Why Yas Forums want to racemix with asian girls but not with latinas ?

Why Yas Forums want to racemix with asian girls but not with latinas ?

They are hotter and have more soul
Also your son will be nearly white
With an Asian girl, he will look an Down syndrome incel

The only goodside of WMAF is that this making Asians cucks mad

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No they don't.
t. flag

Because Latino girls are stinky,manly,ugly.
Asian women are so much better.

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I want to racemix with every women race

Even white women are ugly and stinky.
Looks old.

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You are getting AMERICANED ?

Even abos?

Don’t care jap incel
Gtfo of the thread


Your ugly corona virus frog girls can't compete with Japanese qt.

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Oh God it's this delusional netouyo again

>Because Latino girls are stinky,manly,ugly.
no u

Attached: tfw no Venezuelan gf.jpg (1200x900, 167.3K)

if they are hot, why the fuck not. Sadly, not a lot of those around for my tastes.

How can stinky fatty muttoid girls compete with Japanese qt?

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Only yellow fever retards want it.



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ugly manface.

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I’m already on it :^)

Jap incel



Attached: tfw no Uruguayan-Armenian gf.webm (1280x720, 3M)

no you
Your women looks too old,manly.

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nice fabrication davido-kun. stay jelly

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Ok Retarded
Ok Retarded

No it’s just that you are low t faggot

Honestly if you have "racemix" and "WMAF" in your vocabulary your prospects at a functional love life seem slim

Racemixing between any race is good for the genome and the soul. Godspeed!

Non-Asian girls are manly,stinky.
looks too old.
Femininity is most important.

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I disagree I think most people on this board like latina girls. Alhtough threads for liking latina girls don't usally get attacked whreas threads for liking asian women results in complete sperg outs

>Latino girls

this saying stuff like WMAF and AMWF BMWF as opposed to White guys and asian girls or black guys and white girls orginated from r/hapas don't use that talk


Latinas get really fat really fast.

>threads for liking asian women results in complete sperg outs
I only see one poster sperging out itt

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Hate Asian girls more than black women

I feel nauseous when I see Asian girls

What about words like miscegenation?

Non-Asian girls are not women to me.
I feel nauseous when I see Non-Asian girlsgirls

what's her name again i'm in a milktruck phase

I don't like Asian girls because I'm not a lolicon.I like beautiful Arab and Latin women

Latinas are just knock off white girls

White girls are best. Simple as

Asian women are not loli. They just look very young and feminine.
This is why Asian women are best.

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You have retard taste.
White women,Latino women,Black women are ugly manface.

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>Also your son will be nearly white
I'm like 80% injun so not really

Attached: tfw no Brazilian gf.png (593x737, 760.58K)

While you guys are over here fighting over which race of women is the best, Chad is fucking them and filling them up in every hole. Absolute cucks, the lot of you.

Shut up. Asian women are short and big face、 and have a small ass. The face is very ugly if you don't make up.

Latinoid girls just look more sweet to me than the girls from other races therefore I prefer them to the rest of the girls in the world.

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Because there may be far and doesn't know it, we can describe dreams.

matti marroni


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all races can either be hit or ugly, it depends on the woman.

From my general experience where i live. Guys who like non white girls the order goes
1 Latina
2 Asian
4 Pajeeta
5 Black

t.lot t cuck pedo

That thing has less meat than an African child.

Japanese or Chinese.


>please fuck my woman

Kek this, sudacas and asians are massive cucks