
The Gapcute edition

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Still too early, wait for bump limit next time

New Dutard noble professional script copypastas, from "let's pitty the chinese" to blaming the citizens for the dutz incompetent visayan tier "leadership"
>incoming mkl seethe you score

I understand the sentiment that we should all just unite behind the Administration's efforts. But if you're actively fomenting division among your own citizens through these trolls and paid social media pages, then you're being a Grade-A, top-of-the-line, hypocrite. You're asking us to drink from a well that you and your own supporters have poisoned. So with all due respect, spare us from your pontificating and GOVERN. That's your job.

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>haha, very funny, bos

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>49 TKA China di Sultra
Hahahaha good to know Sulawesi had it coming for being chinese cocksucker

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Need one that smiles at me like this

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its too fucking early, not even at limit

I have an exam coming up soon

Man, i wish i can worship ms. Yukary legs.

bored af while stuck at home. recommend me some nice instathots to follow /asean/

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BLT when? I thought Jukowi supposed to be Socdem?

more like sillypenis mirite


Menteri Kesehatan tolol

welcum back

Tolol gelora.co/2020/03/pasien-sembuh-corona-dipamerkan_17.html

1 month of quarantine means I will have to watch 10000 hours of tv shows and movies...

Typical work from home paid shills
The worst PH government officials at this point in time, happen to be one of the most crucial: PCOO (aka Mocha's former harem). A lot of them are in Europe now, information campaign kuno to have foreign investors keep coming

What happened?

exam is starting

Literally said "it just a flu bro"

Based daeng

>pleb still doesn't understand Terawan 4D chess

>retards insisting go to friday prayer
fucking lmao, i bet infection number will escalate this weekend

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I'm gonna assume that you have no prior contact with a positive COVID19 case
>I got a fever in monday
>I don't know what septum is but i don't have a dry cough, it got green stuff on it
>Breathing difficulties is around when I got the fever and yesterday I don't have it anymore
It's pretty unlikely that you caught COVID19, since the fever has subsided, you had a wet cough and you don't have persistent breathing problem (rapid breathing (tachypnoea) or hypoxia).
If symptom still persist I would suggest antibiotics like Azithromycin and the like.
It's good that you chosen to self isolate, coinfection would be terrible.
Drink a lot of water and rest a lot
I hope for a speedy recovery.

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Getting reshuffled in less than 6 months?


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Seethe and Cope

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>over 15.200
1998 soon bros... Gak sabar pengen nyicipin memek Orei

Malaysian death rate for COVID-19 is 0.3%, Thailand 0.5%, Indonesia 4% and Philippines 7.25%. Obviously Indonesia and Philippines didn't do enough screening and those infected are still roaming around freely. Their numbers of infected is probably 10 times more the current reported number.

>about to go back to indo this week
>confirmed case now at 174
>3 digits in less than 2 weeks

if i already finished my thesis i wont go back home, these commies unironcally handle this shit better than indos


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Based af

Korea 1%
China 4%
Iran 6%
Italy 8%

kuliah apa gan

The commies handle it better than all 1st world countries

Ngapain lo kuliah ke vietnam? Dapat lpdp ya?

kerja, yg kuliah ada sih bbrp di prov thai nguyen(mhs UNS klo g slh) ama hue, tiap taun UNS ngirim mhs buat exhange ke thai nguyen setau urg. blkgn ini expat2 indo dsini kebanyakan dah pada balik ato g kmn2 skrg2 ini(ada travel warning dr perusahaan)

yes, disni klo g slh lu keluar dri red zone di denda, ditambah lg kan komunis ngilangin org gampang, warga mau ga mau nurut kata pemerintah

most of the cases here are imported cases, either vietnamese that is returning from infected countries like italy or china, or foreigners

>last week i went to uncle ho mausoleum to check if he's really dead
>totally empty
>nice, take some pics and vids
>saw a crowd in a distance
>mostly wh*toid boomers
>off balik ada aseng

teacher in indonesia had 13 yo female students attracted to him, got into a relationship with one of them, married her when she was 20 and he was 34


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kerja apa

i saw the facebook post, probably still on my timeline

bandar togel di ha long

meant fordamn

oh cokin macau

pure sundoid JOMON BVLL, tp y banyakan emg cokin yg disini, bbrp nikah ama warlok

Not even trying to flame but I agree.

Looks like the budget are being spent for Dutard shills to spread fake news like pic related and Damage control

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oh kaum pecun lonte

Gaji di sana kalau dibandingkan di Indonesia, besaran mana ?

medfag ngilangin dermatitis seboroik gimana ya? selsun double yellow efektif gak?

males banget aku mau ngapa-ngapain hari ini
nggak bersemangat

>Philippines didn't do enough screening and those infected are still roaming around freely. Their numbers of infected is probably 10 times more the current reported number.
I think that goes without saying, Im also seeing a trend where rich politicans and duterte local oligarchs and Celebs are the only ones actually getting tested.
While everyone else gets a thermal scanner and in tropical climate it's known to be inaccurate

Also Hospitals that lack ECMO MACHINE is the reason why some patients die to COVID-19 in the Philippines.

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or ECMO is machine pumps blood from the patient's body to an artificial lung (oxygenator) that adds oxygen to it and removes carbon dioxide. This is especially useful when the patient has collapsed lungs, pneumonia or when your lungs and heart fail to oxygenate your blood. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is also known as extracorporeal lung assist (ECLA), and extracorporeal CO2 removal (ECCOR) ECMO MACHINE costs Php 8,000,000.00 ( ~Eight Million Pesos)

The budget for this was spent for paid shill trolls online, shill that are brainwashed that Ninoy is a traitor for stoping the shithole maker dictator marcos.

tergantung kota, gedean indo sih sbnrnya, tp disini barang murah2 (terakhir ngecek ke toko pc buat mobo ama gpu disini bisa lebih murah 300-500rb, dan laptop atasan urg kan lepi geming msi gtu, lebi murah 3 jt dbanding di indo

Guna shampoo yang ada tar

my cousin just got back from japan a few days ago but she didnt got any test. was she supposed to get one? she was going to visit some family members but everyone acts suspicious around her and now there is some tension around everyone

Tell her to self quarantine for at least 2 weeks

>udah ktombean 4 taun
awalnya urg pake sellsun blue, ama yg oren, tp lama kelamaan jd g ngaruh, biasanya urg jg musiman ato klo ganti shampoo, skrg dah 4 taun ga kelar2

You could since it has antifungal properties.
Selsun blue should work as well
If it's still persist try to have it checked with a doc and be prescribed with shampoo that contain ketoconazole

I don't even know where you're from but the standard procedure is to report to your local hospital/clinic, take a test, and even if they refuse to test you, you should do a self quarantine for 2 weeks at home


with malays going extinct will they be replaced by kaling/indian or Chinese?


Try Neutrogena T-Gel or if you're on a budget you can try Sebitar. Try shampooing twice in a shower, instead of more frequent and don't forget to wash your hair in the evening if you wear hair product. Avoid wax/clay and use easier to wash product.

just finished an exam guys