Fuck Australians
Why the fuck are Australians in Afghanistan
yea im thinking this is based
Whatever the fuck Americans do there is an option for Aussies and Kiwis to join them along with the Brits
fucking based holy shit
What the fuck
This is China tier.
Imagine if a russian did this, the world outrage that would follow
I now understand why the Taliban exists, it was self defense all along from Israel and their lapdogs
i thought i couldn't get thirstier for western blood
well i was wrong
That's so cringe, grow a spine and say NO to yankee imperialism.
Damn, that trigger happy fuck should get it.
wtf Australians are based af
angl*s aren't human
Too much seppo influence unfortunately.
A medal?
This is why you should never respect soldiers
especially afghan ones, he didn't even fight back lmao
There's literally no context to this shit, the cunt could have been rattling off AK rounds, throwing grenades earlier or been on a radio.
>How do you know he's not lying on top of a pistol or IED trigger?
>Have you considered what happened in the time leading up to this?
Maybe he was 'innocent' but for all accounts of this shit, which hasn't been into any kind of court its just fucking assumptions and the bleeding heart faggots crying about the brown man being shot. Then there's you fucking cretins taking anything from social media verbatin as the 'truth'
It was just a joke.
what this has to do with china you mentally disabled mutt monkey?
angl*s aren't human
Why are white people so evil?
Australian soldiers have always been subhumans in iq and behaviour.
The amount of soy and Moslem diaspora in this thread is unbearable. Was this thread linked on Reddit or something?
you can remove the "soldiers" from that sentence
Our security is based of US hegemony and a strong position in it
Who fucking knows if the US will actually defend us when the cards are down but that means we double down so the US is in a dominant position and so never has to decide
Fucking low iq sub human jesus man...
He's more based than you
That and we turn off half their satellites covering the eastern hemisphere if they don't come help
it won't be as funny as the jokes we're doing and gonna do to you for the next hundreds of years
he's dead bro...
>yanks shitting on us for committing war crimes
Its clear you fucking retards have no clue about your own history
They're there willingly and paid extremely well for very to support broad Australian interests, you can't just excecute a random cunt from a metre away
>I saw a guy kill an unarmed farmer on the internet so I'll call him based
Australians are funny. Like Mad Max irl.
You call strayas, for that kind of job.
im glad china is pioneering deracialisation reeducation for terrorists, these guys need it
Fucking a goats and little children, sounds based to you?
And then w*stoids wonder why they go to their countries to blow themselves up.
Israel is our greatest ally
Is that your self-portrait?
Good, fuck muslims
cursed image
Rest in peace some farmer that I don't even know the name. Hope you are chilling in heaven.
fooken sick
im literally and unironically clapping to this though, Yas Forums wasn't kidding when they said Australians are Americanized as fuck.
Depends. Are the children hot?
He got away with it btw they planted an AK-47 on the farmer and defence cleared the soldier of any wrongdoing.
Australia's leadership hasn't forgotten what happened to us during WW2, brits let us down and you guys stepped in to help. Our post and present war PM Robert Menzies made sure of it, basically strengthening ties as much as possible for 20 years and distancing from britain.
Culturally British-esque yes, diplomatically American (and at the moment) economically Chinese. That's Australia.
your dirty work
>w..w...what if he wasn't innocent?
good dog
Private contract work from companies like Unity Resources Group which is an Australian company, most soldiers stationed in the Middle East are actually PMCs, not national armies.
So that way leaders of countries can claim we have more troops in the Middle East, and it’s technically true, because PMCs are private industry.
Also idgaf, fuck sand people, they are scum who deserve death.
based aussies, I’d pour you a could one if I could
i got banned when i posted this news.. why cant Yas Forums just get rid of ukrainian mods?
the duality of man
Dude he's Australian (ie. Chinese)
They will be controlling you (and me) for the next few centuries at least
what a retarded post
Shut the fuck up you dumb
killing the innocent farmer was bad but whats done is done, the publishing of this video for radical muslims to latch onto only fuels their hatred towards white people (me), i feel like the reporter has done more harm by spreading this video to the masses than had he simply left it alone.
y'all know how you could really distance yourselves from Britain make all your aussie most informal incorrect shortening the official way to speak, maybe also abo languages in their respective homelands being required to be learned spoken whether by the abo, anglo-celt true blue aussies or whatever foreigners you let move in there, hell maybe Chinese too anything to separate from your british origins is a good thing and prevents barbarism like in the op, you can even take these concepts and make them uniquely Australian like you took the dim sum and made the aussie dimsim not to mention the british cuisine being different something of it's own and stuff like wichetty grubs just something to make oz a land culture language and people like no other rather than just irish and british dudes squatting on a desert island in the middle of asia
the journalist is only interested in money, this generated a lot of clicks from outrage, nothing more.
no fagget. go fuck yourself.
Guilty laugh
wow, a soldier doing what he's supposed to do in wartime. if it were a russian no one would bat an eye
>reddit filename
uhm yikers...
>its best to bury the truth when its convenient for me
angl*ids aren't human
What’s so important for australians in afghanistan that they need to be shooting farmers “just in case” they were up to something lol