Firendly, non-ragekid edition
The white women are prettier
How is the epidemic treatin' you?
I've been working from home, teaching English online.
I'm going on a roadtrip every day if the weather is nice
I can't work from home
Wouldn't surprise me if I have to work overtime soon
6. day of sickness
apart from cough its fine
i hope it kills all boomer subhumans
As a security guard I need to be on the building.
Feeling ok
How much to you earn as a security guard in Poland?
Working from home, I fucking hate it.
hey I have one of those, but from 2017
good morning, eurofrens
I'm getting fatter
2k zloty a month but I also get 1k disability bux
Ah Poland is a place where security is low status.
I work as a security guard (Väktare) and as a parking warden (parkeringsvakt) and get 11k zloty, on par with the police.
With that said a normal "väktare" have a bulletproof vest, baton, handcuffs and knife protected gloves.
Blessing this thread
this is what I'll look like when the quarantine ends
Good :3
no good
I've been already told I should do something about the weight I put on
I'm back.
When I can working from home otherwise things stayed the same. Old people are on the streets they don't give a flying fuck about a virus that's potentially killing them.
Mentsd meg az öreg hölgyeket. Kek.
Working from home
Finally have time and motivation to work out regularly and keep my apartment clean
hej vy! smatrite
good morning everyone :)
I'd hit it, no homo.
Working from home second week in a row now
Love it, I know the situation is bad and all, but a part of me doesn't want this to ever end
I am an incel.
Nations are just classes with their own languages
Kill the rich (nations)
made for BBC
post feet
Guess their nationality.
Both look pretty subhuman, so I guess Serbs?
They look inbred as fuck, so could be any royal family in Europe
being locked in with my family has been hard these past days
Yes to both.
That being said the woman is just married to a prince, she doesn't have a royal background, she's just ugly af.
gonna clean my kitchen
What are the prerequisities for such job?
Can you beat mooslems with the baton without repercussions?
You can stop cringeposting without repercussions.
Nobody asked you comment on that. Go back to eating gulasz.
Stop cringeposting, Poolish monki.
Stop being fat incel or the woman you kindapped with call the butcher.
snails are so funny looking
Tfw stuck at work for 7 more hours
>IT guy who was supposed to assist me is offline
whoops! looks like I'm not doing anything today
I decided to stay at home until corona is gone.
lol wtf
will he get in trouble?
My sleep schedule is fucked
Also, good morning /v4/ !
>will he get in trouble?
why would he? maybe he's busy with other stuff or whatever
He looks ridiculously ugly and punchable on the right.
on the left too
this won't end well
Haven't drank for 36 hours I think it's this month's record
I drew animu girl
Imagine staying home because you're worried that you'll get infected with a virus that only kills boomers.
my pale silhouettes
It sucks.
Oh fug.
Imagine when they all corona reaches that place and they all start runing away and greek army starts firebombing them.
Imagine being this low IQ
I am 300IQ.
if it doesn't kill you, it can permanently damage your lungs
In 80% of cases it's mild, and I'm young and healthy so I'll be fine. Looking forward to coofing on some boomers and solving the demographic crisis in my country.