We have a much less infection rate for Corona virus than the rest of the civilized world. I wonder why that is.
Why is the US the only civilized country that's not dying en masse from corona virus?
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you cant confirm infections if you dont test it big brain brian
because the US doesn't test enough
the US has fewer confirmed cases but significantly more deaths than Germany
Why should we test for something that clearly is only affecting California, Washington State, and New York? Sounds like a win win for everyone
Yeah but theres been no spike in deaths either. You can't hide forever just because no tests, and more and more states are getting tests nowadays.
And Germany is top notch in testing but USA has lower CFR than plenty of other Euro nation.
cost money to test there
Illinois is ramping up too, it sucks we aren't even coastie but we have a big city with a big international airport that flown in tons of Eurocoofers. It sucks.
We have 1200+ infected.
9 elderly people dead.
>"en masse"
The deaths lag behind infections by a week or two. They should growing exponentially but it takes time to gather pace.
But I'm not sure how well reported your deaths are since your system isn't unified.
>Only California and New York
So like half of your fucking country’s economy?
the US have 118 deaths out of 7k cases, germany have 28 out of 12k cases
are you mentally ill or trolling?
its present in all US states
People aren't connected.
People don't live on top of one another.
People don't socialize as much.
Literally cancerous society is strong against infectious diseases. The virus dies from the poison that is American society.
You are infected as fuck atm and dying as fuck. Your hospitals are overwhelmed and begging for respiratory assistance equipment, masks and stuff.
You're simply barely testing, barely reporting, barely confirming cases and massively propaganding.
Murica as usual. But it doesn't work anymore.
And you're 2 weeks behind the curve of Italy, so this is just the beggining for you. Go yo Walmart and buy automatic rifles.
Hybrid vigor
lol tomorrow is the day we overtake China in deaths
You are, you're just pretending it doesn't exist.
>no one is testing
>lower infection rate
why do American posters come on Yas Forums just to show off how fucking stupid they are.
They're not lol. Be real. There's a bill in my state to finally rid us of the yoke of the blue states
I live in Kentucky. Why should I suffer because some libs who hate my guts are dying?
they pay your bills
>You're simply barely testing, barely reporting, barely confirming cases and massively propaganding.
Why would we want to spread mass hysteria? Most of us believe that this is all bullshit. I'd love to see them enforce a quarantine here in rural Kentucky. See how far that gets them, especially since everyone is armed
Shut the fuck up, panicfag.
>please stay inside to prevent an epid-
We'd rather die on our feet than live life on our knees
The British told us what to do and look how it turned out for them
Based, it's more safe to suck slav dicks. This is good news.
You're nothing but a silly computer nerd
Here's your grave, hop in.
Not the US.
lmao you leech off the feds more than the blue states do
oh yes all the corona virion is going to recognize our freedumb and turn around, Trump's wall will protect us.
other nations are doing fine as well.
Do you mean why is Europe doing worse than us?
Aww triggered libtard. Don't worry, the corona will get you.
HAHAHA. At least most of us see this for what it is - an excuse for the government to take our rights
>the US have 118 deaths out of 7k cases, germany have 28 out of 12k cases
That doesn't contradict what I said, I even said myself Germany is top notch in testing (this is a good thing) but our CFR is lower than many OTHER Euro nations. [Including Hungary atm.]
Do you not know how to read?
I dont know there might be some people dying at home Im sure or other hidden deaths. But the same is likely true of EU as well.
true, we already given up ours and people still bootlick like there's no tomorrow
dont worry you will die soon johhny
germans have a different methodology for counting coronavirus deaths, that's why it's so low compared to everyone else
Well, I live in a state with only 26 cases. So....ill be fine. We survived 9/11, we'll survive this
>And you're 2 weeks behind the curve of Italy,
Spain is like 1 day behind the curve of Italy. Entire EU is fucked up at this rate.
> Your hospitals are overwhelmed and begging for respiratory assistance equipment, masks and stuff.
Maybe in New York or Washington. Mask shortage is everywhere apparently, no idea why its so hard to make a mask but apparently it is.
>taking away our rights
how does this make sense, isn't Trump president? who is exactly taking your rights?
and oh yes, God and your donations to Israel will protect you from the coronavirus.
most masks only prevent you spreading infections to others (surgical masks) and this is totally incomprehensible for americans so they simply don't make them
>Maybe in New York or Washington. Mask shortage is everywhere apparently, no idea why its so hard to make a mask but apparently it is.
Let the libs in Commieland, Jew York and Shitattle die. I can't wait til they're so weak they'll be begging us for help and we get to laugh at them and watch them die.
>how does this make sense, isn't Trump president? who is exactly taking your rights?
Not him but taking away restaurant, bar, school, parties etc. is taking away some kind of rights. Maybe not in the Bill of Rights but before we had schools and bars and big parties and now we don't. Thats a change in our rights, like it or not.
People will die. Will 10M die free or will 1M die slaves?
Do you value liberty or do you value security?
>People will die. Will 10M die free or will 1M die slaves?
This is your mind on FREEDURM
You're just a couple days behind the curve, but your growing exponentially. Soon you will have overtaken the rest of the World and will have thousands of deaths a day. Two weeks tops.
the virus is literally taking away your freedom to breath
>I survived a plane crashing in New York here in Kentucky, so I'll survive a global pandemic
Just shoot the virus Cleetus.
>Yeah but theres been no spike in deaths either
Today alone your death count increased by 41 to a 150 in total. Tomorrow it'll be double that, and the day after, and the next day and so on.
>die slaves, or die free?
you dumb capeshit the reason they have quarantines is because if too many people get sick at once the fucking hospitals will fill up with too many people, didn't you see the videos in Italy?
>bars and big parties
and is that how you measure your freedom? with how much you can fucking drink and eat?
you stupid nigger don't pretend like that's something you actually value.
We have a different set of cultural values here. Some things are worth more than life.
This is what the Jews felt before the Holocaust.
We're a pretty stoic country and we realize that we have no control over the universe. Since we have no control over the randomness that is life, might as well live it to the fullest
After all, those who trade freedom for security deserve neither
>didn't you see the videos in Italy?
Inapplicable to the USA
i said nothing about all that? but here you have to choose between freedom to breath and freedom to party, which will you pick? trust God and believe his plan? i guess it's a way to do it
Yes. Because we're not cowards unlike you.
thats why your country is one big brother show?
Useless rhetoric.
They could be classifying COVID deaths as influenza pneumonia deaths since they don't do post-mortem chest CT and swab PCR test on the dead like China, Italy, and South Korea do for suspicious deaths.
>After all, those who trade freedom for security deserve neither
You keep repeating this mantra, but why do you expect people to agree with it? The current situation is an obvious example of why it's not always true.
We all die sooner or later. I am not saying we shouldn't sacrifice freedom or human rights. But lets be clear here--we are sacrificing freedom and human rights. I had a right to go to the bar, now I don't. I had a right to go to my library and now I don't. This is real.
Does it save a lot of lives (mostly boomer lives)? Yes.
What freedom would you sacrifice to stop deaths? How many deaths does it take before you sacrifice freedoms?
>you dumb capeshit the reason they have quarantines is because if too many people get sick at once the fucking hospitals will fill up with too many people
Duh, I know that. Worse comes to worse, they will have to set them out in a tent in a parking lot, let their immune systems do the rest.
>and is that how you measure your freedom? with how much you can fucking drink and eat?
Those are freedoms I had. I can eat at home, but I did enjoy going out on Fridays, yes.
>you stupid nigger don't pretend like that's something you actually value.
I do value it. And now kids don't even have the basic right to K-12.
>The current situation is an obvious example of why it's not always true.
Ok, then you can live under the covers of your blanket for the rest of your life, but some of us actually have lives to still live.
germany is doing better, it's not covid even if you have covid, as long as you had some underlying illness
Is embarrassing yourself a national sport in the us?
You don't use public transport and live miles apart, that makes you safer.
Italy definitely does not swab people post-mortem when they die at home.
USA has swabbed people post-mortem though I dont know about deaths at home.
Probably, its spiking but we are clearly behind the EU on this.
>How many deaths does it take before you sacrifice freedoms?
i guess the amount that would be too many for the country to continue existing
how much is that? hell if i know, maybe even everyone minus a handful
Surely it's some kind of an advanced bot right?
It's not even internally coherent...
Yeah, stop explaining it to that libshit. He doesn't get the idea that even dying is better than living a life that you have no choice over.
having a sense of social responsibility is not the same as living under a blanket, but americans are so atomised they'll never understand that i suppose
you really feel as if you're facing the same persecution as jews during the holocaust? this is fucking hilarious my god.
>my freedom to eat at restaurants!
>>no freedom of free healthcare
>put them in the parking lot
that's christian
>I can't go out on Friday's!
you sound like a fucking man child
>germany is doing better, it's not covid even if you have covid, as long as you had some underlying illness
The amount of cope Eurotrash are willing to do to defend their dying ilk.
there's many ameriposters like that
maybe they joke, maybe they are serious
who cares really, it's their country, their lifes
Yes, this is what happens in a police state like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Some excuse to take away our freedoms, forcing people into their homes, and preventing them from going outside
Instead of pledging allegiance to a country, you're pledging allegiance to "public health".
Get the fuck out of here.
god I hope it is, but I've unfortunately met people who are this disgusting in real life.
i think russia used current quarantine to make illegal all sort of public manifestations for a while so no one can arrange protests without breaking law
>Probably, its spiking but we are clearly behind the EU on this.
Yeah, about 24 hours behind, tomorrow this time you will likely have outperformed France and Germany. You're by no means better and your high case fatality rate indicates that you have a high quota of undetected cases. So I guess by end of the week you'll be in full panic mode.
Don't hate me, I had the same mindset like you a couple days and now I'm on partial lockdown.
guess what, public health is part of the safety of the country
>you really feel as if you're facing the same persecution as jews during the holocaust?
No. I never said that, what are you talking about? Oh wait, you think we are the same person even though I clearly said I wasn't the same person you easily janked dumbass.
>that's christian
Don't know what you are talking about, but if the hospitals are overrun they are overrun. Can't magic up more space. You got to stick them in a parking lot or a tent somewhere and let their bodies either die or defeat the virus. It happens.
>you sound like a fucking man child
You sound like an autist sperging out. And over what? Its a fact I had rights before, and now I've lost them in the name of boomer health security. Most of them would not be alive 20 years from now anyway.
the north american lifestyle seperates people already. in europe public transportation is much more common and people live in much tighter conditions. here if you want to shop youre much more likely to drive your car, alone, to a bigass walmart where you don't often come in close contact with others.
Most Americans think like that. We care more about the economy at this point than the coronavirus.
The economy is infinitely more important. Even if we aren't testing, there's a good reason for it. You're seeing the result of the hysteria now.