Do people in your country love dogs?

Do people in your country love dogs?

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aww he's smiling :)

bad owner = bad dog

Stop posting here you arrogant chink

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Is this the same dog that mauled that guy's dick?

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sadly yes. I find them way to annoying and feel anxious when I go running and a fucking buldog sprints at me from 100m.
Give them a leash you dumb fag owner

i'm white

>neighbor's 1 year old great dane runs into my yard playing keep away from it's owner
>try to help her keep it still so she can leash it
>keeps running out into the road because dumb dog playing keep away
>gets hit by someone who saw the dog but only just moved to the side of the road and didn't slow down
>mfw it didn't kill it immediately

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Why people let their pits run about? I have a Retriever and even I still keep it on a leash.

I hate this so much. It's so fucking rude

idgi was it you, the owner or the dog who got hit

Do shitbull owners really?

I can't find the full video.
Just the webm full where it's a gaping wound and dry skin.


I got chased by 2 of these until I took a swing at one and they backed off.
Niggers shouldn't be allowed to own anything bigger than a damn poodle.

Alle shitbulls mussen ausrotten werden

Yes. In my experience small breed and husky owners are the fucking worst. They either allow their dogs to be a walking 24/7 alarm or isolated and ultra violent pieces of shit.

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aww what a cutie :))

They do, I actually went back to my car hoping my baseball bat was in there.
If it was I would have killed both dogs that tried to attack me.

Shitbulls need to die

Certainly not the eternal nigbull, unless they are scum

All pitbulls and their owners need to die. Virus that targets pitbulls when?


Ughh there is a new woman in my neighborhood that has two pit bulls and she literally just let them out unleashed during nights. The two faggots are kinda sweet though and are not violent but the thing with pit bulls is that they just need to have one bad day to turn into killing machines

why the fuck would anyone own a husky in mexico?

That's why we relate to them so much

kek based dog and lady

You live in fucking El Salvador. lmao Why would you be worried about some dogs?

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

>costa rican education

Ignore the tards (you)ing you.
You are correct.

Tell her to put them on a fucking leash or one of those electric chokers if she values them. It doesn't just suck for whoever gets mauled by the degenerate shithead dogs, they are gonna get put down after as well.

Costa Rican immigrant

You can easily get away with murder and rape in El Salvador, dude. Some random dogs aren't their biggest concern. lol

Sadly yes. Many Polacks just need to have 2 old cars and a dog or two in their small flats. Of course they don't give a fuck about where their doge takes a shit (they don't clean it up anyway) or if their dogs attacks somebody ("it hurr is only playink durr).

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Everyone is so passive in this fucking country and I hate that, in Guatemala those dogs would have eaten two pounds of rat poison already but here people don’t act until things happen (which tells you a lot about why this country is the way it is, sadly)

made for BBC

Same thing in Costa Rica. But would you like to live in a neighborhood where dogs that can kill children roam the streets freely?

One guy from my college who is not from Poland asked me once if the EU gives us money for having shitload of dogs, lmao.

Bad owners create bad dogs. Pitbulls being bad on their own are even worse. Owning a pit is like buying a lottery ticket which jackpot is being mauled. Pits don't just bite, they hang on you and shake your flesh into bits.


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>Same thing in Costa Rica.
No. lol We're thirdworlders, but you guys are like fifthworlders.

Yeah yeah you are not going to fool anyone

Pitbull owners are as mentally dysfunctional as cat owners.

I live in the Southern U.S.. I plan on moving away from this shithole in the next year or two. I cannot wait, its filled to the brim with conservacucks, bible-beating products of incest, retards, niggers, and retarded niggers. And fucking EVERYONE here has a goddamn shitbull and if you even display a modicum of favor for pitbull bans like they did in Ontario, then it's your ass. This place fucking sucks ass. Fucks niggers, fuck shitbulls and their sub-20 IQ owners. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

why not?

The thing I dislike even more than dogepeople fanatics is them arguing which of shitty doge race is better, implying at the same time that the race says a lot about the owner's intelligence.

As for OP's question, yeah. Poland is based Ferelden of Europe, lol.

It's almost like Huskies developed a thick fur coat to protect from the freezing temperatures common to the regions they are native to and Mexico is fucking tropical

They’re cold climate dogs. A friend of mine here has one and the dogs loves to sleep in these mini pools that are filled with ace that my friend has set up for him. That said has far as I know they do just find in hot temperatures as long as you give them enough water

Just this Sunday right before the house I was staying in Washington D.C. some small dog got mauled by some slightly bigger dog, not sure if it even was a pit, the owner lady was screaming, shit was scary and sad. Police also came.

Niggers man...

for protection?

The article says the 3 dogs escaped Kashila's house and started attacking the Pitt and the woman's son, she had to protect her son and there's video evidence of the womans dogs running up on them and attacking the pitt. Talk shit get hit

Yes they especially love nigger breeds like pitbulls.

Pit Pulls are nigger tier dogs no matter the owner

>woman's 3 dogs jump the fence
>harass a woman and her son
>Pitt kills one of the dogs
>Pitt's name is literally Hero

Ya te ví Erick hijo de su reputa perra y migrante madre. La próxima vez que tu chingado perro me joda la tarde con sus aullidos te juro que te violo la puta boca con una de las macetas de tu abuela. A yí y a tu perro. Imbécil.

The Pitmommy is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a scoundrel, parasite, White-trash, low IQ, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her out on fucking her dog and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out

Fucking based, kek