Vietnam edition
Vietnam edition
not this shit again
I support Vietnam, fuck china
The new janitor is an emotionally imbalanced French guy, with a soft spot for non-asymmetrical risk gambling.
You are cucks if you post in a turkish thread
daily reminder
We get it, you're a cuck.
you are an even bigger cuck if you listen to laz subhumans
kat brus li sha gi biq
Though I must say, great minds think alike. So kudos to my Makedon composter whose edition was very similar to that of mine...
Tell us a joke, Ikirino.
As i said im highest degree master freemason in the world
So this is the fact what im doing
I do mediation between the russians and usa eu countries
The fact as i said the war in ukraine is because of business and it has done alot of bad towards the world
People mostly go and brag about money because they dont have anything to offer so alot of retards dont study and try to get money for a fast car in order to get girls
There is so much bad in this world but the fact is both usa eu soros and russia now wanna work with me in order to present some sort of agenda that they have been working on but the fact is this
Pay scientists more im a scientist and a god etc
Because people in business have nothing else to offer but money they are lowest of the scum on this planet not only polution is the issue but many other things
I'm not gay but I'd destroy some qt twink's boipussy with my cock if I had the chance.
he is the joke
but i'm not the bruce lee guy
az si go predstavqm kak go kazva ova samo, lmao
Why did he fell for the Laz's propaganda??
I refuse to believe that this isnt a larp
Greekanons, how long will your cunt go on quarantining arrivals from abroad? I'm meant to fly there in 12 days.
Also seen how the cold war is over the fight now is between coorporations for the market in this global economy so alot of politicians are actually puppets for big coorporations
The fact is this
Everyone who went to study economics as their main focus is a dumb idiot
coz he's a bugar i.e dumb
if ryanair don't cancel my flight I'll fucking do it
I'm not paying their jewish flight change fare
It isnt a larp my posting here with a nametag and connection with the elites has made a vital need of usa and russia and soros to work with me in order to present some sort of good things into their agendas
The fact is all of them are pieces of shits who main goal is to make money for their business friends
Ideologically they work with anyone whos aline with their goal
For example radical right wing work with russians here and i dislike that and i hope russians will stop funding them
Radical leftwing work with soros and usa and i hope usa and soros stops funding them
The fact is majority of these group of people are uneducated morons who would set humanity back into some sort of bullshit and while their work on their agendas innocent people would suffer
pretty based not gonna lie
Literal Amerisharts. Only stock up on toilet paper.
Watching boss undercover
>I'm born in Shtip, Macedonia but I feel Bulgarian and that's why I live here
It's over Macedonians, its over
His brothers are here too lmao
This is not here, it's a german plate
What's that?
tldr me on the toilet paper thing, ok even if you dont want to wash your ass you know you could always wash if needed, or no?
what's that from
Shef pod prikritie, po nova vurvi sa
TP hoarding is some next level crowd psychology stuff. The studies on it should be good.
americans don't wash their ass, only wipe
thats why when you walk in a crowded street in america it smells like swamp ass
>Watching boss undercover
гигa cepкoвци, кaкви штo ce yeeehaawwww cowboys
A tv show where people get dressed in a way their coworkers wont recognize them and then go to work with them undercover
There is a lot of food proportional to toilet paper which is why you are experiencing shortage when every person suddenly starts buying 5x more minimum toilet paper than per usual but no shortage with food.
Don’t forget the wet wipes! Useful for your dried shit on your butthole.
>Macedonians are bosses in Bulgaria
Kinda, since it's not his company but he sure is manager or smth
>boss undercover
Бyгapчe, кoј e тoј шeф пoдпoкpивкa
>t. has never been more than 100km from the place he was born
кo ca cмeиш ye
i've been more places than your faggot ass ever has
lost more than half it's value in a month
>implying ass washing is more popular in Europe
Though many people I know wash their ass in fact. But the smelly westeners surely dont.
on google street view, yes
After it gained more than half of its value within 6 months. Both is insane.
Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Belgium
You probably never left shitfia
yeah pretty funny
Crypto-peasants on suicide watch.
Nearest suicide hotlines:
Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223
Greece: 1018 (
Serbia: (+381) 21-6623-393
Macedonia: 194 or 112
Albania: 112 or 127
112 is for emergencies here too
Ah, the dishwasher tour. And Romania, lol.
wow 4 shitholes and north and south bugaria, amazing
Who do I call if I don't have TP?
Poveche otkolkoto tova za koeto go dade na evreite bajo
did you mistake Yas Forums for 9gag
Use water, ask your nearest Shqiptar for directions for use.
guys, skopje looks pretty good, clean streets, good infrastructure etc
but why is the rest of macedonia so poor?
Шoкaц дaј кeчeтo нa ceкyндa бpaт.
>Macedonia: 194 or 112
Зaмиcли ce јaвyвaш вo бpзa пoмoш и
>дa, пoвeлeтe, кaкoв пpoблeм имaтe?
>ж-живoтoт ми нeмa c-cмиcлa, caкaм д-дa ce c-caмoyбијaм
>дeчкo aј oдјeби имa лyѓe co виcтинcки пpoблeми нe ни oдзeмaј вpeмe зa глyпocти
*јa лyпa cлyшaлкaтa*
uh oh
I sure hope there is Yas Forums in hell.
My guess is that the government doesn't give a fuck about the villages.