I've had a growing obsession with the Netherlands. I've been learning Dutch since 2018 and I have been to NL twice...

I've had a growing obsession with the Netherlands. I've been learning Dutch since 2018 and I have been to NL twice. I think the country is amazing, so much better than America. Very developed infrastructure, people are nice and attractive, health care and education is affordable, workers rights, food is high quality because of EU standards, amazing cosmopolitan cities yet low crime.. I want to do my Masters in Leiden/Groningen, should I do it? What are the drawbacks of living in the Netherlands?

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Fuck off we're full cunt

You made a mistake.

how so?
Even if I'm female?

>Even if I'm female?
Pfft. You're talking about the Netherlands, we're all gay here.

am also curious

Same, get me out of this shithole lmao

Paal je tieten en voeten

just do it if you want out retard

Don't come to Groningen we have enough of you drooling fat retards at our uni as is.
Go to Leiden

I'm slim and first gen

>What are the drawbacks of living in the Netherlands?
Be prepared to need about one year to find an apartment and to pay 500-1000€ per month for it.

I don't believe any of this.

you sound like an insufferable faggot, 4channel is probably not the best place to ask this shit

Shit, I heard that's the case in groningen for the subsidized apartments, is it like that in all of NL? I heard Leiden is quite affordable.
Well, I used to post lewd on nederdraad a lot in 2018

That still isn't good enough.
Stay away.

America is a shithole. My area has constant shootings, no public transit at all, fetynyl guys that will stab you at night, only grocery stores are Walmart and Dollar General. My job offers health insurance with a $5000 deductible before anything is covered and it costs me $200 a month. No job protection either, boss could lay me off if I got corona and I'd have no case because of at will employment laws.

>is it like that in all of NL?
In pretty much every city, yes. Cheap housing is only possible either in crime ridden neighbourhoods in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. There's some remote-ish (nothing is truly remote) villages where rent isn't that high but it depends. The housing market is just thoroughly fucked cause boomers use real estate for money generating.

You dutch dont know how good you have it..

>bothering to learn Dutch
They will all speak in English with you the moment they hear the hint of an accent

i want to move to the nl as well. maybe after i graduate, as most likely won't be able to study abroad since i'm poor. i say if you can do it, go for it mate

Yes Leiden is great go there
DO NOT COME TO GRONINGEN I swear I will rape you and slit your fat transatlantic throat you disgusting new world tumor

>first gen
From where? You can get a EU passport if you're from a meme country like Italy or Ireland, they dish out citizenship to anyone whose great grand uncles dog was from their country

Not in my case, they speak English to you if you literally only know 2 sentences in dutch. Like I saw foreigners attempting dutch asking where the train station is, dutch person answers in dutch, anglo doesnt understand, so dutch person has to switch to english

I was saying how YOU weren't good enough to come here
fucking stay the fuck away

I wish we could simply copy Dutch architecture and urban planning and apply it here. I have no interest in the Netherlands whatsoever but their building style is clearly the best in the world.

Nibba, dey is overpopulated.

sounds like you specific area was a shithole, good luck either way i guess. better than the losers that cry about it all the time but dont try leaving

quality of education and amenities are pretty good. drawbacks are what said is absolutely right and also most internationals have a hard time getting out of that bubble as dutch students are rarely interested in making friends with them. not because they don't like them per se (though some do) but also because we don't want to go through the trouble of getting out of our own bubble. actually speaking dutch will help a lot with this though

I'm a hapa with a polish mom, actually just got polish citizenship so I can live in EU

Why not go to Spain instead?
>know the language
>empty country, Spain has a lot of land, Netherlands is a crowded sardine can
>more welcoming government, latinos get spanish citizenship more easily and faster than others

The Monkey's Paw
Your country copies Dutch architecture
But it's all Rotterdam

No I'm fucking sick of exchange students.
You probably don't even know how to ride a bicycle.

And I mean already overpopulated enough as it is, without some dude taking up 6 seats on the tram

you kind of did in gdansk

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I live in new hampshire which is supposed to be the safest state. But it's honestly a shithole. Literally everyone does heroin or fetynyl. Constant crime. Or you commute to boston living in a mcmansion and wasting 4 hours of your life in traffic. Massachusetts is even shittier, unless you are a rich chink/jew that can afford $5000 a month rent in back bay you will wind up in a dangerous place.

Bike is my only vehicle, too poor to afford a car payment, car insurance, driving lessons, gas, oil changes, maintenance etc


Niggerlands is a shithole but you should go to Groningen you will have a great time, it's a good city just stupidly overcrowded

>But it's all Rotterdam

I wish, no matter what Dutch people say, objectively Rotterdam is one of the most perfectly planned and maintained cities in Europe.

That's just old architecture, I mean new houses.

Pick one

yeah but the tu delft is better i think
also eindhoven is bretty gud (the uni is fine but the city is a bit plain)

How is it a shithole?

don't listen to my countrymen, all dutch people on Yas Forums are depressing autists who think they live in a hell

y'know the issue with rotterdam ist the architecture, its the population

thats no shithole, life is pretty good here, some people tend to get depressed in the randstad

What is so hellish about it?

nah the living standards here are on part with norway/sweden and food is cheaper

not hellish but flat

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sounds like you love hyperbole

>waaaaa waaaaa am a yankoid and I live in a shithole!
My visit to New York has made me somehow like America more while hating Americans more. This place is perfectly adequate and okay to live in, stop bitching you spoiled first worlder. I'm on the airport now about to head back to fucking Brazil because my German parents accepted a fucking job from BASF there and doomed me before I was born.

it isn't they just can't get laid and think seeing a brown person prepare their sandwhich in a cafe is the replacement of our race

>netherlands is a shithole
Shithole has become a meaningless term

>has german citizenship
>isnt in germany

i meant it's not hellish i am just talking about the autists who complain about it here saying it's shit

I'm so used to food here in muttland being full of preservatives and corn syrup, even bread has corn syrup, which is terrible for you. And the US allows so many dangerous chemicals in everything like cosmetics, baby formula etc that the EU has banned. Meat is pumped with anti biotics which passes on to humans and makes americans have anti biotic resistance. Dont even get me started on healthcare, obesity, corporate culture, opiate crisis and the abysmal dearth of public transportation...

Yeah, after WW2, Danzig was utterly leveled and the Polish rebuilt it in a Dutch style to deliberately erase the German remnants. Nothing in Gdansk today is German, it's all post 1945 built to emulate the Netherlands.

yeah idk why they would do that

i think you got the wrong user.

I need a job first buddy
Also, was never taught German. I am teaching it to myself, I hate my parents.

>y'know the issue with rotterdam ist the architecture, its the population
fuck you

stay out
i fucking hate exchange students and expats

yeah I meant

Thank you, Jake Kovalsky, for your contribution

>he's a rotterdammert
Krijg Corona

muh brown people
muh lefties

Poland is based