Rest in Piece

There is no way the EU survives Corona's aftermath. People are gonna start wondering why this institution even exists. The second this pandemic is dealt with, Italy will leave and all other countries will follow. It's over.

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>noncountry posts
i hear nothing

Oh yoir e talking about the organization called the EU. I thought you meant the continent, I was excited for a bit.

>living rent free in mutts' minds

Good riddance.

This shit continent will be divided between Amerikkka and China.

Europe is the XIX century Africa

INteresting to see how china will be punished after this.

>ppl will stop going to festival, traveling and shit because of a 3months hiatus

fantastic insight there

Every country needs to sanction the shit out of them so they don't do this again

Whats worse is I don't think much will happen. China literally covered up and silenced doctors. And some countries will let them get away with it.

People already hate the EU. This virus will make it worse.

>People already hate the EU.
racists incels and inbreds

Weird way to say people with brains.

>The second this pandemic is dealt with, Italy will leave and all other countries will follow
I thought we were supposed to leave after the financial crisis. Or after the debt crisis. Or after Greece. Or after the immigration crisis. Or after Brexit
Oh well, guess this time is the good one right?

There's a difference between financial losses and a mountain of dead people. Money can be replaced and reaccumulated. Tens of thousands of dead are gone for good.

Then our own government should be in shambles right now, but Conte has never been so popular

How is that the EU's fault?

Anglos at it again.

It was the USA and everyone knows it.

>Tens of thousands of dead are gone for good.
Don't worry. They will have enough "new Italians" to replace them with.

>implying racists incels have brains

It's easy to ask: What does this Union even exist for if its members aren't supportive of eachother during a life threatening crisis? Globalism has brought us this problem. The EU doesn't need to be at fault. All you need to do is convince people that it didn't do shit to save thier love ones. And that's quite frankly a fact. You don't even need to invent the claim.

EU is a basket case at this point. Their days are numbers and based Chinks potentially sped it up.

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LMAO get fucked retarded autististic piece of shit. It is not the EU's job to save your ass. The EU is not a country. If you want to blame someone blame your own shitty government. Faggot from a non-country.

If EU did more it would stick its nose to the internal affairs of the member states, which is explicitly not its business. Can't please you retards either way.

I see your divide and conquer plans are going well.

How much longer until I get to kill you in WW3?

NATO didn't "help" either, I guess we should leave that too?

it's so fucking strange that shitskins still flee here, we have a pandemic yet a shitskin would rather come here than live in shitskinland.

thank god a ban on shitskins and mass deportations are incoming

From what i understand, EU leaders talked today and all decided to close the external EU borders for people. Only goods and medical supplies can come in.

Why should they fear a virus that rather kills boomers and gramps if they are not that old?

>but Conte has never been so popular
He's the man.
Started as a sockpuppet of Salvini and ended like a boss.

Fingers crossed this least to a further hardening stance on the external borders of the EU.

İs that the only way you can communicate? Talking in meme Yas Forums language and babble the same shit over and over again you hear on this site 24/7? Aren't you ashamed at all for not being able to talk like a normal human being and speaking like a complete fucking imbecilic retard?

wtf I love China now

The exact opposite is true. They are using this to enforce the monetary union. Print money for the German and Italian banks. Print the south European debts away. North Europe is upping their spendings, so they will find it more acceptable that money is going to get printed.

When they are done there is no more economic incentive to leave the EU.

Never seen a luckier man desu
From complete irrelevance to the hero of the nation in less than a year

The Dutch government already stopped taking in all refugees a while ago. They don't even get accepted in camps here.

>that rather kills boomers and gramps
Because they're the ones who're paying taxes for shitskin manteinances, that's why.
IDK in Germany but here boomers still are the bulk of the Tertiary workforce

It's good if we tone down the superstate autism a bit. Economic cooperation is cool, but don't pretend we're all the same because of this. The EU will prevail, but it may have to change. And that's not necessarily bad at all, even though the concept is great.

We call upon the European Commission and Parliament to propose, and on the national governments to adopt (starting with the Eurogroup meeting of March 16, and a following extraordinary European Council to be called soon after) the following urgent measures, also using the Lisbon Treaty passerelle clause and simplified Treaty revision provisions:

1) Make public health and the fight against epidemics a shared competence of the EU, subject to the ordinary legislative procedure, and provide the Commission with extraordinary powers to coordinate the response to the epidemics, as a federal government should do.
2) Enlarge the scope of the European Stability Mechanism to finance the immediate strengthening of the European and national health systems to cope with the pandemics, which threatens the lives of European citizens, and thus also the economic and financial stability of the EU.
3) Abolish the compulsory balanced budget provision for the EU and create a EU Safe Asset to be issued to finance an EU-wide plan to promote EU economic recovery and social cohesion during and after the emergency.
4) Move fiscal issues to the ordinary legislative procedure and provide the EU with fiscal powers to adopt new own resources – such as the carbon tax (and carbon tariffs), the digital tax, the financial transaction tax – to finance the EU budget (or the Euro-area Budgetary Instrument, if the decision could be reached only at the Euro-area level).
5) Immediately approve the next Multiannual Financial Framework increasing the budget to at least 1,3% of the EU GDP, as requested by the European Parliament, on the basis of the current structure of the budget financing; and with the provision to reach 2% with the new own resources, to ensure the provision of crucial EU-wide public goods.
6) Turn the planned Conference on the future of Europe into a fully-fledged European Convention to draft a new Constitutional Pact among the EU citizens and Member states.

I'm just responding in kind, dummy.

shouldn't exist
yuros aren't our problem

>that's why.
If you go on that line, we could also argue that they are decreasing the amount of pensions because it will wipe them out.
t. has to work like until 67 or even into my 70ies to get some pension

>Noooooo you can't turn a trade union into a country everyone needs to have separate currencies languages and full sovereignty or the entire continent will lose all it's peoples languages and cultures

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Ten minutes later. Europe has fallen asleep again, while the USA gets nuked by China.

So basically the EEC? What the EU was before it became the EU?

This is ''fake news''. The virus kills anyone with compromised/weakened immune system if the hospitals get overflown.
>people over 60
>pregnant women
>people with diabetes
>people who are on immunosuppressant drugs
>people with autoimmune diseases
>people with pre-existing respiratory conditions
>people with cancer
>people who work physical work and overexert themselves
>people under a lot of stress and people with depression
That's why we are all under quarantine. Because even if it's treatable there aren't enough respirators for all of us so we can't allow everyone to get sick cus people that could be saved will die alongside those who can't be.

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NATO mostly just exists to keep Europe from siding with Russia and China.

>t. has to work like until 67 or even into my 70ies to get some pension
Yeah same here bro. Shame.

lmao keep seething you retarded happener.
The virus is a fucking meme.

>tfw all the boomers and pensioners die and Italy enters a new economic boom

From your list, I can only see maybe three categories that fit in for them on average.
>pregnant woman
>people who are on immunosuppressant drugs
>people under a lot of stress and people with depression

You should go get it and make sure to spread it to all of your relatives. I mean it's harmless, right. Go, do it.

More like
>all boomers and pensioners in Italy die
>the new pension age is 40

We have bases and nukes on European soil that will stay there regardless of our participation in NATO
If you think you're safe in the event of a nuclear war against the US, you're in for a bad time lmao

my grandparents might die since they are 95 but any flu could kill them too

wtf I love the virus now!

I'm totally fine with the Euro, I live near the border to two other countries and constantly changing money would be shit. That's economic cooperation for me. But I don't want us to become a superstate, that would be extremely cucked and soulless. Only faggots think "I'm not German/insert country here, I'm European". You can be European second, but your first obligation is to your country and that's what the current pandemic shows.

We can't change who we are, we are many different nations with different cultures and it's great we get along well now.

Kind of. I don't want to turn the clock back in terms of currency or Schengen. But the EU has more than enough power over us already. And the EU "elections" were a disaster, only proves you cannot trust them. I just want us to stay a bond of independent countries that cooperate.

t. degree in economy took at LIDL

>The virus is a fucking meme.
No, it isn't.
Is not ''i am legend tier'' but neither a common cold.

Which one are you? Arab? Turk? Russian?
>inb4 Greek

>noooooooo not the pensionerinos not the hecking boomerinos parassitinos

>Tens of thousands of dead are gone for good.

As opposed to the dead that come back every October 31st? Hate to break it to you, but the EU isn't to blame for this; them encouraging a unilateral lockdown for 14 days actually helped a tonne.

This kek
Wtf does the EU has to do with member sovereign decision to be retarded and wait before taking confinement measures ?
Had they tried to force member states hands it would've been seen as an horible eursss dictature etc (it doesn't have any instrument or legitimacy to do so anyway).
Members have shown lack of solidarity toward another and some selfishness but that is precisely what has prevented the EU from improving.
Everybody defends its benefits and tries to avoid giving to the other like it's a zero sum game (Merkel and rutte wanting to lower the common budget and avoid own ressources while lobbying for protection of their auto industry in trade deals, Ireland and NL fiscal autonomy to compete fiscally with the rest of the block, V4 refusing to give up it's gibs but also any kind of criticism of their dictatorial measures, France defending the CAP etc)

If the institutions rise to the level and use the newfound willingness to act as a block (see eurobond) it could strengthen the EU politically for a while by creating unprecedented instruments that wouldn't be reversible

>and constantly changing money would be shit
Noone stops you from saving some money in different currencies though. Or are you always changing money when going over to Switzerland or Czechia?

>USA needs Europe to defend itself
LOL. You need our retardedly overfunded military to defend yourselves.

>Dumbfuckistanis in charge of history

NATO is you clubhouse, you dixie pixie. It's literally there to ensure that continental Europe and UK don't look too closely at the shady shit the US gets up to, in defence of it's increasingly mediocre citizens.

Are you able to read written sentences or you casually reply after having read a nonexistent text?
Your reply doesn't make any connectio to what i wrote.
Explain me with real (non /pol or /ita meme or something that happen in your head) economical theories and graphics how a supposed ''boomer and older genocide'' will boost economy.

Has the EU even done anything with this crisis?
I'm not seeing any element of co-operation.
I'm not even insulting it, I'm just genuinely unaware.

Interestingly. pregnant women don't seem at risk as much as one would think.

Defend ourselves from what?

It is a meme though only very old or very sick people die
it's absurdly overblown

Said by a total failure with meme degree who still live with his boomer parents LMFAO

>Has the EU even done anything with this crisis?
You can check the pages of different EU institutions to see what each one is doing. They've done everything they were allowed to do.