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Going out in the snowy garden with my slippers wasn't the best idea, it appears...


I'd shag the corona out of here if you catch my drift...

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I work better at night.

I'd shag the corona out of her any day.

She was an exchange student at my fren's uni last year btw.

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DOW Jones? More like DOWN Jones. lmao

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>This is a Sırp
He loox like the local vinyl shop owner back home...

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>It's STILL snowing
God's blood, we're in March...

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I wonder if I should have my third cup of coffee...
It's been hours since my last cup, though I drank two cups consequently...

when is your train/bus?

It was supposed to be at 19:00 but they called me yesterday in the morning and informed me that that ride was cancelled due to technical problems so I got a ticket for an earlier ride.

>Opхaн Mypaд зa кopoнaвиpyca: Bcичкo e плaнyвaнo и въpви пo плaн
oх дoбpe чe e тoзи цигaнин дa ни cвeтнe

nigga just go to sleep lol

Go to bed...

dobre che si ti da ni svetnesh za ciganina

like really the fuck are you doing

Shitposting on /balk/ and practising some Hungarian on Duolingo atm. I'll head down to the dining hall in a few mins to have me a breakfast. Then I'll come back and take a shower. Then I'll put my bathrobe and bedclothes to my luggage.

in my luggage*
I've decided to have some tea at the breakfast instead.

I mean why the fuck aren't you sleeping ffs you got so much time

Last time I slept (yesterday), I had a nightmare. No thanx.

it won't get better like this , you're just frying your brain like this

Better than having my imaginary expensive alcohol stolen. Though other than that, the dream was pretty fine actually.

Though, that's not the real reason why I'm not sleeping kek. I was merely taking the piss. I'm not sleeping because I'm not sleepy (after all the coffee) and I if I slept, I prolly wouldn't be able to wake up on time...

Since I'm alone in my room, I use the opportunity to dance...

you've got 12 hours

You're underestimating my autism, Rasha...

more like your retardation

>Earphone plugged in phone
>*The American anthem earrape alarm goes off*


wake the fuck up nigrs

I've been awake for hours. I'm back from the breakfast.

so this is what tranlo is up to

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>tfw no Tranlo
I suffer in Turkey. If only I were born in the paradise that is Bulgareli...

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you'd still be an incel virgin freak you know

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Touché, Rasha...

He cute

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Who is this semen angel??

I know you miss your friends and all, but seeing them in me is not a sign of good mental health, stop it.

He's the head of our anti-Corona organisation.


Guys I think I fucking Sashko'd my friend. Yesterday I thought to myself how obnoxious he has been in regards to drooling over his gf and today she dumped him.

I understand...

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are you the nigga that was the third wheeler user from a few weeks ago?
it's fine and all for me, but it ain't good for you

Yeah dude. Chick has some fucking issues in regards to getting over her past boyfriend apparently.

lol, keep an eye out for her trying to hit on you like I told you

гoджи, used to play guitar for slavishow

>tfw no gf to dump you
why live

>tfw no Bulgar gf to suck her dick
why live

Nice try, XpoZed...

mornin' faggots

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Уaт мийн??


Need to start getting up even earlier

>He slept


>1 in 4 people in Turkey has got a tattoo

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Last one I'm doing, I sound like shit

Not sick enough to die.