/tr/. English/Türk/Çӑvaş Edition


Attached: Çӑvaş Yalavӗ.png (800x500, 9.21K)

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Bırak bu ipliği, bu sanal yörede Çuvaş yok.

Attached: piçküresi.gif (159x153, 86.4K)

Epir tӗrӗksemske.

Çubaş gu sen??

Muḥteşem Süleymān > Atatürk.

How do I get to fuck a Turkish girl ?


No intercourse before marriage. But learning Turkish is a plus.

Are you Chuvash??

Not quite. I am related to them as I come from Atӑlsi Pӑlhar (Volga Bulgar) refugees in Europe.

Attached: Pit 4.jpg (1280x720, 103.52K)

You're kinda cute

I bet me sheugh that he's half Scottish

Close, quarter Irish, quarter Scots. That's me btw.

Well, thank you!

Are you like yer president Börü Kemal Cansu?? (1% Turkic)

Possibly more since Börü/Bojo/Boz is part Çerkez.

Lose weight and get a tan
You are maybe a chad under that fat

I would be outside and doing stuff if it wasn't for Korona. I looked worse in January.

I feel the Turkic BVLL aura in you

Lad.. I was memeing over Boris Johnson's name....
Boris = Börü
Johnson = Cansu

would take you out for a pint desu

I am Şură Văkăr (White Bull).

I know. Bojo and Boz are his other names.

>Sarı Öküz

Wish they'd sell Mead.

Common origins. That's why I visit /tr/, we're brother tribes us Oghur and Oghuz.

Can you speak Chuvash, though??

I know some Chuvash. Like Pit for "Face", -sem as a plural suffix, Han for Khan, Salam for "Hello" and Yră for "Good".

>Pit for "Face"
That's "bet" for us and it also means "face".
>-sem as a plural suffix
Interesting... I wonder about it's etymology...
>Yră for "Good"
That's "arı" for us and it means "pure".

Do you know what "ăn-" means (as a verb)??

I’m not turk
But I’m asking questions

Is it true that oghuz turks were always Caucasian looking ?
Are people practise Islam a lot or not ?

No and no.

Turks were always mixed since a long time, we are not sure what the original Turks looked like

Yră is a highly divergent form with the same stem as iyi which as you know means good. Though it's hard to decipher the connections between Chuvash and Turkish because they are so different in many ways and only united in some ways. You are correct about "bet".

The first people the Seljuks mixed with was Persians and then when they migrated to Anadolu they married Armenian Muslims and Greek Converts to Islam.

No lad. Yră is cognate with "arı". It doesn't make sense for the word "yră" to come from "edgü" (the Proto-Turkic form).

Attached: Çuvaşça arı.png (797x635, 87.36K)

Hmm... I was looking at the wiktionary source which is always sourced itself. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/edgü

So the opinions differ. Maybe you're right. Anyway, I bid you a good night.

7. gün hala kan coofluyom yaww napcaz brem

t*Rko PİÇi hastanesine gitsem ketlicekler böle devam tam geRiLLa

Attached: coofer.jpg (960x1280, 152.37K)

Good night! I will be off as well.

please come to turkey and FUCK our women

ula bide bizi sikiyon birşey olmaz diye resmen kan kusuyo akciğerlerin+öksürmemeye/daha hafif öksürmeye çalış öksürdükce zarar veriyosun akciğerine

>beyaz ten

hey shitskins, what's going on at the borders, also do you shitskins hide an epidemic or something?

how many of you shitskins are infected?

gavur çıktım yauw

Attached: ula.jpg (775x950, 86.91K)

nerdesiniz beni yalnız bırakmayın

AHAHAHAHAHAH aleviler ne yanmış be keeeeek

hava nagila bile kafama ii gelmiyo mrq

yauww yoq mu bi KARI sabah cimcimelik yapsın

yauww geriLLam sıkıntı çıkacak yauwww

bu t'liğin ilaç tedavisi var mı yauwww t'likten kurtulmak için illa ameliyat mı olmam lazım


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#SOKAĞACIKMAYASAĞI 'na uyalım hayvan dostlarımızı unutmayalım

TAPElere geldik ATAm

insan denen virüs evine çekilince hayvanlar ve tabiat ne kadar mutlu görüyor musunuz? Peki siz nasıl bir ders alıyorsunuz bu yaşananlardan?! Düşündünüz mü hiç?

sıçtığımın insan soyu, soyumuz, tükense de hiçbir şeye zararı olmayan hayvanlar artık rahat bir nefes alsa

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az önce köpeği canlı canlı kaynatan bir orospu çocuğunu izledim. orospu çocuğu. içim parça parça oldu ve daha ne kadar nefret edebilirim bilmiyorum

nefes alamıyorum gerçekten bitsin artık. geberip gidelim rahat bırakalım artık

Nahide Şerbet
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simdi hayvanlar daha zor yiyecek bulur kapinizin pencerenizin onune yiyecek birseyler koyun

bilerek yazmıyonuz değil mi orospu çocukları

niye yandın
bişe olmaz GERİLLAm

ş*H-İT mene atın :D

Attached: photo_2020-03-15_21-48-28.jpg (537x513, 61.15K)