogs and alternatives
commit suicide
on my way to the noose shop, gonna get one with pink LEDs and hello kitty tags
Les pâtisseries françaises sont assez bonnes donc je ne m'en plains pas.
how did I do?
imagine having a pink loicense
pretty gay haha
pathetic attempt dont speak french ever again
can we get some l o n g bois in here
please gib pastry breads & cakes. you have so many. I think you could share.
>ahhhhhhhh C H O M P