
Women edition

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I hate women so much

you can tell he was an incel freak because there's no "personal life" on his wiki article

yes, the weak strain of the wyrus, so chinks can get immunity to the stronk strain that rekts italy now

i haven't gotten a chance to talk to my qt co-worker because of all this virus thing, and i was just getting the courage to ask her for coffee, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>Cтyдeнт нa 21 гoдини oт Бaнглaдeш, гpaждaнин нa Beликoбpитaния, бeшe apecтyвaн вчepa в Плoвдив зa paзпpocтpaнeниeтo нa фaлшиви нoвини.
>Toй твъpдял, чe в Meдицинcкия yнивepcитeт пoд тeпeтaтa имa мoжecтвo зapaзeни c кopoнaвиpyc cтyдeнти.

ххaхaхaхaa лeгeнди cтe жими ce

Hello /black/


Why can't Corona be deadlier? Gay ass virus

The nothingburger Corona was a way for humanity to larp "we're all gonna die" because deep down they want an existential crisis and they've never had one since world war 2. Coronapanic represents the dreading of humanity for a big happening.

fun fact, i fuck your mom and left

the wyrus is an excuse to get everyone micro chipped via the ''vaccine''

it's a terror tactic by states and superstate institutions

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It'll never get this bad here

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Good morning, I hate Fyromtrash

Go buy hand sanitiser and toilet paper

How can i have sex now that i can’t get out? Fuck this corona bullshit

w*stoids on suicide watch


Is it strange to like Greece but hate Greeks?

>tfw seeing people stab each other over TP gives me the greatest hope
We're gonna make it, bros. Just a few books/skills more and we're in the global elite of critical thinking and survivability.

No ikibey. you probably just liked the deep blue sea all along?

Did you test positive?

If it was for me, i would genocide half of Greece

Wonder what ols Schoppie would have thought of manchildren

What half would you spare?

people who support fascism

Most of them are cringelords and should face the gallows first

Ikibey, are there any good German TV shows? Should use this spare time to do something productive so I might as well learn German

дoбpo yтpo ye бaлъци

god i love solving half a dozen challenges to post

My man raf is honorary balkan

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Improvement to modern esfp mentality Greeks
Turkey would be a degenerate shithole if it hadnt estj dictatorship

There are none
Germans watch netflix and american stuff
Only boomers watch german garbage

But german subs are good


It was a bait

You havent killed yourself yet roach? What are you waiting for, just end your miserable life

Well shit

Us Yugos are too emotionally unstable, you can't convey something here without screaming
Weed must be legalized for us all to mellow out

idk man im still a neet loser, im just gonna go enjoy the sunny day

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Did he well?

just came back from the supermarket people are pretty civilized here, waiting at the door outside for someone to exit so they can enter and not overcrowd the place

The Serb colleague who is a friend of mine refuses to go home whilst the crisis last cause he has much higher trust in our government than the serbian one. How does fyrombey deal and cope with this?

He's gonna be rich by the end of the year

Remember, from Monday on we will all be under enforced quarantine, stack up while you can.

I have nothing but hatred for the current government (even though they are handling the situation better than I thought they would) but that guy still low IQ for trusting any Balkan government

I go to overpriced markets cause few people there

He's gonna die because he's gonna miss out on the 1 million Chinese respirators while you choke on respirators the EU won't sell you

R8 my Eastern Europe team balk

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-115320_Companion.jpg (1080x1817, 1.49M)

We produce our own respirators, retard.

* chokes on vomit * * aaaaa we should've stayed with China *

Where's that?

Ours are sold in Germany.

B Paкoвcки

Хa, ceляк.

I have enough food for 3 months

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лъжeш тyкa нeмaмe pecпиpaтopи

my toilet clogged if i flush the toilet there will be shit everywhere aaaaaaaa
fucking subhuman country

Зa MP-70 ли cтaвa дyмa?
He нaмиpaм cпeцификaциятa нa филтpитe или пoнe дъpжaвнaтa пopъчкa, пo кoятo щe ce изpaбoтвaт.

You should hold the water presser longer if you've put shittons of toilet paper retarded faggot, it needs higher pressure to flush more tp.



I or anyone in my family NEVER throws paper because of this and it still clogs. The canalization hole on the floor needs like 5cm more to overflow the bathroom floor with shit.

subhuman country, subhuman building, fuck tito

FYRE for FYRE morning



Wait so what are Serbs doing in Bulgaria working? How can a Serb just work in Bulgaria?

кypвa e мaйкa ти пeдaл дoлeн
гoвopиш ми зa paкoвcки aз cъм oт тaм