
The Best Moment Of 2020

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>Snow day

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pagina UNO!!!!!!!!

>eurovision postponed


look at her

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

genuinely enjoy watching it, tragic

Didn't wash my hands and am now touching my face, rubbing my fingers in my eyes

unironically hoping loads of gimps commit suicide. like indirect eugenics

by depression does she mean suicidal ideation, hallucinations, anxiety and panic attacks, dissociation, waking up constantly or not sleeping at all, feeling like you're dying, paranoia, not wanting to get out of bed, having a big urge to cry when you wake up, not wanting to do anything, losing loads of weight, not looking after yourself, developing drug and alcohol dependencies because if so poor her i went through the exact described and more

>waaaah i'm depressed

so far...

just made the 'friend suck the ol 'rona off my 'ingers

no she means feeling sad and posting fanny pics

dry your eyes mate


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You sound like a cunt desu


Na all the expenses tend to be yearly or every few years for the most part

>women think 2 weeks of quarantine is suicide worthy

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Think rationing might be on the way lads, tour of all the shops this evening to stock up before the hammer falls

government mandated fray bentos pies for the masses

moron who doesnt read the news

wash your hands

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women are less hygienic than men because people generally assume men are disgusting and women are clean so they don't bother as much so you have to blame women for this pandemic. it's them and their nasty piss and pussy juice slathered fingers when they leave the bathroom


teehee, i'm so depressed, cut my lip! rawrrrrr. im so sad :(((( heyyyy boyssss

Ah yes the "mathematics prodigy" brainlet

been through all that bar hallucinations, unless you count fever dreams

Did you hear that? The news said it. The NEWS. And it was on the NEWS so it must be true. The neeeeeeeeeeeeews.

t. bedroom dwelling virgin who buys into the media hysteria.

one trick pony

like mutilated yanks claiming everyone with an intact penis has smegma

The police crackdown on drinking and driving has killed the pub industry

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hopefully many "depressed" zoomers and millenials will choose to end their lives

and your penis

Wake the fuck up already

This is WAY worse than they are telling us

Ireland is way better than Britain, especially at dealing with this virus.


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go outside louis

go talk to a doctor in lombardy
see if he agrees with you

ah yes, the "wooden pressure caps" explosives savant

Need a few more cases of tinned veg.

fever isn't caused by depression lad

there'll be a good few clinging on until automated taxis

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just a flu bro

Her will it's hysterical fannies like you and other old ladies who are causing the real problem. Keep calm and carry on!

It wasn't about the big kaboomboom, it was about sending a MESSAGE!

>Day 4 of self-isolation

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Is 'Sick of it' any good?

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>no noo nooo the old people!!!!!

Just got off the phone with Giovanni, my doctor friend in Lombardy, he says everything's fine.

Yes just the flu. Now change your tampon.

Fuck this I'm going to 'spoons.

why is it so difficult for women to lose weight?

>tour of all the shops this evening

I just went and shelves are fucking empty. All I could buy was biscuits, so I bought about 10 packs. Some guy was going mental crying about their being no water for his kids. He was buying 20 litres and complaining he couldn't get any more muh kids muh kids muh 3 kids. Fucking faggots.


sounds like your bum partner

t. Stanley Johnson

yyou don't know the half of it

Must suck living in a shithole eh

boppity boopity mama mia stop worrying about the fucking influenza!

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has a very real chance of putting people your age in intensive care. its happening a lot

soz mate, i dont want any of this but its hella bad

welcome to my realm you whore

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women need more fat than us so babies can eat it and grow inside them


I'll do the C&Cs again and get a few cases of everything. Laid in about £600 worth yesterday. But still not comfortable with the reserves.

>has a very real chance of putting people your age in intensive care.
no it doesn't

True Brit.

Right, Right.
You're bloody well right.

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Business Idea: Annexing the Walkers crisp factory in leicester and build it into a fortress

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mad to think in 1 month we'll all be dead from crimes

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>its happening a lot
No. It isn't. It's happening in a handful of cases, so extraordinary they're making the news.

actually feel more anxious about my dad losing his job than I do for my own job even though I might lose that too.

i like the little squirrel in with a hat on they put on the packets

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Don't think any of that will happen

>hella bad

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Feel more anxious that the footie's off that I do about getting a bit of a cough.

If there was any justice in the world you would be dead already for being white

honestly like what the fuck was the british government playing at with their handling of this

I feel anxious about not being able to recall when I asked

these people are nuts



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Based Africans almost unaffected.

LOOK THIS 40 YEAR OLD MAN DIED OF CORON- oh wait he had motor neurone disease

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Oh definitely. I Expect to hear news that London is fully locked down tonight. None of this suggested crap. Should have been done a week ago.

700 new cases in one day, they release death numbers later, it's definitely getting over 100 today.

see the thing about the tories is they always try and walk it in

I want Emma Watson to shrink me down with a ray gun and stuff me up her bum.

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st padraig's day slags in case anyone missed it earlier


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Really puts things in perspective

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lads, what if he wasn't talking about coronavirus?


Keeping calm and carrying on lad.
Unlike euro-sois

swathes of 20 year old youts dropping dead on the streets of bilston