>sending swarms of pirates to plunder Spanish treasure fleets
>knighting infamous pirate and war criminal Francis Drake
>unfair bullshit tactics used against the Armada like deploying fire boats
>start War of Jenkins' Ear after we cut the ear off one of their pirate captains
>actively support rebellion of our colonies in Latin America so they could sell crap there (the colonies were normally closed to foreign shipping)
>threaten invasion of Spain during WWII when we were poor and in ruins from the civil war
>some British writer invented the meme about how Africa starts at the Pyrenees
>smug asshole British boomers go here on vacation and act like it is such a privilege to be serving them cocktails on the beach
ITT: The worst things Britain has ever done to your country
Cringe. It's pathetic when Spaniards think they have a rivalry with us. It's fine when Frenchman say this kinda stuff cps at least they're worthy adversaries. You were always nothing. You were just another enemy and dealt with accordingly. Spain tried to intervene in British affairs first and we completely crippled you. Get cunted.
Fuck you Neville Chamberlain, just...fuck you.
They sent a faggot to arabs and provoked them
The worst thing they did was unite north (poor uneducated Muslims) and south (developed, peaceful Christian) Nigeria.
And then when the south wanted independence from the shitty north the Brits ended up supporting the Muslims.
This ended up in a very wonky policitcal procedure and fucking Book haram (African Isis).
They were probably on crack when doing this.
Siding with cockroach and preventing Constantinople from being liberated for Christendom.
>Francis Drake raiding Callao port
>financing the Chilean into war against us and eternally breaking our brotherhood apart
They allowed to USA to exist. Need I say more?
Britain is a bitch who would side with demons if it's to bring another country down.
Didn't a shit load of people die in the new world while mining all that gold\silver?
Not more than any other mine in the world with standards at the time.
>who would side with demons if it's to bring another country down.
March 5, 1770. The day a peaceful tax demonstration became the 18th century Tiananmen Square.
Reminder Moors are Poors.
Our whole history is getting genocided by or for Britian. Shit sucks being a third world cunt
They invaded the finnish coast during the crimean wars and basically sat on their ships and bombarded the coastal towns that had shipyards. But they got raped by russian cossacks hiding in farmsteads if they landed any troops on shores.
Also declared war on us during ww2 and we downed one of their sout planes in lappland
This. The British government sacrificed Czechoslovaks to appease the fascists. Scum.
>Muh tea.
tbf though, they were our greatest threat for a long time. The rise of britain coincided with the decline of spain, not a coincidence.
Promised us the same land they promised Arabs, tried to divide the land in half giving all the arable land to arabs, looked the other way when Arabs were committing pogroms, heavily supplied Arab armies, and when the Arab armies lost they just fucking dipped
which cunt
Greece and Bulgaria have far better claims than Russia lol
Churchill was debt ridden and needed Jew gold.
For mining silver it was different. They used mercury to purify it, which was not often used in the old world for obvious reasons, that rule wasn't used for the new world so a bunch of natives died from forced labor and mercury poisoning.
We should have firebombed Helsinki, Nazi allies deserve nothing better
Nowhere near as long as France. Their entire empire was crippled by a few Waterloo veterans in South America. They're the original bullies and got out bullied. Except that bullies are usually bigger and stronger but Britain never was. Just alot smarter.
Daily reminder we are clearing out trash like you out after Corona.
Their skulls made some nasty dents in our broadaxes.
Well, t b h they had to fight the French, the anglo just can't compete.
Why would you bomb a smouldering ruin? Helsinki was absolutely bombed to the ground by soviets in the first year of the continuation war.
Atleast have some vision
Dam that monk on the lower left is about preaching the word of Jesus into that guys face
The Spanish and Dutch too. Americans have rewrote history to say they were somehow "underdogs" lmao.
All traces of the Finn menace must be obliterated
Side with Ottomuttistan
Side with Gaymenia (though we were allied with Germans at the time, so its understandable)
Was spain richer than Britain in 1600 or 1700?
forced us to give independence to Uruguay
funny how cringe neo nazis are always heavily americanised
Danes did all the raiding, Abu-Sven Al-Stockholmi
Imagining meeting you in real life
>says British
>all the things listed were done by english
Based retard.
Britain's sides with Savage Muslims in Nigeria over Igbo peaceful people
>1. The British Empire caused as many as 150 million deaths across Asia, Africa and Europe. I repeat; 150 million deaths from 1783 - 1997.
>2. British Imperialists hoarded rice and grain from India, they also dramatically increased harvast taxations, which caused widespread famines that killed 29 million of people.
>3. Without any support from the Empire, Indian civilians were forced to eat grass and human flesh to survive.
>4. Britain also resorted to use of concentration camps to defeat South African's Boer population at the turn of 20th century, 10% of entire Boer population were killed in this camps, including 22 000 children, who were starved and beaten to death, of the 107,000 people interned in the camps, 27,927 Boers died, along with an unknown number of black Africans.
>5. In 1943, up to four million Bengalis starved to death when Winston Churchill diverted food to British soldiers and countries such as Greece while a deadly famine swept through Bengal. Talking about the Bengal famine in 1943, Churchill said: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.”
>6. One of British most ruthless conquests, however, came in 1800's, when British colonists annihilated Tasmania's indigenous population. They forced Aborigine wives to carry the heads of their dead husbands around their necks.
>robbing India of everything that wasn't nailed down and causing mass famines by converting all the farmland to grow cotton and opium
what did the british ever do to anyone? you guys are just plain mean.
didn't happen, we are good boys
simple as
absolutely. americans love to invoke the idea of fighting some indomitable world-spanning empire but in reality the early british empire was based on the barren, unproductive scraps left by spain and portugal
Inventing the concept of "Ireland" was certainly our gravest ever mistake. Douglas Hyde has a lot to answer for.
Britain is a country of peace.
Damn, this limey just set the record straight on this whole thread. pack it up boys
>7. The Cyprus interment - The big myth of the British Empire is that it nobly withdrew from its colonies when it realized the days of Imperialism were over. Yet one look at Cyprus proves the myth to be just a feel-good fairy tale. Between 1955 and 1959, the British responded to a Cyrpus rebel bombing campaign by rounding up and torturing 3,000 ordinary Cypriots.
The victims of this internment campaign were often held for years without trial and violently abused for being “suspected” terrorists. Detainees received regular beatings, waterboarding, and summary executions. Children as young as 15 had burning hot peppers rubbed in their eyeballs, while others reported being flogged with whips embedded with shards of iron. Those found guilty of rebel sympathies were relocated to London, where a UK opposition party inspection found inmates with their arms broken and jagged scars running across their necks. In short, it was an appallingly sadistic policy, one that showed the British to be even lower than the terrorists they were meant to be fighting.
>8. Crushing the Iraqi revolution - In 1920, the newly-formed nation of Iraq was tiring of British rule. Charged with guiding the new state towards independence, the Empire had instead installed puppet leaders. turning the place into a de facto colony. Fed up with their imperial overlords, the Iraqis turned to revolution, only for the British to unleash wave after wave of atrocities against them. First the RAF conducted nighttime bombing raids on civilian targets. Then they deployed chemical weapons against the fighters, gassing whole groups of them. But the real horrors came in the aftermath, when the victorious British decided to use collective punishment against the offending tribes.
you are one silly little boy
>9. Exacerbating The Irish Famine - If you want to see why large parts of Ireland still despise anything remotely British, look no further than the Irish Famine. What started out as an ordinary if brutal famine soon became something more like genocide when London sent the psychopathic Charles Trevelyan to oversee relief work.
>10. The Kenyan Camps - In the 1950s, the people of Kenya decided they wanted their nation back. Unfortunately, the people they wanted it back from just happened to be the same guys responsible for every other atrocity on this list. Fearing a countrywide rebellion, the British rounded up 1.5 million people and placed them in concentration camps. What happened in these camps will turn your stomach. Under slogans like “labor and freedom” and other variations on ” Arbeit macht frei,” inmates were worked to death as slave labor filling in mass graves. Random executions were not-uncommon and the use of torture was widespread. Men were anally raped with knives. Women had their breasts mutilated and cut off. Eyes were gouged out and ears cut off and skin lacerated with coiled barbed wire. People were castrated with pliers then sodomized by guards. Interrogation involved stuffing a detainee’s mouth with mud and stamping on his throat until he passed out or died. Survivors were sometimes burned alive.
how do you invent the concept of an island?
ITT: Subjects share their stories of getting ANGLOED by the ETERNAL ANGLO.
In short, Brits have never been heroes, and were just as (actually more) evil than the Nazis or Soviets combined.
In our case, it did. You fuckers even made a movie about it. It was pretty good tho
I am Bulgar. Not Anglo.
Would you?
didnt get me faggot
no it didn't
be quiet
fuck off home then, we voted brexit
Balkans had their chance to retain Constantinople after they reclaimed it from the Ottomans, but because they're autists they couldn't help but resort to infighting and having it retaken.