Do foreigners realize that the red and blue areas might as well be different countries?

The blue areas have a completely different culture than the red areas. While the red areas are generally healthier and provide the economic sustenance of the United States, the blue areas have most of the corona virus cases and most people are on welfare.

Should we separate the two already?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>While the red areas are generally healthier and provide the economic sustenance of the United States,

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How do native Virginians feel about the fact that the state is now blue thanks to Yankees and PoCs settling in the north and other urban areas?


Enjoying your corona virus?

Is Wisconsin really republican? I visited my cousin the other day and literally saw stickers/signs for "Black Lives Matter", trans rights, and Bernie plastered on every shop

do you realize you are a retard?

it's mostly in blue areas

Enjoying being poor as fuck and overdosing on fentanyl?

t. Testlet

Blue = smart well educated people
Red = inbreds responsible for all of America's negative stereotypes

That's overall a fairly narrow spread desu.

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Who has all the corona virus?


>/signs for "Black Lives Matter",
you can spend weeks in northern wisconsin and not see a black, you must have been south

Time to revive the classic?

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from what i heard somalis live in blue areas though

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You went to either Madison or Milwaukee

red = farmer retarded sub 100 IQ mutts
blue = tranny retarded sub 100 IQ mutts

it was all white people

West Virginia (my state) doesn't have it. So...try again

Enjoying the corona virus? Fentanyl can be prevented. Being surrounded by cucks isnt

lmaoing at retard inbred OP and his state "economy" the size of a developing African country

why was it so important to have united states of america in the first place? why couldnt

New England
New Mexico & co and

be their own countries?

nailed it

>mississippi the worst
>every time

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The areas with more people, you fucking retard? That’s how viruses work

Which states have more people overdosing on their prescription meds? Welcome to middle America LMAO this is probably what your childhood was like

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Not quite

Alberta , Saskatchewan and Newfoundland should be red

I lived in very Red and Blue states and they're all the same shit. OP thinks complaining about drivers is culture

What's worse - overdosing on prescription meds or an incurable disease like Corona? Gee I wonder.

leech gang

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is this what amerifats from flyovers believe?

i have visited every american state. red areas are full of obese whites and blacks and people with lowbrow uneducated culture. its a literal different realm.

blue areas are actually nice and people are laid back.

>Some hate the Americans. I don't. They're just retards. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by retards. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by sub 100 IQ mutts. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the IQ points in the world won't make any fucking difference

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>west virginia
Literally MEASURABLY one of the worst, most fucked up, impoverished states and all your teeth are falling out because of all the Mountain Dew you drink

>Here in West Virginia, you see people carrying around bottles of Mountain Dew all the time — even at a public health conference." ... Some 67 percent of West Virginians age 65 or older have lost six or more teeth owing to tooth decay or gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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This is a dumb over-exaggeration that only hard-righties and hard-lefties buy in to. Most people don’t give a shit.

That seems easier to deal than

This is basically a demographic density map.

It’s literally the flu, I’d rather have the flu than have my whole family die because they wanted to get that sweet aspirin high HAHAHAHAHAHA you rednecks are so fucking retarded

Objectively the worst state, worse than Mississippi

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I love living in the U.P., I know nothing of what you bitches speak of

Ya thank goodness I live in red

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cities are the main places to find niggers
cities are the main places to find liberals

West Virginia LITERALLY has a GDP on par with the average African country

Just look at this economic prosperity

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true that would be better USA is too big
optimal size for country is max France

you might also show that those areas are higher population density, higher GDP, and more educated on average than all of the rural counties

yeah go fucking figure that people who actually deal with civilization would have different opinions about social policy than people who live surrounded by hundreds of miles of corn

My state has a GDP of 820 billion

West Virginia has a GDP of 60 million

Imagine being this useless

What a lovely home in red

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he may be poor but compared to people in San Francisco he has a loo and uses it

Under Obama we were called rich assholes, now we are called rural retards.
I live quite well, thank you.
you can cherrypick as much as you want, reality is different

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Except that in true fact blue states contribute more money to the federal government and red states take more away.

im inclined to agree, but then i would have to wonder wtf is going on with china and india

That's cool. So you have more to lose with the corona virus than we do lmao, which again, affects you more than us.

Lmao red states are so fucking useless

more like california and the south are inbreds, the rest are smart and educated. half the fucking do americans really threads are from some news event in california kek

you can have Tamil nation, Kannada nation, Rajastan, Telugu nation etc

Literally nobody has ever called West Virginia rich, your state is literally one of the poorest places in the west, you are on par with Balkans, you are so fucking poor that most Americans traveling there would experience culture shock, you don’t even fucking realize how poor you are because you’re literally too poor to leave your state and see how other people live (where electricity isn’t a frivolity)

I can only imagine the fucking shitheap you live in surrounded by nothing but trees and fucked up nature due to fracking

And yet, no Coronavirus cases.

There's even a meme about it

was talking about red areas, calm down, I don't even live there

>uh...well...okay maybe we’re useless but your state attracts more people with makes the spread of illness easier so HAH living in bumfuck Egypt is better checkmate liberal *takes welfare*

>west virginia rich

is this a joke lmao? you know this is what people see you as and mock you for it? the original hillbilly memes are literally west virginia memes.

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It's the same here, rural right wing incels hate on the capital area, when Oslo and (former) Akershus country are two of only four (4) net contributors to Norwegian GDP growth.

Look at all this wealth the blue states have lmao

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you are retarded, most laid back people are in the midwest

Is that the only thing you’re going to brag about? Because I can almost guarantee you have plenty of them, you’re just too fucking shitty of a state to have a hospital functional enough to test for it

You can’t even take care of your teeth let alone a viral outbreak

>Ya thank goodness I live in red
>Under Obama we were called rich assholes, now we are called rural retards.
>I live quite well, thank you.
>>west virginia rich
>is this a joke lmao?

who was talking about them?
I wasn't

Cool. I can still go out and breathe the air without the corona affecting me.

>nooooooooooo you can't live modestly surrounded by nature!
>you must live among hustle and bustle of big city!
>otherwise you are poor inbred retard
*gets shot*

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We had some West Virginia transplant kid back when I was in high school here in Florida and literally EVERYONE made fun of him because he actually looked and behaved like this and he never fully understood he was constantly being made fun of lol

GDP per capita by state top 10

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>american culture


adjusted for PPP

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Bottom 10

Attached: Screenshot_20200317-160707.png (496x531, 79.15K)

Now adjust for corona virus cases

>bragging about being so poor you're unable to leave the country or perform decent monitoring of coronavirus cases

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