Your country

>your country
>does your company use pic related?
>do you like it?
germany, yes of course we use sap. i hate it

Attached: SAP-512x350[1].jpg (512x350, 38.84K)

fuck sap

>luckily I don't have to ever interact with it, our SAP team are easily the most miserable people in the office

I've used it in some companies I've worked for, I wouldn't use it for my own business
Basically, to anyone who hasn't used it, you're grabbing a big handful of literal autism, shoving it into a massive blunt and lighting it, then you're now smoking literal autism in real time, unfiltered and raw

I actually programmed in ABAP for a year until I moved on to other ERP

Working Homeoffice on it right now and I fucking hate it. And because of the fucking chink flu I can't even quit.

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Yes, it fucking sucks

I work in a law firm and some of our clients use SAP. I can't talk about the programming side but their contracts are some Faustian shit. Basically you agree that SAP can come over and fuck your wife if you so much as think about cancelling the contract

No, Russia uses 1C: the program that Satan personally did.

We use mostly our analogue

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Why do you guys hate it?


Did you enjoy programming ABAP?

No, all I know about SAP is German soccer autists hate the owner for living his childhood dream.

My dad is a SAP consultant and has personally met Dietmar Hopp. I have no idea how the software works or what it even looks like

Some companies use SAP, but much more local compnies use our own picrel

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(shitposting aside i didnt know about 1C. thanks for the info)

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Can you please expand I am curious

they are the giga boomers


It's shit but you don't have anything comparable in that scale. Fortunately I could convince my boss to develop mobile apps on AWS instead of the shitty SAP cloud platform.

>everyone ITT jelly of SAP consultants and devs because they can't grasp the complex system

I hear SAP consultants make crazy dough. Is this true?

Basically in addition to the annual license for the software you also pay a support fee that's roughly 20% of the license itself, so in about 5 years time you've bought it twice. You have a very short window to notify SAP in order to cancel and if you miss it, your license is auto-renewed. Also, if you cancel for, let's say 3 years and then you want to buy it again, you have to pay them for that 3 years worth of support in addition to the license, just as an additional "fuck you" for cancelling

It pays well I heard, I did a couple of classes about it back in college with Business One and ABAP and I didn't like it, very unintuitive and it seemed like you're doing trial and error to make something work.

yes hehee

can confirm

How much about?

google “1c:Enterprise”

not him but a friend works as a consultant and he makes 51k. he's 26

Thats pretty good for that young

>no, as I don't use it very often I'm not an expert but the whole thing is autistic. I mean you need to click on 25 tabs and 2 differents things to send back a document by mail you already sent. This is not ergonomic at all for people who doesn't spend the whole day on it

No we don't. Never heard of it before.

Why does ERP software suck so fucking much?

desu all these ERP languages are a bore, after that I worked with Oracle's 'peoplecode' which was also ass

if I want to relax, for me it's C#, if I want to get something done it's C++

so what is this? Everyone seems clued in on it

German autism

i can only speak for sap
its bascially what they said
processes are convoluted and thats because they basically added new features to the already existing mess which led to even more encapsulation

I was working with ORACLE before and this is the same autistic shit desu.

>why yes I still use AS400, how did you know it?

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>using anything german

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What is everyone's problem with SAP?
Yes it's extremely rigid, but as long as you have the right access, or have a contact that has that access its fine.
It's far more functional than (((salesforce)))

I read the description of it like 5 times and I still don't get what it does

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It's fucking terrible

>ORACLE before and this is the same autistic shit desu.
Oracle is a notable exception to the "ERP software sucks" rule because Oracle doesn't have a single good product nowadays and a few years back every single piece of software that was of better-than-average quality was just inherited from their acquisition of Sun.

Its make-work for accountant bean-counters and done in such a way which makes industrialised autism part of your life

you can save users
said user has access rights to specific modules (finance, logistics...)
said user can do transactions. that means he change values in a database

whats that?

I used to work next to the Oracle building in Sydney, it was spooky quiet

'Make-Work' is essentially an extraneous process you throw into something to keep otherwise useless cunts busy

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Should I learn sap and become a consultant, kraut user says it's big bucks business

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Its big buck business but you will be useless for anything else and want to kill yourself 24/7

whats SAP?
SAP people get paid a lot

Its a soulless monstrosity business Software thing. the lovechild of autism anf Chaos given form. Grown over decades with pretty much its own language based on fucking cobol. You can do pretty much everything related to Business with it, but it comes at a terrible cost not just monetary. SAP people sell their soul for money not realizing what terrible mistake it was until its too late.

How does one become a "consultant"

I've worked for a German multinational
SAP was more or less the company. It was hell

I work for them..... The San Jose team poached all my ideas and took credit for it.

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Average SAP consultant is some neckbeard getting paid €18/hour while his boss charges €90 just so he can show up late and start googling the problem.

Even the SAP FAQ is autistic
Real Wikipedia definition here

We use the open source odoo, my boss spends 40% of the time he's at the computer making pointless changes and another 30% fixing things he broke, fortunately I'm not the accountant.

Why don't you guys use Odoo ? It's free and opensource and just works


Small business = Odoo
Big business = SAP


Making WFH still hell

I see many people complain about it.
In my company it was very well implemented and actually really usefull.

Sure its useful but working on it on thr technical end is hell. The User doesnt notice until it gets too much for the techies.