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Marx wasnt even part of the proletariat
He was a fucking schizo hack

Thank you for your service

>Anonymous 03/19/20(Thu)00:54:54 No.119833533▶
> (OP)
> (You)

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Class traitors are based.

mios dio


Oh shit, I'm sorry

>Marx wasnt even part of the proletariat
What does that have to do with anything?

Humanist Marx is more appealing and relevant than economist Marx, his theory of alienation and material conception of history is far more relevant and pertinent than ever before.

oh for fucks sake canada dont play coy with me

you cannot deny marx's contribution to economic theory regardless of his position in the social hierarchy.

canadians and australians defending marx

I am not surprised

name one (1) (I) thing he was wrong about

the largest contribution to economics was mathematics and statistics

Ironically the most retarded and evil parts of his philosophy don't come from the fact that he was a Jew, but they come by the fact that he was a German.
Communism is a very German ideology. Too much so.

worlders would've united regardless of ethnicity just to overthrow bourgeoisie

which is derived from marx's and engel's works
they would've and they will

>they would've and they will
okay i'ma waiting

>mathematics and statistics was derived from marx and engels works

Crazy how Trump's so worried about getting reelected during this crisis he's basically gonna implement socialism in exchange for votes

(Yes I know socialism means public ownership of the means of production but Republicans and the wealthy really love the nanny state and seem to have no faith that the unregulated market with be able to hold its own during a crisis)

ironically, marx and engels wrote the book "The German Ideology" as a criticism of the period's zeitgeist. It had become the basis of their later contribution to historical materialism since the dominant and accepted philosophical schools of thought were idealism which was inverted.

marx was heavily influenced by adam smith's "the wealth of nations" which formed the essential basis of his economic ideas and later articulated and expanded upon in "Capital"

What do you think of The Jewish Question?

not familiar with it unfortunately but i know it was a criticism of Bauer and his characterisation of Jews as being the self imposed victims.

legit question to all serious marxists/socialists/communists:

since europe and usa doesnt even have any factory workers and heavy industry, who the fuck is the proleteriat here???????
all the factories moved to fucking china
do you advocate for murder of 90%+ of society, which is roughly how many people dont use a sickle or a hammer in their daily life?????

if so sign me the fuck up lmao i wanna be a commie then cant wait to kill so much random people irl

you already failed to curb the bourgeoisie. why do you think marx called for worldwide revolution?

The class divide is based around one's relationship to the means of production, not the type of work they do.

The vast majority of the population is working class, meaning they have to sell themselves in exchange for a wage/salary, and are not able to purchase the labor of others. The capital class is able to purchase the labor of other people, which they then use to accumulate a private profit through the work being done for them. There's a transitional class of small business owners who are able to do what the capital class does on a small scale, but even these are increasingly being pushed out by big business.

Class still exists even in a service economy.

shut up cracka

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Deluded kike thought he could just ignore the fact that peoples and races exist

Bootlickers btfo

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planned economies

No you for robbing and destroying the wealth of millions of people.

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I don't think communists truly understand the sheer evil.of their ideology.

I'm thinking every communist and their descendants are cursed and haunted.

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wait so people 'working' in the service sector are still considered workers? if you are just sitting on your ass all day selling plastic dildos you imported from china, and your technically illiterate ass which is getting all the electricity you dont know how to produce, all the food you didnt grow, all the mineral and metal wealth you never mined out with mechanization you dont understand, lets say this service sector parasit-i mean worker seizes the means of his fucking unprofitable fast food/office production
what changes?
90% of the population in this bubble economy has a fake job
90% of the 'workers' arent even producing anything

if only the workers benefited from work, legit over 90% of the people in us/eu would be dead

>yes I do believe class struggle is the defining characteristic of all societies, how could you tell?

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Hundreds of millions of bodies are tied to every Marxist

I’m sorry

Communists should be shot on the spot in a perfect world

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Communism the perfect tool for mass murder and dictatorships as well as destroying all law and order.

You can justify murdering your neighbor in or at least communists would try to justify their.crimes and.murders.

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>labor theory of value

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Nah fuck capitalism. I got laid off this morning.

How do communists respond to their million of body mass murders?

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>American invasion of Russia

yeah i never really got the whole kulak thing
its like stalin got bored of pretending, like he just got tired of pretending one day and started murdering people completely randomly

>kill a bunch of random peasants working on their own farms cos they tell you to fuck off from their farms
>30 million people starves
>lol, another victory for the workers!

Communism is evil and immoral.

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Communism is some demonic ritual of human sacrifice I swear.

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You have to be a sociopathic demon to support communism.

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That's pretty much what Judaism is all about
Recently they celebrated Purim, which commemorates a massacre.

>Unable to annul a formal royal decree, the King instead adds to it, permitting the Jews to join together and destroy any and all of those seeking to oppress them (8:1–14). On 13 Adar, Haman's ten sons and 500 other men are killed in Shushan (9:1–12). Upon hearing of this Esther requests it be repeated the next day, whereupon 300 more men are killed (9:13–15). Over 75,000 people are slaughtered by the Jews, who are careful to take no plunder (9:16–17). Mordecai and Esther send letters throughout the provinces instituting an annual commemoration of the Jewish people's redemption, in a holiday called Purim (lots) (9:20–28). Ahasuerus remains very powerful and continues his reign, with Mordecai assuming a prominent position in his court (10:1–3).

If you support communism.you support genociding over hundreds of millions of people who don't support communism.

Yes, I support genociding all 330M americoids

I know you do

Sounds good chief.

I don't understand where you're coming from.

A service economy doesn't produce anything, it provides professionalized services. Like I make my living providing cybersecurity services but I don't mine for materials needed to build computers, nor do I assemble them in a factory. People still need these services done, especially as the economy becomes increasingly higher skilled and complex. Just because someone works in an office for a salary doesn't mean they're any less "working class" than someone who works in a factory for an hourly wage. If you work for someone else in exchange for a wage you're part of the working class. You're only part of the capital class if you're able to purchase the labor of others, and you privately accumulate the profit generated from the work other people do for you.

For the most part the capital class doesn't actually provide anything valuable for the society, they just have access to large amounts of capital which they can use to purchase the labor of large amounts of other people, which furthers their financial power.

When people mean seize the means of production they mean they should be owned by the public and run for its benefit, instead of working for the accumulation of a private profit they have no access to.

>still doesnt dare invade norway
our coastline is burgerproof

>the capital class doesnt actually provide anything of value for the society, they just have access to large amounts of capital
this is your office worker aka 90% of society
he doesnt provide anything useful to society
and yet he has access to the capital of the workers who actually do

>if you work for someone else
but every bigcorp ceo has shareholders he works for
you could be a random average plumber in the usa, and your company you work for could have a pension plan, and this pension fund could be a shareholder that this bigcorp ceo works for

what if you are some average plumber who buys a stock, are you a capitalist or a prole now?

sounds pretty based desu

vai niin! suuren suon henki!
mikä on kohtaloni?

Pepsi counts.


Never apologize to these types of people. They will demand you apologize for more and more and for things you have no control over.
Shut the fuck up.

Commie thinkers and activists almost never are. It’s always self-hating middle and upper class contrarians railing against the very bourgeoise they represent. Real working class people are too busy working to care about revolution, and they have a lot more to lose if revolution fails.

have it

I don't know if you can say office workers provide nothing useful since office workers keep getting hired. The work they do often doesn't provide use to society, but that's because they're hired to help accumulate private profit for the major shareholders of a company, not improve human life. The lack of meaningful or worthwhile work isn't their fault, since the workers are victims of the class system and basically have to take whatever work they can in order to survive.

You are also correct about CEOs. They don't uphold the system of profit seeking every quarter at all costs (no matter what damage it does to their employees, customers, or society as a whole) just because they're bad people. They will be fired from their jobs if they don't constantly bring in a profit for major shareholders, since CEOs are part of the working class and have to sell their labor in exchange for an income (in this case both a salary and probably stock dividends). If they fail they're fired and replaced.

Small time stock ownership usually doesn't generate a significant amount of profit or command over the economic structure of a society, therefore a plumber with stock is still working class.



Are you offering?

spread your cheeks

It’s all optics. Their real goal is to completely destroy and disappear you, but they play the apology game to string you along and assert their dominance.

Not how this works, faggot.

Well see about that, gayboy.

lol rekt

so basically then no one is really this cartoonish capitalist and communist revolution would change absolutely nothing? i mean not even ceo gets sent to the gulag, even he just works like a worker for shareholders and can get fired

so basically nothing is preventing the workers from seizing the means of production by just starting their own company? or by just collectivelly buying shares and stocks of the place they work for?

so why do we need communism again?