
What is the food like in argentina? Is it similar to mexican or italian or do they have a unique cuisine.

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meat that goes up in price every day.

Giant armadillo (tatu carreta)

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Literally the Mecca of Steak. Argie beef is great.

meat and more meat

We share some spanish roots with mexico, for example the tortillas, empanadas, churros are also popular in spain and latinamerica, but that's all, nachos, burritos, tacos are 100% mexicans.

fugazzeta was great

tortillas aren't spanish...

Our tortilla is the same than in spain...

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I like to Think it's just Latins here and every dish is just meat and pastry


Idk what this shit is but it's not a tortilla

Buut we have another thing called "tortilla" here with shared origin with bolivia and chile, and that's all...

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tortilla in south america is an egg dish

Here comes the next corona...

meh, Uruguayan steaks are better

cmon bro we ain't no better

idk just meat meat and more meat. i don't eat any of it.

Then what you eat

his inflated currency

the monkey thing is a meme you dumbass and if anything it's you guys that eat monkeys

to be honest i barely eat because
>no money
>depressed, don't feel like cooking

Nothing really, some people say our traditional foods were stolen from other cunts.
The meat I guess? And don't fall for the "asado" meme, it's an autistic way of cooking that takes 1-2 hours longer than it should and the meat tastes the same as if you cooked in any other method

>Mexican doesnt know what a real Tortilla is
Ayy lmao

I just found out argies from inner provinces eat Inca foods like locro or humitas

are you retarded?
people in the North eat all kind of weird shit, including monkeys

We make guanaco a la parilla (Llama BBQ)
Armadillo BBQ.
We eat tortillas, but we call them Rapiditas Bimbo.
We like condensed milk boiled for several hours until it becomes brown and THICC, just like our women.
There is something called locro too, a stew made with corn, beans, pig skin, pig feet, and all kinds of stuff.
We eat ñandú eggs omlette (one ñandú egg is worth 12 or more chicken eggs)
But the number one Argentinian delicacy is chipá, which in Brazil is called pao de queijo.

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some people here eat chiguiro, what you call capibara. that's probably the strangest meat people eat here. Reckon some settlemtest in the amazon eat snake and aligator tho

>But the number one Argentinian delicacy is chipá, which in Brazil is called pao de queijo
Nigga whaat?? I'm shook
Please don't tell me you stole it from us, doce de leite is BR btw

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Chipá is Paraguayan

Minas Gerais stole it from us during the triple alliance war.
Pao de queijo is an argentinian patrimony

>doce de leite
It's called cajeta and you stole it from Guanajuato, Mx.

>Armadillo BBQ.
Another wuhan virus in the making

>We like condensed milk boiled for several hours until it becomes brown and THICC, just like our women.
I thought argies are white

Nvm this chipá thing is U shaped, the recipe is probably different from pão de queijo too

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We don't really have that type of "tortilla" here or empanadas. Of the thing you said only churros are common


Pan de queso here. Based bread btw

Kek that's literally "cunt"

only in the northwest and they're not >inca foods

Es parecido pero no es lo mismo. La cajeta se hace con leche de cabra y el dulce de leche es con leche de vaca.
Aparte, cajeta envinada > las demás

Why do you guys hate your own countries so much?

Everyone is quick to praise their grilled meats from what I've seen

Argentina's pizza game is pretty strong.

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search arequipe

That looks yummy af actually. Please send some my way.

In Ch*le, Argentina is mostly known for their asado and their pastry making, also dulce de leche (we copied everything from them)

i don't hate my country. but i wish i could leave. if i had the chance to move abroad i'd do it in a heartbeat.

Where would you even more to?

they used to have the best veal, and they don't know how to cook it

canada :)

how is Argentina handlings the virus?

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Too cold for you. You’ll be running back home after Christmas.

It's the shittiest. I grew up in Buenos Aires and this piece of shit they serve here is overrated as fuck, it's a fucking PIECE OF SHIT. I went to Peru and Colombia (we did all the coast) with my two cousins and holy shit, it was much better. I'm not even fan of pizza but even there they make better tasting pizza than this stupid ass useless worthless country. Don't get me started with the pizza I tasted in Sao Paulo, Brazil back in 2013. I never again tried something similar, much much better.
And I've been to every fucking PIZZERIA in Buenos Aires, NO ONE CAN MAKE IT RIGHT. HOLY SHIT THOSE FUCKING TRASHBAGS CAN EVEN FUCK UP SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS A FUCKING PIZZA. Fuck them really, fuck every single pizzeria in Argentina. They are NIGGERS.
Weak af game we need to step it up.

i just got informed that mika got the virus and passed away. rip

but i love the cold and hate the summer. and besides, even if i did hate the cold, i'd stand it, because the pros outweigh the cons. a little bit of cold < a much better quality of life

Don't care. Stick to making brownentina threads, virgin faggot.

As long as you’re prepared for the cold. Do you have a degree or anything like that?

That doesn't look very good to me, but then, I'm a Napolifag.

not yet, but i will in a couple of years :)

The most important thing is that you practice your english and get a job in Canada before coming here unless you don’t mind working construction jobs.

well thank you for the advice user but i don't think i'll be able to move abroad till i'm like 30 or so (i'm 19)
so yeah moving abroad is just wishful thinking for now

Idiota, mica is doing a fashion shoot for Vogue. she's alive and well and will be my wife.

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