
How are you going to spend your trump buxx my fellow Americans?

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Buying a computer after the FBI seized my last one

1000 for retirement
1000 to wipe

1000 for drugs
1000 for child porn

Didn't I read this was only for "working Americans," i.e., people with jobs? No buxx for you, NEETs.

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Is this actually official? I thought we were getting $1000?

No, OP's pic is Bernie Bucks proposal. Trump Bucks will only be paid out to people who paid at least $10K in federal taxes last year.

economic brainlet here.
how do they afford this? how can they just give everyone 2k?

I'd buy another gun, some drum mags, and some video games. maybe I'll get my gf like a subway gift card or something.

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Imagine the inlfation

Do you still get it if you are not American?

pelosi not approving it

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they just print more money

I've heard it's based off of who filed their taxes last year
I worked only 10 hours last year before I quit, but I still filed anyway for this lmao

>how do they afford this? how can they just give everyone 2k?
just print more money bro
am not joking either

How did you get a gf despite being a brainlet? Do you look really good?

>paid out to people who paid at least $10K in federal taxes last year.

?? What if you are in US though? I will file taxes very soon.

>How are you going to spend your trump buxx my fellow Americans?
hentai and weed

Toilet paper

Dunno, I'd file just in case anyway. There's nothing about citizenship when filing W2s so you may have a chance

another brainlet question: isn't that bad? aren't you supposed to, like, NOT do that?

I approach women in person and talk to them.

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just print money now, will be repay by future generations of americans

>isn't that bad? aren't you supposed to, like, NOT do that?
Yeah, when the dollar used to be backed by Gold but now its not backed by anything so more free money :)

Why? Are your parents illegals son?

> I approach women in person and talk to them.
How do you find them to talk to? In bars?

Inflation is bad, but more printed money ≠ more inflation. Nobody here can actually answer if this instance is terrible, go ask Yas Forums or be content with being a brainlet like me.

No, I am legal here, first in my family

>implying money works that way
lol, not for the Feds it dont

I'm in graduate school so they're still quite a few within reach. My gf now is from college. I understand now that the whole dating scene is so shit, that even though my gf is a nightmare to handle, I'd rather have her than go back into the minefield of modern dating.

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>are your parents illegal?
>no I am the only one who is legal

maybe donate it to red cross. I'm not a poorfag, and I sure as hell won't take nigger gibs from a nanny state

Based Reaganite CEO, keeping it American.

You can raise taxes to extract it, but it takes longer to extract it compared to injecting it, plus prices would take longer to adjust

lol clown

>first in my family
Even this ESL immigrant has better reading comprehension than you

appreciate the honesty. I'll stay content with being a brainlet. someone said that the 0% interest lending is also insane.

Very nice

A true and based red-blooded American.

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i know you're joking but there's absolutely going to be people doing that

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>tfw my job just ended a few days ago

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People who make over $80K/yr will end up paying way more than $10K in federal taxes each year.

Ohh glad to hear you are happy at least.

No I am the first person in my family in US

I make 180k/ year but I would gladly take it. What is the state gonna spend it on? They couldn't even fucking stop a pandemic


Print money distribute you spend it on consumer goods you get consumer goods sellers get more money

Get a sugarbaby

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Based, fuck these Yas Forumstards frothing at the mouth for gibs just because daddy trump is writing the checks

Unironically based.

Are any socialism-hating magapedes outraged about this?


The inflation is going straight to paper assets like the stock market then whipsaws back into the bond market and crushes sinks yields once institutional investors go risk-off. Once the fear from the virus subsides the cash will go pouring back into stocks since theres no yield in fixed income blowing up a bigger bubble than before. Then a bigger crash follows. Rinse repeat.

Haven't decided. If I go to grad school this year, I'll put it towards that. If not, I'll blow it on the new Xbox.

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Heh, I'm buying crypto and a sex doll. I'll ride out this virus on a doll dressed as my waifu

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probably put it into stocks when they are lower or just save it for august when i leave NEETdom and go back to school

Rent and then into either my savings or stocks


>paying for cp

You ain't getting that money Turk

>dems saying no to money right before an election in the middle of a crisis.
Jesus, just resign now.

Please tell me this is not happening. I hate this.

the article says she’s negiogiating with the White House to make it means tested, I.e. rich fags don’t get it, which is what basically Trump and Munchin said they wanted to prevent too