Just a flu, issue #2020

The Italian Army carrying the caskets of the dead to crematoria outside of Bergamo, one of the cities that were hit the hardest by the epidemic. You've probably seen that Webm of a newspaper being turned with a lot of pages full of obituaries, it was from Bergamo.
Italy recorded 475 Covid deaths in the last 24 hours.
Does this happen in your country? Will it?

Attached: ETbXOXfXQAErBce.jpg (530x960, 63.98K)

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the flu kills more people than that

>Does this happen in your country?
>Will it?
Yes. Almost guaranteed. Yes.

>does this happen in your country?
it will, and to the retards who were partying on the beaches saying "just a flu bro". those faggots have it coming.



is it just old people tho?

I'm sorry Italianon. You guys REALLY got fucking shafted. This whole thing is really depressing.

It does not happen in Canada but it might. Although right now Canadian government is surprisingly acting and getting stuff done. I think the next to be hardest hit will be USA. Honestly I am very impressed by how the Italian government reacted. Shutting everything down, mass quarantines, banning all sorts of gatherings, religious ceremonies left and right. I honestly never though I would see a Western democracy react like this during my life. It's very sad though all the old Italian people dying. I really wish it was another country like UK instead of Italy. You guys don't deserve this. The nonna's don't deserve this. What do you eat mostly when you are in quarantine?

Attached: Nonna.jpg (500x750, 84.82K)

why are they burning the corpses though? there is no need for that unless the person die in a permafrost area where the virus can survive for centuries.

No dumbass.
Reason why it's only record Old and Weak peoples dead now because it's just a early start.
It's need 1 month or more of suffering for them to die if they fail to beat the virus.

It's need 1 month or more for healthy people i mean.

Imagine actually being afraid of this virus.

Jesus, man.
This is terrible.

>I really wish it was another country like UK instead of Italy
Don't worry their time is coming VERY soon with their heard immunity master plan

You need to chill chink, I asked a question. Btw you anwsered it very bad. No evidence of what you said.

Well it's probably thanks to your sacrifice that we won't get hit as hard. Our government cited Italy as main reason for their harsh countermeasures against Covid-19

I hope this happens in California

To avoid reunions on funerals. The problem is not the corpse.

just don't die lmao

I still don't understand how it got THIS bad in Italy compared to literally everywhere else.

as a 19yo I'm not afraid but I'm afraid for my 82yo nan and 101yo grannan. if you have any old relatives you should be worried.

All were at least 35, mostly people in the 50 - 80 age range. We have a worrying amount of young people in the ICUs though, current trend in unacceptable. I'm going to see if I can find detailed age reports.
I am very sorry for these people too.
I think they can't get a proper burial because graveyards are overworked.
I'm eating pasta and rice, but I am from the south so it's not as bad here for now and the supply chain works fine.

t. doomer

indeed, but I still don't understand why it was so bad on Italy.

Tired of this only old peoples alr.
Even Real Flu kill healthy peoples if they roll the cytokine storm shit or just unlucky.
Also, no evidence? China cases stayed at 80k for some month already even you believe it or not, yet they not fully recovered and many more still keep dying. Don't that enough?

>does this happen in your country?
No, but it will.
It has to.
There are 320,000,000+ of us and ,as you know, we are very social with each other.

I'm not even a fucking doomer. This virus not gonna kill everyone but it's take a long time to kill healthy peoples. Simply at that.

It'll hit us worse.
Our health system is bankrupt. There will be no treatment and people will die for other reasons too because there will be no enough space for everyone

That's good. You should stock up though if you haven't already! I have maybe 2 months of food.

I'm in california and I hope it doesn't.
Nobody here spends their whole life hoping you and your family dies and fails, idk why you insist on it every day.

I don't fear for myself but a lot of people I know are vulnerable and not that old.

>almost the same amount of deaths in italy as in china
>half the number infected
>far smaller population
Why do they keep insisting that the chink numbers are accurate? People keep dying because nobody is taking it seriously.

Because China took it seriously. They started the largest quarantine in the history of mankind.

1. China's numbers are fake.
2. China is a lawless totalitarian shithole that can weld peoples' doors shut to stop the spread of the plague.

Even china number biased, it's likely they keep the virus under control after all of those extreme measure.

California is one of the states that have the economic capacity to handle it, if this happens in CA than the rest of the US will essentially look like a graveyard since healthcare infrastructure isn't that good in many states.



assuming you believe the 80k number is accurate
do you believe chinese medicine is twice as good as the italian one? because that would be the insinuation.
Yes china will have lower numbers but that's just because statistically the first country to get the virus will have the lowest numbers per capita.

Now you try to frame me at a doomer even i already say if peoples fail to beat it.
Good luck with your corona.

>do you believe chinese medicine is twice as good as the italian one? because that would be the insinuation.
Yes, I do.

They also covered it up and let it fester unchecked during the busiest travel period (part of the reason it has fucked the rest of the world), if you believe the CCP numbers you must be braindead, especially in light of how they lied about past SARS outbreaks and at the start of this one.

Attached: xi nothing burger.jpg (597x681, 114.54K)

I hate the Chinese flu!

Proofs about China lying?

What's weird is that the chinese quarantine was enforced many weeks after the virus was first noticed, and Wuhan is connected to major cities. Unless it's true that they had a less virulent strain initially.

This. We just don’t give them a military parade. But we should.

proof the sun rises every morning? some things you can just assume based on past experience, user.

I'm pretty unhappy about how the American media is covering this. The second corona hit Washington state it's like the rest of the world suddenly stopped existing. I've had to listen to the BBC news podcasts to understand what's happening corona-wise in the middle east, africa, south america etc.

This is a global disaster and it doesn't make sense to focus on just your own country, but the media is as selfish as always.

at this rate we're going to top the number of deaths in a few weeks
comparing it to the flu is scientifically wrong

just ask this guy

Attached: http___com.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.jpg (700x394, 48.43K)


im just saying its unstoppable and over for us


About the Chinese numbers even if they are full of shit there are westerners living in cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Shenzhen and nowhere you find reports of mass graves and shit like that.

>a few weeks
It’s not going to last that long

The ''flu'' doesn't intasate E.R like now yearly, so why this situation now and not ''every year with every flu''?

No offense to Italy but you guys fucked up far more than others. You're far from the second country infected, yet none of them are as bad.

>all the old Italian people dying
Not only elders, in the ''black zones'' even some (few for now) people in their 30s started to die

Iran is most likely worse off except their demographics work in their favor

>imagine thinking of yourself smarter than any member of canton governments and federal council

It's because once upon a time WHO declare 2009 H1N1 a pandemic, but in the end it's easy to treat and literally just a flu.
Now people think that another pandemic gonna be easy to treat just like H1N1.

Attached: 2009 flu.jpg (1379x667, 230.21K)

Hahahaha suffer Europe suffer yes hahaha

>I am from the south
I'm from Valle Seriana and here is almost a genocide, i'm not even memeing. You're lucky.

Cope, sergipihno. That's real life not a retarded ''anthropological board'' with internet autistic meme ''muh race muh moors ihihi''. And in real life people die.

Attached: sistemasanitario.png (924x912, 29.16K)

A ''flu'' never did something similar here since 1919 so no, not ''a flu''. Not for us.

I doubt Iran's is that far from us, they've built an actual mass grave.

Attached: 7z4LhkTPNJobxCQpJpH79U-650-80.jpg (650x366, 45.58K)

end times are here

I just mean the reason why peoples think it's just a normal flu.
Yeah, it's not gonna kill everyone. But this virus definitely strong than 1919 flu back in the time peoples still lives with Shit Healthcare, Shit Information, Shit Supply and World War 1.

Iran is definitely worse off. You wouldn't see government officials dropping like flies there if it wasn't the case.

proportionally no.

And Iran is a blocked, satanized country.

I hope this ends the neoliberal/globalization/privatize everything memes.


>Yeah, it's not gonna kill everyone
Yes, that's for sure. But the hospitals are collapsing. The risk now are the ''secondary death'' ... if you have a car crash and you're injuried, what you have to do if the ambulances are busy and the E.R. full of covids?

>yeah man they are just elders, also the docs who are dying like flies always die at every winter, it's like basically darwinism man

I think I got the Kung Flu in February by some chink that was sick.Worst flu ever, couldn't breath properly, coughed like crazy, and crazy headaches and fever. Lasted for well over 9 days.

I beat the Kung Flu

people that talk like this don't even have elder relatives?

Franciacorta here. They are moving the last remaining emergency surgical rooms to covid as well. The time wait for when you call 112 or any other emergency number is over an hour now. It's quite literally "don't get injured, don't get ill" right now.

Sounds like maybe influenza A. Stupid Greek monkey.