Why is the death rate so low in Germany but high in Spain and Italy?

Why is the death rate so low in Germany but high in Spain and Italy?

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german numbers are hihgly suspicious

germs have some of the best emergency response planning and highest preparedness in EU for medical disaster

T. Medical researcher

God hates med boomers and wants their death

rate: we test a shitton, 160k a week

there are way more actual cases in Italy than they know about

Difference of valutation of the death cause.
Here (and i suppose in Spain) everybody dead becuae of covid is recorded as ''covid death'' (example: you've a normal hypertension, you get corona, you die and you're died because of corona).
In Germany probably the add to the list people without ANY other ''disease'', from meme deseases like little hypertension or ''psycho problems'', diabete, etc.
So in Germany if you have diabetes and you die ''with corona'', yu're died ''cause of diabetes''. Simply.
We really need an international standard of the ''death by covid'' parameter/definition

still 0 death in finland

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that may be the case but do all reports of deaths in Italy are attributed to covid or assumed? If someone dies of the flu or another corona type virus there, do they test or just assume it's covid19


Right now we are just lucky. Lets talk about our death rate in some months.

Germans are testing more.
Italians and Spaniards are testing much less.
Also Italy has had some hospitals fill up.

The CFR on Diamond Princess is still ~1%, and they are way older than Germany or Italy is.
Italy simply is undertesting and also has some blown out hospitals.

LOT of the West, including most of EU and USA and especially Italy is undertesting. Germany is just a rare exception to the rule.

ICU beds, and in Germany they test everybody, In Spain and Italy no.

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I'ts quite the opposite. A member of my family died of ''unusual violent pneumonia'' with other 15 (sic) elders in his retirement house and they didn't tested.
Here i think that the death are underestimated, as the infections. Some virologist think that real infected people are likely 100.000 so the death rate is still low.
I'ts not a matter of ''coping'' because i'm not ''envious'' or such retarded things since we're talking about human life ... it's just an assumption because holy fuck, you're the ONLY with such low death rate
Yes, there are at least 100.000 infected as many other unreported deaths

The problem isn the ''deaths'', but the hospital collapses

doesn't germany undertests vs italy? i understand the american not being aware


Probably also because germanic boomers don't spend that much time outside in public. All of them sit inside watching TV

I think Germany got onto it quite quickly compared to Italy. What even is the treatment like?

> it's just an assumption because holy fuck, you're the ONLY with such low death rate
In this case it is a cope. Doctors are required to report any suspicious case. And this works fairly well.

Another thing to keep in mind is that we are still in the early stage. And many people who are infected seem to be younger than Italy.

Not much you can do other than throwing oxygen at people and feed them malaria medicine

>A member of my family died of ''unusual violent pneumonia'' with other 15 (sic) elders in his retirement house and they didn't tested.
well i still think they were counted in the statistics
>Here i think that the death are underestimated, as the infections. Some virologist think that real infected people are likely 100.000 so the death rate is still low.
there are always more infected people just not enough tests. I think the british/dutch approach might work you just took measures way too late.

That's unironically one of the main reason of the spreading.
''late boomers'' and elders here have an unusual sociality compared to northern countries: the go to gyms, bars, to lay cards, chess, to dance folk songs etc

2/3 of our boomers are pretty nervous hiding inside their homes. The other 1/3 doesn't give a shit and meets in large groups to enjoy the sun.

German government didn't release how much they tested.

>well i still think they were counted in the statistics
No they weren't the morgue wrote ''pneumonia''.
Keep in mind that funerals are forbidden: they got directly into a black bag into a freezig chamber.
That's weird.

>if it goes to africa or south america

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I hope you will never reach our levels. I wouldn't promise this situation to anyone.
>And many people who are infected seem to be younger than Italy.
Here it's mostlu a 50+ thing but in the ''black areas'' even some people in their 30s started to die

Its not the "tests per million" you should look at. Undertesting means you aren't testing enough to grab all the mild or even asymptomatic/presymtomatic cases in your country. Italy's outbreak is so huge they can't even keep up with it, they have no choice but to undertest. USA is the same but not because we have such big numbers of sick (at least not relative to the population) but because we dont know wtf a test is or what it does and it seems a pain in the ass.

Diamond Princess cruise ship is the best data set we have for the full spectrum of disease. Their CFR is 1%, in spite of being a much older set of people than any nation (the average age is 58, Italy is very old nation but only 46 average age). Their outbreak also started earlier than any nation outside of China, so you can't say that their death rate will spike up to Italy-tier later.

For all nation, their "real" CFR is probably less than 1%, because they are younger than Diamond Princess. Korea reflects this. Germany reflects this. Many other nations reflect this. Italy does not. Because Italy cannot test enough of their mild cases. And also, of course, their hospitals are full so cannot hope to get everyone treatment, that will naturally cause the death rate to increase pretty fast too. Germany has a more "real" picture of Corona virus.

Africa is full of zoomers. Nigeria's average age is literally 18. They won't even notice Corona, it probably even swept through there ages ago and a Nigerian tourist brought it to Wuhan on accident.

>Eastern Europe
Those poor Slavs.


their bigger risk is probably collective chimpout due to panic of the few severe cases after seeing how all the world is a mess

Knowing the propension to other diseases that they have, it will do a mark even on the youth.

Germans are only three fifths a human

Nah dont confuse real Africans with us high test New Worlder mutts.
They didnt flip at ebola which did kill zoomers, they wont flip at a mild coof.

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I want to see how the health system in my country is overwhelm by inmigrants.

>I hope you will never reach our levels. I wouldn't promise this situation to anyone.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone either. I hope you are able to save as many people as you can. We seem to have caught it somewhat in the early stages slowing down the spread.

The average in Germany seems to be 47. Old people are the ones dying but most cases are zoomers and boomers

>America made the list but not #1

how would "mexico citizens council" know shit about what goes on in africa

zoomers more in the 20+ range. But people in the 30+-50+ range seem to be most affected.

>Korea reflects this.
Korea's closed case fatality rate is 5%.
Calculating mortality rate using unresolved cases is dumb because you don't know how many of them will recover and how many will die.

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What would an Italian coofer know about what goes on in Africa?

im a migrant (perfectly healthy, and i vote PD)

i think u know why...

Meds live with their parents so they are more likely to infect them

Attached: 20161025_Italians_Parents.jpg (960x684, 81.66K)

USA - 9257 infected - 150 deaths
Canada - 727 infected - 9 deaths
Canada (adjusted for population) - 6324 infected - 78 deaths

What the hell is up with the US?

That's why I said CFR and not resolved cases. We dont know the mortality rate til the pandemic is over. WHO uses CFR and so do I.

Diamond Princess resolved case fatality rate is 1.5%, and this is on a very old population. Resolved case fatality rates higher than Diamond Princesses can be for the aforementioned undertesting reason, or because Diamond Princess is an older and completed outbreak, with more time to resolve more cases and no new cases coming in. We should see the "real" fatality rate from them after all their cases resolve, keeping in mind that they are a set of mostly super boomers.

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Dont know what this "adjusted for population" thing means, but Canada is less relevant (thus much less infected) and testing more (thus slightly lower CFR).

>this is on a very old population
Source of the diamond princess cases age?

Honestly, i trust the numbers.

where are the stats on germans infected by age?

>Source of the diamond princess cases age?

>The average age onboard the ship was 58

Keep in mind here the "asymptomatic cases" on the ship are more likely presymptomatic, the paper is still in progress and hasn't been updated since the 5th


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the answer is simple: old people. italy is literally the second country in the world by percentage of over 65 y.o.'s (23%).

that and you have many morons who think they're too smart to stay inside their home, so they go outside and get infected. the average italian's adherence to the rules tends to be... flexible. the tv is drilling in our heads 24/7 to stay the fuck home, which for the italian is hard to do because they're very sociable people in the literal sense of the word.
evidently many haven't grasped yet that this is an emergency, not because corona has a high mortality rate (it doesn't) but simply because our infrastructure cannot handle all these patients. see, italy cuts corners everywhere it can: schools, roads, bridges (just look up Morandi Bridge to witness our national epitome)... public money here gets embezzled or squandered someway somehow, and hospitals are not exempt from that. in naples you have ants in them. money has a funny habit of magically disappearing there too. you see now because so many people are dying for an alleged first world country, because most likely the money that could've gone to buying medical equipment has been wasted to buy some dicksucker's yacht or to launder the mafia's money. it's the italian way bay-bay boo yah

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Italy's is higher than Diamond Princess cases though, and Diamond Princess had 58% of passengers above the age of 60.

The hospitals are a real issue, but Italy simply isn't testing enough, especially people who are only mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic/presymptomatic.

Because canada is colder, most stay at home.

now post the data sheet that includes jews

Is God setting up the world for African domination?

I hope the BBC Warrior memes aren't true.

>Italy simply isn't testing enough
and if you get even more people that are positive? then what? put them in already understaffed hospitals for which universities are RUSHING to give students their degree for them to go into service asap? not to mention overcrowded, since they're literally building tents outside of some hospitals to create more space for patient beds... your suggestion is sound but as it stands it would bring nowhere because of infrastructure issues. for now we hunker down in our homes and hope for the best

You'd get better scientific data and your numbers would look more realistic.
IDEALLY Italy would be able to set up a centralized quarantine like in China. Any positive case is quarantined completely to avoid spreading to family members. Presymptomatic/asymptomatic contacts of mild cases can be tested to quarantine before they start showing symptoms.

But I know. Italy is swamped right now and just trying to make it through. We don't live in an ideal world. But that is why Italy's CFR is much higher

sounds good but like i said they'd probably find a way to fuck it up even further. better leave it at this, trust me, the level of incompetence in this nation for a G20 country truly is something

There might be a bit of that. But they also test A LOT and have massive space in hospitals. We, and I believe Italy, test quite a lot too in the order of 350, and don't have as much space in Hospital. USA tests almost nothing and has reduced space in hospital.

The real death is probably way lower everywhere because there's in reality way much more people infected than it shows in official data, because asymptomatics and the imposibility of knowing in real time the status of the entire population.

The U.S has a lot of ICU units but the way the federal government is handling the situation it won't matter

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God I can't wait until spics starts dying

You mean poor Southern Mexicans? That's not very nice.