/MENA/ + /IL/

no palenig edition

previous threads :

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fuck that CHAD

dont post here fuck off


i wish i was like him so sexy so fast with words.

i mean he makes everyone SEETHe because they just cant win anything against him.

why god why did you make him such a CHAD???

while me an an*me faggot who cant put up a sentence infront of anyone not to mention a grill

ohhh whyyy guddd i need to lure au*ist bois by postine cute an*me grills to fill that narcisstic void in my mind.


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not even going to read that you just fuckin annoying just honor the thread and dont post here anymore
thank ya

اريد انيچ

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Hello jew. How are you? Well I hope? Sorry that we must kill you, but that's the only way we'll ever be accepted as real muslims by our sunni arab brothers and finally prove ourselves beyond mere majoos persians. Have fun for now. See you on the day of swoard.

>wanting to be accepted by s*nnis

the savior of Mesopotamia

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بس هو يخاف من (البعض) للامانه

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wtf is swoard

Isn't he a hundred percent our agent?

It's a type of penis.

fuck ultrak***s and fuck BBdrones

>Isn't he a hundred percent our agent?
that was m*liki

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i told you to never comeback

give me your sister for a week and i won't.

The fighters guild quest line is so fucking boring.

by azura by azura by azura

Just got fired from my Technician job today, I'm so fucking happy I can get to live the Neet lifestyle until the army drafts me without any judgement from anyone whatsoever. Anyone else here /comfy/?

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Also stinking ukranians please leave our country immediately. And fuck Mark the Angry ukranian especially him fuck him fuck him fuck him in the ass with a dragon dildo. FUCK MARK FUCK MARK FUCK MARK HES GAY GAY GAY HES GONNA BE AT that shitty desk job forever I hope he and that stupid roasty fucking ROTS there FUCK UKRANIANS AND THEIR STINKY COMMUNIST ASS FUCK UKRANIANS AND FUCK MARK ESPECIALLY

Is it the same type your mother feeds on?

Why did you get fired?

lmao what did he do to you

I used to work as a Telecommunications Technician at some shitty small company and it was either having to go install shit at Kibbutzim or be a pajeet Tech support for old boomers and Sys admins. I told my boss I'm not going to install any more shit after today and he told me to work from home as a pajeet support. I didn't slave as much as he wanted me to do remote so he just laid me off.

A friendly word of advice, NEVER WORK in any type of customer service, including in the Tech field. I worked there for 6 months and my soul was being drained away, I was basically listening to radiohead and trying to cry almost everyday during my commute. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted over y shoulders, especially now that I know that I won't have to answer all these calls.
Some middle aged bitter wet blanket ukranian loser who would always yell at the top of his lungs at customers and coworkers. I had to sit right across him for half a year, nobody in the office would tell him to shut the fuck up but me a few times. I'm sure he wasn't born this way but I think Customer service literally rots your brain. Anyways he raises a single mom's kid HAHAHAHAHAAH WHAT A FUCKING LOSER KEKCUKCCKCDJKIDWUBCPWECBW FUCK YOU MARK FUCK YOUUUUUUU

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>I'm sure he wasn't born this way but I think Customer service literally rots your brain
oh no costumer service legit makes you hate humanity i had to do it when i owned my business

My teeth hurt so fucking much.
I wish I used to clean them regularly
I used to work as a cashier at my brothers restaurant and I liked it honestly.
Maybe you just aren't social

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I'm introverted but I don't hate being social, I just prefer one to one interaction over anything else. I also worked as a cashier/barista in Starbucks back in college and it was awesome. The chitchat and the flirting with the QT3.14's was always great, also my coworkers consisted of college QT's who always wore leggings so that helped as well.
But this Pajeet Tech support shit? All elements of humanity are removed since you just hear their whiny, lame voice. You don't make eye contact, or read their body language, or even get to see them, you just hear some rude voice on the telephone microphone wondering why their stupid ass fax stopped working. Why the fuck do people still use fax? Incredibly retarded
What business did you own user? Did you just eventually just outsource it to some other poor fella to take care of it?

trading (ie : importing shit from china)
nah isis happened and fucked me over

I get your point.
So how is the neet life going for you?

Sorry to hear about that user, hope you get to start selling carpets or whatever chinkshit you're selling. What are you doing now?
Drinking chocolate milk and contemplating on what to do with all this downtime. I don't wanna turn coomer so I'm just gonna learn some networking and stuff in the meantime. My dad's 74 and I can't risk infecting him so I'm pretty much gonna be a full shut in for a while. Any tips for self-development while living the neet lifestyle? I don't want to fap to tentacle lactating shota after this winds down

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i neeted for a year after
then i worked as an accountant till few months ago where i proceeded to neet again

based isil bvlls

How do you guys deal with neet guilt ?

>any tips
Brush your teeth

non existent

why you posting paragraphs ?

Sorry for bringing some fucking EFFORT into this godforsaken board every once in a while, maybe you should get your dopamine receptors checked since you are probably not reading this far into what I'm typing

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>yes i do control the global economy and balance of power how could you tell

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I've been too lazy to brush at night tbqh, but me and shachar share the same healthy bvll teeth genetics so I'm not worrying.
Just immigrate to Europe and become a """"""""future doctor and engineer""""""""

I stand with BASEDsrael.

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>not being neutral

i have a significant sum of money in the bank, and a property i take rent from
so it isn't really worth risking my life crossing the med sea
plus i actually like this country

>be neutral cucks
>hezb al allah takes over
stop living in LALA land kid
neutrality doesn't grant you shit
this world was built for HAWKS not pacifist cuckold DOVES like you

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>Hezbollah takes over
not necessarily. neutral isn't being weak

thank you

>i have a significant sum of money in the bank, and a property i take rent from
Sounds like a comfy living, are you gonna be neeting forever or set up a business again? I heard shit isn't stable over there atm
>Eternal lead trying to pit med bvlls against each other
Color me surprised

I just want my teeth to stop hurting.

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i mean
it's literally illegal to leave the house for the coming 2 weeks
but yeah we'll see


You shouldn't have procrastinated on that doctor's appointment user
I didn't realize ya'll already mandated a full curfew, my dad wants me to go buy some veggies and fruits before it all goes bad but I've already become a lazy fat neet within 12 hours of being fired :3

im leb too

>my dad wants me to go buy some veggies and fruits before it all goes bad
lmao why doesn't he buy it

just say alhamdulilla×10

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fucking kike dividing /mena/ stop creating threads before bump limit

Palenig = gay
Mufti = chad

I tell them to come here it's there problem
but i admit it was too early

I really miss the vocaroo kike and his R's

nigga a thread can't get bumped past 300 replies. the other thread has 175 replies and you created yours 3 hours ago. waaay too early

me too

maybe in europe where they stopped fighting 1000 years ago lol

OH thank God it's over.
I had to let blood flow

if lebanon wants to be "la suisse du moyen-orient" again it better act like it

I'm having a toothache rn and it is killing me
How did you get rid of it

no physical pain can match the pain in my soul

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I took a needle and let some blood get out.
But try the usual methods firsts (a cup of water plus salt ) or brushing

What's the matter, assman?

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لا تقولا خال
عالقليلة مانك عايش بسوريا

lmaooo wisdom teethlets
how's that cancelled dentist appointment doing
just self operate bro

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this is not an blog
nobody care about your shitty job incels


He's too old its illegal for him to be out in the streets unaccompanied at this time

Literally me.