Why is 3rd world so fucking bad?

Why is 3rd world so fucking bad?

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What the fuck.

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WTF is that white thing? Sour cream?
It looks absolutely disgusting.

honestly jelly of tha moustache tbqh

looks delish desu

Uma delicia

1) short heda; 3.they savages4. culture of kill.

why does he trow spoon like some retard, jesus

what's wrong with that i'd eat it

Runt slop

dont know what that is but looks good

That doesn't look that bad. Those last 6 layers were a bit excessive but Mexican street food/American super-greasy shit looks way worse. If you want a real WTF someone should post that webm of Africans catching mosquitoes in pans, bunching them up with their bare hands and eating them

It looks good if the portion wasn't so extremely big

Glad someone eats them, revenge for malaria

Nah, that's normal in a lot of cultures. In northeast Brazil in the old days they used to eat ants as the latam natives. Some insects are pretty normal to eat worldwide

Ah yes, I wish I had more processed Canadian food with lack of nutrients and tons of sugar

the proportion of people that act like animals over soccer is greater

>In northeast Brazil in the old days they used to eat ants

we still do

its Joghurt you dumb mutt

Theres no need to be so rude, foods can look different in different countries

that doesn't look awful, just all of it slopped together on it is gross
or maybe I have bad eye site and there is something fucked in that meat

>bad eye site


Why did they put so much on the fucking plate? People complain about american porportions when shit like this exists.

You fuckers only speak one language, don't embarrass yourself like that.

with meat, rice and a bunch of other shit

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This ain't reddit, Paki


[Spoiler] You lost the war Kraut [/Spoiler]

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you guys don't have nature jogurts?

>dairy and meat
>muh tribal jewish laws


You dip fries in milkshake...

imagine the wholesome shit you'll be taking later

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natural yogurt don't have sugar you muttoid so it's perfect to use it in sauces

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You're a bit miserable aren't you

>I gave a downvote, fellow le reddit0r

whatever, mohammed al pakistani

Unironic cringe, give your head a wobble

Dont bother. Food without tons of sugar, salt and fat is a concept amerilards cant comprehend

>amerilards only have yogurts with sugar

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posting more turkish /ck/ webms

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>le cringe


>>muh tribal jewish laws
I didn't even think that was a thing.
My problem isn't dairies with meat. We literally invented cheeseburgers. There is also plenty of people who put sour cream on their tacos and other meats. But I find liquid dairis on meat to just be gross. Sour cream, Yogurt, etc.

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no we don't. Just because some degenerate did it, doens't mean WE do it as a nation.

we have greek yogurt, but that shit is gross. I don't know if it contains sugar or not, but due to the taste, it most likely doesn't.

He's just overdoing it to get those sweet social media points.
Besides, some of it looks pretty good so why complain.


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>Im not j-jewish, goy!
>here look at the degenarate things we invented to lead you astray!

Nice try, Schlomo

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didn't know there are sweet variations of this. Nice

>German flag ITT seething about criticism of Turkish food

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What on earth is going on here

>google kiselo bulgarian trash
>its Joghurt

wow, Slavitc Nexhat Mehmediyov. you played yourself


what the actual fuck?

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This makes me slightly uncomfortable even though I know those backages are properly sealed and shouldn't be affected by the washing.

WTF is this? Do berbers eat this?


Cockroach food

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if you are going to write in English then use the right word you stupid kraut

Fuck you die eat shit kill yourself dilate have sex seethe cope jump off a cliff


This is an tibetian anime board, mutt

Worst one so far.

That is what a man would eat after work the entire morning in a construction site.

Imagine the diarrhea...

disgusting leftovers swept up off the cutting room floor.