/mena/ + /diasخرة/

Cute! edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


his tits are gross

>be muammar gaddafi
>be trained by the royal Libyan military
>usurp your own king
>declare a socialist state
>adopt an ugly ass green flag to replace the nice looking royal Libyan standard
>kill and expel a bunch of Italians
>have a bunch of thot bodyguards
>rape your thot bodyguards
>declare sharia law
>become secularist cuck and backtrack on it
>commit shirk by declaring your "green book" as on par with the qu'ran
>fight Egypt
>get your ass whooped by Egypt even though your military was somewhat more advanced at the time.
>kiss soviet arse
>kiss titoist arse at the same time
>send troops to uganda
>lose the war too to a bunch of Tanzanians
>say you want to join the Warsaw Pact
>the Soviets dont even trust you because you were a titoist arsekisser
>attack US navy vessels on exercise
>lose again (to a US military which at the time lost all of the war games to Canada)
>later when the US air force bombs your country shoot down one plane and act like you won
>launch invasion of chad and lose to a bunch of negros in toyotas with ATGMs
>fail at pan arabism
>declare pan arabism is dead
>become pan african n sheit
>declare jihad on Switzerland for some dumb reason
>go on apology tour for the arab caliphates
>try and fail to make gold african currency
>get overthrown in almost no time at all
>get executed
>have a bunch of retarded baathists and slavs mourn your death
>even though you were just one big failure

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Has she (male) done face surgery?

disgusting, what god fearing muslim would fuck this abomination?

are you eddie ?

beautiful gentleman, nothing is wrong with him.

to be fair calling yourself arab nationalist correlate with weak non effective military. top of that all arab nationalists started wars in their respective countries sending thousands to die for a cause not necessarily worth it other than saving the regime's face. it's safe to say that pan arabism is dead for good in 2020 and it won't be missed

Attached: uarmap1967.jpg (2061x2130, 491.11K)

what's your endgame right now?

to coom. you?

>>have a bunch of thot bodyguards
>>rape your thot bodyguards


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it will never happen also
>straight line

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how do you say "DAAAYUM..." in arabic?

"ana alsharmoot"

"ani aravi smartout" kinda long


>it will never happen
possibilities are endless
>straight line
it's the new thang

inta ash sharmoot lekbeer

if that's your plan then why give back sinai? also you're gonna become minority in your own country lololol
مين انتا؟

>it's safe to say that pan arabism is dead for good in 2020 and it won't be missed
we agree on this

is this free? i wanna do it

i did it 5 times everytime different results but i got Canadian 5 times in the there and Spanish and Jewish 4 times. I'm 100% Levantine from Lebanon though

Attached: 1451255251013.jpg (250x237, 7.31K)

>why give back sinai
I think that was a redicuals decision as much as you do
>become minority
Arabs will never pass 20% ever


if you expand to the borders of your picture jews are not gonna pass 10% kek


Yea,look up gradient in the app store,it'll ask for some payment shit but just press the x in the upper left


it's meme results im 100% levantine see

>I googled the first one

انا ايراني

اريد انيچ


اريد انيچ

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اريد انيچ


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tfw no khazar milkies gf

i drank whiskey yesterday to help my body fight the seasonal flu thanks allah it's already gone before it even started



>Why yes, I do bang big khazar milkers. How did you know?

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it doesent work like that kuffir dog

i saw you post the same roast in another thread

fuck dawla jazair

you're jealous that allah likes me more than you. i started having a flu a bit (was tired middle of the day for no reason, stuffed nose) ate some toum, oranges, drank wiskey, popped vit c pill and now I'm back to normal before it began

ربي يرحمه

who's up?

You know how to make muslim faggots seethe

LOL low iq if u think drinking alchohol will disinfect you hahaha
faggot if im sick i will go bio istishad

why rahma?
he was a KAFFIR
he died a KAAFIR
you cant pray for a KAAFIR
t. nusayri kalb

i am. stay safe user
too easy fren
it does. it helped me already lol

I've never in my entire time spent on this website seen a harder seethe

رحم الله الرئيس التونسي السابق باجي قايد السبسي
الذي مسح طيزه بالقرآن و اتخذ من الدستور شريعة

he sounds based, desu

Allah hates and has cursed the Salafi's/Wahhabi's more than any other group of people in existence.
No surprise there.

no it does not retardo
it only works on outside surfaces
and must be 80% +
what helped you is toum
فَأُوْلَـئِكَ مَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَسَاءتْ مَصِيرًا
>insults quran
you cant even read arabic f*rsi dog

>sub 50iq salaleef mutt thinks every american flag is the same poster

>kaafir shia thinks posting 2 minutes apart in a dead thread wont reveal him

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Salaleaf if i were you i would leave this site for good. You are a devout believer, do you like it when people shit on your god and prophet 24/7 while you can do nothing about it ?

سماع من هالدقن ابو، و روح عملك شغلة بتقربك من ربك

Look at how they massacred my boy

cope doggy

have another one before i hit the hay

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its funny he still shitposts during prayer times kek
it's nice but they become fat when older that's why i like skinnier girls

you are only increasing yourself in lower hell levels kaffir alawite, u are the biggest edgleord on this board, i say u should leave
>doesn't pray
>acts like he knows how it works
your so pathetic, if i saw ur face irl u wouldnt say this shit


i forgive you maghrebis have loud mouth

i am fucking ur ass fig

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>mfw edglelords ITT try to make our sunni majority arabic /mena/ general become an islamophobic anti islam insulting board for atheists and shiites persians

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yes I am sunni
yes I am arab
yes I am islamist

no I wont be secular
no I wont respect minorities
no I wont leave this board

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damn why are islamcels so retarded
ok morocco your entire upper class is Jewish

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Salaleef you're the most unislamic person in this general. You're the last person to talk.
But I guess those that bark the loudest tend to be the biggest hypocrites too.

tell your wife to not show her feet next time