god i wish i were western...
God i wish i were western
I wish I was fucking dead
you will be Western after you have made this thread another 147 times. good luck!
Shut the fuck up
Very western eyes
I wish I got to live in Western Europe, preferably Scandinavia. Euros don’t realize who lucky they are
I also wanted it earlier but now they got a lot of muhamads so it doesn't seem like a good idea
based karen
You have no right telling me to shut up when you both live in 1st world western countries
Personally I like immigrants from bad Europe. The more the better.
I wish I was white
Same :(
How can I move to Canada?
How would I know? I was born here. Maybe start with the Department of Citizenship and Immigration website
Lithuania is 1st world
god i wish i was japanese (korean)
>Lithuania is 1st world
Ok I will see
Did speaking fluently in French somehow helps in being admitted to Canada?
so you could have a cuckoldry fetish?
>first world
it's time to take your meds, schizo
If admiting that your country is a shithole that will never be western is cuckoldry, then yes. At least i'm not a delusional schozo who believes that shithuania is not a 3rd world shithole
>t. polish vpn user
shithuanian diaspora cope.
If only I had been a true balt like you
İsn't Lithuania already a western country?
Now? You envy them now when their densely packed countries are about to experience a catastrophy while the sparsely populated and remote Mantasland will barely be affected?
never was and never will be. It will remain an e*stern "european" shithole forever, just like the rest of the b*lto-sl*v shitholes
fancy a trade?
But balts are germans, no?
I would trade it in a heartbeat
I wish my parents had never left China.
I didn't make a joke, why are you laughing?
you are laughing but you are even worse shithole
since when? You only managed to colonize Latvians, though not fully. We on the other hand were colonized by p*les
>i was not born in Lithuania
Fuck up bogdan
No cute boy, you ruled them.
Lmao cope
Enjoy making $200 until you die
Let's all point and laugh at this fucking retard:
Scandinavia is Northern Europe.
How stupid you must be to believe that Lithuania is anything other than 3rd world African shithole?
Ok Vytautas. How were you even admitted to Australia? By gay marriage?
we didin't
Me too
İ'm not german. Pretty sure that Germany colonised you too, since they even left a trace in Russia.
time to take your meds, schizo
>That Pole with vpn posting again
Rent free
God I wish I was a Russian so I could rape Lithuanians and make them mad for next 1000000000000000000000000000 years
They're on the same level as Poland.
higher actually
They didin't. 1385-1795 we were colonized by p*les
1795-1918 we were colonized by r*ssians
eik gult, gal šizofrenija praeis
Man ar tau?
Nes op pastoviai postina šias temas.
But baltic germans exist too.
They don't. They were killed or deported back to germany by the c*mmies
i wish i had money
ivanai atjunk vpn
Yeah...totally forgot about that.