Why do whitoids look so soulless?
Why do whitoids look so soulless?
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>mfw brazilian replies to me
Shut up monkey, she's cute.
Because pictures like that are made with a formula in mind. Look at advertising, it's the same. Take a picture of the same woman but not in a professional way and she will look " soulful" aka normal
Literally every photo of her looks soulless
She isn't white, she is finish.
Only colonial mutts can be white.
Holy Cuteness, Saved!
Binland has the purest white genes in Europe
Maybe. One thought that i had is that the white color is "cold" and we might associate it with something bad. You could also say it's a "clean" or "pure" so it might be overwhelming to some.
Personally i like warmer colors so women from the south are nice and peaceful to look at.
what does she think about NEETs?
She gives neets money for free :3
Her eyes look autistic
She is cute and strong leader. I worship her as my god
oletko oikeasti niin kehitysvammainen ettet erota huumoria? miks sä oot aina pilaamassa näitä lankoja
how to get a soulless yt bf+gf combo??
No kuvittelin että joku on oikeesti ihastunut johonkin robootti pilluun
ei pysty erottaa enää todellisuutta nykyää
Just want to hold her lads
She is actually the best prime minister we have had for decades.
literally the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth
Based Poland
Germanic eugenics worked
>tfw polish diaspora that was told I had autism as an infant
To remove autism? Seems to have failed in Germanic countries specifically.
She's so boring looking, why are you parading her around?
What is her mtDNA hablo? looks U5 to me.
She's cute.
finns are 20% U5
the fuck is U5? Budget version of U2?
wow, turns out i am even more special!
prolly poor diagnosis/low awarness tho
she is beautiful
She looks like a substitute teacher pretty much, very normal.
I wish
I don't know her eyes seem to be glowing or something. Damn i wonder how's she in bed.. What you guys think? Crazy/kinky aggressive or dead fish?
She would rip you apart, leave feces and blood on the floor and leave.
Watch out, you're going to give a boner to the germans with those replies
I bet she looks good in a black latex suit.
Funny that you say that because in paleolithic Europe, the most artistically beautiful cultures were associated with mtDNA U2. Today there is like nearly no U2 in Finland except for a small amount in the far southeast.
>far southeast
what does that even mean lmao? Cities like Lappeenranta
you have never had sex
she looks as if she's built for something.. could you guess?
would fug desu
Projection, I have fucked lots of bussy.
So that's just east-finland. There are no southeast or northeast in finland.
>looks U5 to me.
You can't fucking tell someone's haplogroup based on how they look you absolute mongoloid idiot. Haplogroups contain 0 DNA that affects how you look.
>You can't fucking tell someone's haplogroup based on how they look you absolute mongoloid idiot. Haplogroups contain 0 DNA that affects how you look.
You are the idiot here fren. It means that she looks very typically Finnish. You sound like a very small headed person.
are you a cousin of Cabral by any chance?
Thirdies seem to think logical thinking equates to having no soul. We're not less human just because we have running water and don't believe in retarded superstition or whatever you consider to be "spiritual"
>Hi user, I see you're not under the quarantine I imposed, so unfortunately I have to arrest you, and bring you to my basement and lock you up there.
Shut up Merkel you fucking jealous granny
Imagine being the chad who wed her.
*to induce autism. And it worked perfectly.
Are there any pics of her when she's young? (over 18 though)
She's cute but her dress is shittier desu.