*gives every American $1000*

*gives every American $1000*

Wait a minute... isn't this socialism???

Attached: 200313162118-01-trump-0312-large-tease.jpg (460x259, 12.61K)

Shut up Canada don't make us give you a $1000 each

yang would be proud

No, this is neetbux

Only $1000 to tax payers so basically just tax payers are getting their money back.
No gibs for non-tax payers.

In US dollars, right?

I'm a dyed in the wool leftist but if republicans put in place wide-reaching social programs while dems twiddle their thumbs then Trump deserves another term

What is that like 1200 funbucks Champ?

It wont be as quickly as it fails, like everything that "was not true socialism/communism'' before

Poorfag non-whites pay taxes dumbass. He's stealing from you.

Socialism isn't even real. Its a meme made up by fox news to make fun of Democrats (retards)

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Socialism is state control over all commerce not free shit

>pay taxes
Yes retard anyone that pays taxes are getting $1000 back.

Giving money to non-whites is literally socialism though,.

>it's Trump's fault the world economy is crashing!
>orange man bad!

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based american intellectual

Giving it to non-tax payers is socialism, dipshit.

Fuck the bald communist but Trump give me the thousand dollars

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>Chinks said something dumb this means that Trump isn't at fault for crippling the US's response
Imagine being this much of a cuck boy.

Attached: coronavirus trump 34534.jpg (1384x1251, 680.31K)

It's not his fault but he fucked up handling of cases in the USA by nothing burgering too much, then underfunding state apparatus for that. Even if he did no wrong the whole signing deal is hilarious.


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Socialism is state ownership over the economy and businesses not government expenditures.

This. I don't care about the stocks. All I care about is Israel. Trump has done a good job of protecting them. Glad to see that my perspective is a popular one here.

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i remember last month all the lefties were saying "it's just a flu bro, the common cold kills way more people!". Now those same people are giving trump shit for saying the exact same thing.

>Trump's at fault for not killing people and locking them inside their homes like a dictator
So this is the power of cope...

Trump isn't a leftist you cuck and it is indeed just the flu.

Attached: coronavirus trump.png (930x536, 418.96K)


>get mad at libs, media and others pushing back on the flu meme
>get mad and say they did the exact opposite
the school system has failed you

Since when do tests require murder you dumbass liberal? This is why you keep losing.

>I need to whine about orange man to validate my sad existence
So I noticed leftist


Since China used it and you defended it in another thread, fuckboi.
You gonna shit your pants in rage here too?

Do you not remember feburary or are you just pulling my leg?

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Tests aren't murderous you schizo commie. Shut the fuck up.
>No sources
A month ago Trump said it was a hoax btw.


No, this is what the end of the world looks like.

He’s going to fuck the economy even worse for a stupid campaign stunt.

Reminder that Trump, the head of the executive branch, never said it was "just the flu." He did however say that it wasn't a big deal and that the US is 100% prepared. Of course that was all before March when he said that no one knew it was coming.

Attached: coronavirus trump342523234.jpg (497x767, 120.66K)

>Yes that's me and I support the communist!
Nice falsefag dipshit. You said in the other thread that people should be killed and trapped in their homes. Now you're backpedaling.

>Reminder Trump tried to prevent a panic and hysteria
Based af Trump
You may not like it but he is your President say it with me PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP! 2020

>the other thread
See this is why schizos need to be banned. We are not all the same people here freak.

You have the same flag as me but not the same opinion!! false flag!!! look!!!

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Fucking BASED.


>Socialism is state ownership over the economy and businesses
Sup retard.

Socialism is when the government gives out girlfriends

Except for China

Socialism is when your parents say that they love you, but deep down its pure hatred and resentment.

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And literally everyone else. China only hid it successfully for 1 month (december.) After that news about it was everywhere.

>unironically supporting trump
americans really are that dumb huh

sadly people here are really dumb

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It was kinda funny in 2016, but there's honestly nothing to meme about anymore.

that's called bribery.

Bernie has no chance, Trump can even socialism better than him

>not buying votes with the government's money

>bernie miraculously wins the primary
>Trump runs to the left of him and somehow wins by calling him a "fake socialist" at every debate

This, everyone is doing it since socialists convinced the people this is okay

so why is everyone so fearmongering over him? just give him the presidency :)

Because he's the oldest candidate, just had a heart attack and is retarded

Well to be fair Bernie seems the healthiest around fat Trump and Joe dementia.
About age seems a pretty stupid argument cause we are talking about a few years of difference among the candidates.

>Well to be fair Bernie seems the healthiest
maybe if you ignore the fact he literally just had a heart attack and will be over 80 years old by the time he got into office

Lmao Joe dementia is 1-year younger than him while Trump is 5 years younger it's a really stupid argument.
Why wasn't Rubio elected at this point? too young?