Is there a "language" as FRENCHED as English?

Is there a "language" as FRENCHED as English?

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We took the best bits and left your shitty gendered nouns.

And invented trannies, thank you anglo

You're speaking an italic language, you're both cucks

your post is unrelated to the thread


This is a lie.
This chart chooses every single word in English not every single word used in a text. If you do that then English is only 1/4 Romance.
But if you are looking for a language with more French in it Scots has that I think.

>This is a lie.
>This chart chooses every single word in English not every single word used in a text. If you do that then English is only 1/4 Romance.

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>more French in it Scots has that I think.
Literally the other way around you fucking retard. Scots has remained more germanic.

>Literally the other way around you fucking retard. Scots has remained more germanic.
No studies have been done on that.
I will say it is less Latin but I cannot say on the French aspect.
English isn't my language so I don't really care.

>English isn't my language so I don't really care.
Irish? Welsh?


"This dia is richt deir an denteit in dail,
Cause it is trest an true, thairfore that ye tak
Seivin sobbis of ane selche, the quhidder of ane quhaill,
The lug of ane limpet is nocht to forsaik,
The harnis of ane haddok, hakkit or hail,
With ane bustful blude of the sho-bak
With ane brewing full of hait cail,
For it wul be softer and sweittar of the Smak;"


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>English isn't my language so I don't really care.

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It's true. No one uses your words very often in normal conversation.

It should’ve been 100%
20% germanic barbarian vocabulary is too much.

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>It's true. No one uses your words very often in normal conversation.
>7 out of 12 words in that sentence are romance

Mostly from Latin. This also isn't a normal conversation.

seethe and cope mutt
>A great number of words of French origin have entered the English language to the extent that many Latin words have come to the English language. According to different sources, 45% of all English words have a French origin.[1] This suggests that 80,000 words should appear in this list; this list, however, only includes words imported directly from French, such as both joy and joyous, and does not include derivatives formed in English of words borrowed from French

because the "normal conversation" Amerimutts have "very often" is unintelligible nigger gibberish with non-stop profanity

This, literally all american conversation is borrowed from nigs and twitterfags, it's 99% of their lingo.

I am not English so I don't know why you tell this to me.

It's almost as if people speak like they normally do in a more casual setting like Twitter

Except you speak this way in real life too.


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Most technical terms that barely anyone uses on a day-to-day basis are French or Latin in origin, yes.
Still doesn't mean it's in any way dominant in normal speech.


Parlez-vous Français

What about it? You're agreeing with me, retard.

>Parlez-vous Français



Je sais, Pierre, je sais… seulement les Anglais commencent les noms du langues avec des majuscules.


>il induit l'Anglo en erreur à dessein
Basé Sven.

Fraunse es yae bien nation.

>Basé Sven.
Toi aussi, mon kp1 ;D

Whit unco leid.

Dutch unironically


English is Anglo-Saxons turned French into, to the despair of all parties involved.


*nglos literally use both blond and blonde

except all the french vocabulary was imposed on us lol

>Germanic language
>About 64% greco latin
This is why you anglos find Spanish easier than German despite being in another branch of Indoeuropean

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No we don't, my school didn't even bother teaching Spanish.
The two options were French and German.

I can see why Americans might want to learn Spanish though.

English was super easy language to learn. Really, a pleb language.

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I thought English was at least 60% Germanic in origin.

Native english people got cucked by Romans, Saxons, vikings and french. Is there a more pathetic cunt lol


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They always go on about how many words are of french and latin origin but they never weight them by frequency


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It's true. It also helps that native english speakers are usually taught which words are germanic and which ones are latinate; it makes picking up vocabulary easy. I can get by in Spanish but with German I wouldn't even know where to start.

germanic words in english are soulful, latin words are cold and clinical terms

what aboout Austria
Italians, Slavs, Germans, Bohemians. I don't even know how I would place you ethnically. Though culturally you are some kind of south German

Most words in spoken English are Germanic

CONFIRMED there IS a French tranny janny somewhere on Yas Forums right now, NOW, possibly more than one.
I'm going to have to repeat some points over again, sorry about that:
French was a terrible invention, the worst, certainly the worst among Indo-European languages, the equivalent of Chinese badly spoken. It is phoney on too many points to count (even for specialists), a deeply pretentious language, a lifeless schema with only pretensions to the truth. It is entirely founded in the classic French arrogance and stupidity; it is inseparable from the cowardice and the bowel movement problems congenital to the Gallic people, their blind uncompromising exaltation of pleasure and sensation above all else, their ineffectuality and their naivety. It's redeeming characteristics are those elements which are closest to Latin (a reasonable but tragically overrated language), but on every point at which it strays from this Roman standard it flails and falls into fallacy, nonsense, and hot air, much in the same way that most every French foray of military nature in their long history has also failed. There you have it, the English language equivalent of a few pages of a French writer or thinker. France is an inherently derivative language, and has found its philosophy by copying the Germans, its poetry by copying the Italians, its novel and its song lyric by copying the Anglo world, and its prestige through the sheer intensity of a pretentious French circlejerk.

This in mind, it has been the supreme task of every English language writer since to rescue the English language from the deep pretentions, the shoddy imitations of truth inherent in the French. The passage I posted above is precisely an example of how English can go off the rails, into the most terrible sort of nonsense and sensual bullshit. See how I said a lot without meaning anything? That's thanks to the French rape of English. Even 1000 years down the road the French language is still catastrophic enough to severely damage English speakers. English is valuable insofar as is Germanic and Latinate (ie related to the real thing), and is terrible on every point that it is 'French'.

nobody knows what the fuck you're saying

not in this post lol

>mostly uses French words for this lame copypasta