
sainsburys edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


heard the virus is now being spread via tap water

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No, he's a bully


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here we are

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in that case, I have a 100% survival chance

Bit of a racist statement

>drinking from the sink


Moni if it makes you feel better I'm a 29yo khhv who hasn't left my (mum's) house in 2 weeks, and I'm literally the palest, pastiest, most blue eyed white person in this thread.
So even you, a mentally ill paki, have a better life than me.

not been on 4am /brit/ in a while
is it usually this slow?


it's over

Know it's my time to go to bed when jfs make up over half of posts.
Night lads.

you just sound like a lazy piece of shit


maybe the real white people were the friends we met along the way

maybe your phenotype is really about whats on the inside

I'm not white I'm 1.5% n*rwegian

gonna go to sleep at 1 am. it's currently 11:16pm


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do the british really?

so how come the billionaires can hoard billions in offshore companies for decades but if the 99% can't spend money at their chosen business for a while the economy is cancelled

It's... okay


are general

Race is an illusion. We're all descended from these people. These are the earliest humans. The first ethnic group. There's no such thing as "black" or "white" people. Racism is as stupid as identity politics.

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unironically would rather be 5'8 than 6'8

Emperor of the manlets

I'm not that Yas Forums but I reckon I could take both those n*ggers in a fistfight.



Tell me more about yourself



Aha this is me

he's not a disgusting, ugly, dysfunctional paki like you who recorded his roommate in the toilet and got kicked out of uni
you're a failure and you need to off yourself for the betterment of society

>racism outside of Yas Forums
ITS OVER (for you)

coronavirus is god's punishment for yellow fever


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When Portugal sends its people, they are not sending their best


wtf where is the bbc bulge?

2020s - the NEET era

bloke who maintains it got ill
tanx bojo, I know you're a politician and not a biologist but twitter said it's your fault so fuck you

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>order 500ml of hand sanitizer from the chemist
>get a call
>"your 200ml sanitizer is ready"
>go down
>handed 100ml sanitizer
motherfucker is this Zeno's motherfucking sanitizer?

niggers in the new world were literally bred to have big dicks. they thought big dick = stronger. lil dicc niggies didn't get to reproduce

Imagine smelling Emma Watson’s bottom.

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Hate it when I go to do my weekly shop and have to go to 5 different shops to get something and I see people with a trolley worth approximately $500 of tin food, toilet paper and cleaning products.

of course this post was made by a yank

can you please stop spouting the n-word?

The argie who asked for recommendations here.

I didn't expect such a big amount of replies, anons! Thanks for answering to you all!

Hmm, I like sci-fi when its weird, like Stanislaw Lem (but, of course, Lem is impossible to read for me in english), I like normie novels of zombies, weird novels of any kind... but I'm open to recommendations of any genre, to be honest. And I feel right now like reading normie slice of life novels.

I've read it in spanish. Feel bad...

Thank you, I'll read em when I feel like being politically brainwashed.

I'm gonna try with dickens ;), would you recommend a book in particular?

I'm christian, user. :'3

I'm looking for the pdf, but cannot find it.

I love you, user, but despite that I hate this shit. Fuck off.

I've never read a book of this genre, thank you for recommending it, I'm gonna give it a shot too.


try harder next time

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go away

>the american knows the most about american slavery
well no shit sherlock

read The Man Who Was Thursday by GK Chesterton


Want to end something's life everytime I see an American complain about their fuel prices



>the american knows the most about black penises

World War Z is good if you like zombies, it's pretty simple and is full of short stories. I am legend is good too, not technically zombies but it's in that vein, it's short and much better than the film.


yes, that one too


>go away

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yep thats some homophobia outside of Yas Forums!

Shuddering at the thought of how I probably passed redditors on the street today. Should all be put into camps, the lot of them.


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would highly recommend The Hobbit, and the Narnia books, as well as CS lewis' s "space trilogy", very steeped in christian themes
"do androids dream of electronic sheep?" was another good sci fi one i can recall.
ray bradbury is another good sci-fi author but beware with sci-fi, alot of it is nihilist jewish trash. and the short stories tend to be better quality than the novels


>the autismoyank is here

>all these redditors and discord trannies hoarding home gym equipment because they refuse to go to the gym
Never been so blissfully quiet at the gym. Still the occasional w*man in there though.

>announcing your presence every thread

hard new south welsh border now
can't have them getting out

But Australia is reddit: the country, you should be accustomed to it by now.


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gonna be tragic to see all the tourists flock back to venice once corona fucks off

>would highly recommend The Hobbit, and the Narnia books, as well as CS lewis' s "space trilogy", very steeped in christian themes
>"do androids dream of electronic sheep?" was another good sci fi one i can recall.
>ray bradbury is another good sci-fi author but beware with sci-fi, alot of it is nihilist jewish trash. and the short stories tend to be better quality than the novels

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hey lads, yesterday i woke up sucking a lemon

*taps pipe*

what breed of wog is that m8?

Had to cancel my 'ollidays because of the old 'rona

*taps the sign*

I wish smellovision existed so I could smell this image.

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that’s a shame

Atlanta is a good show

Dunno mate just came up when I searched nigger in DuckDuckGo


in what way is australia reddit, as a nation our behaviour is quite antithetical to the yankisms reddit so proudly espouses

have you ever done a haka?

The Welsh word for the Western genre is... now I'm not making this up... is "Cowbois"

yes. we had to do it in high school

australia is wrongplanet forums

Love are Wales

watched some on youtube it looks pretty cool



All races will fuck you over but Pakistanis are least worst of the bunch

england is gamefaqs: the nation

Love are New South Wales me, doing Old South Wales Proud

what is the water version of an electrical grid called?

so why don't you move to pakistan?

wish the Belizean user posted in /brit/

gamefaqs is the best place to discuss videogames