/dixie/ - Southern US + friends

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just got doxxed ama

I don't believe you


God I hate Yankees God I hate Yankees God I hate Yankees

fuck off flaglet

apology for poor english

when were you when david gets doxx?

i was sat at home eating KFC when virginia ring

‘david is dox’


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conway, arkansas

I don't think of any of you as real people, doxxing you is about as exciting as finding out a Skyrim NPC's editor ID

Making afternoon tea rn.

your name is Denny Herbert

are you one of those mind readers?

good ol' herbie

your name is Pookuu Sprölölö or some other Finnish shit

ok didnt ask herbert fatvore


holy frick the finn just got doxxed!


we should kill Pookuu Sprölölö

no one knows how to kill a fin. otherwise the Russians would have long ago. legend has it they are living pine trees and will one day return to the forest after their work is done. That work is to gather coffee, booze, and death metal memorabilia.

we live off bark bread the strange creatures from the west trade funny beans for animal pelts

just found out that you can use firefox addons on chrome

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Trudy closed the border

nooo not the heckin borderino truderino canadarino

I will sneeze on the entirety of Czechia

please do

grave of the fireflies is overrated, responding to last thread


>got letter in mail from International Christian-Jewish Fellowship
>Head response with "Dear Zionist Swine,"

You won't do shit

my TV`s got wet when i took them to my car
i hope they still work

grave of the fireflies makes me cry like a baby and that's all that matters

he and his sister would have lived if he wasn't stupid

what are you a woman

already in the mail

government has made it mandatory to wear masks outside now
went to the post office today and literally everyone I saw had masks on
is it the same where you live?

no we have a culture of kissing each other on the mouth when we greet

I had applied to a study abroad trip in the Czech republic and now it looks like they might cancel it and I'm very sad

borders are closed and I would stone you the moment I saw you on the street

It was for the next semester so there is (was) fleeting hope that a cure might magically appear before then. If not it'll likely be pushed back to the following semester of the next academic year

not the point of the movie

does not make his actions any less stupid

stupid neet should have tried getting a job before making everyone uncomfortable at his aunts house and having to leave

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let it dry and it will


he was doing nothing
just there eating rice
fucking trash


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doesnt matter theyre all dead
good fucking riddance
enough neets in these islands already

It also doesn't matter because it's a fictional chinese cartoon.

oh right you were talking about the movie

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lol sneed
