Have sex

>have sex

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you take benis make hard benis then put benis in busy and make sex love

Slap her titties around, stick it in her butt, then pee.

see bob

penor get hard

put pennor in hole inside girl


sex isn't real

Kiss on butt, touch pee pee to her front butt, pee then smoke and sleep


How do i get to that point if Im an inceloid subhuman?

unpopular opinion: both busy and boybusy should be enjoyed equally

how is sex like? (no meme answers pls)

a firm handshake and don't be ugly

Go outside, say "henlo woman" and give flower, then touch bob and kiss on cheek and say "very pretty".

lmao just have sex

>how is sex like?
breddy gud

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ask your town's rapist

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You gotta start by changing the way you think about yourself. Women can smell desperation and insecurity from a mile away.

fuggg I want sex and bobs

True but women still value looks over personality

people have sex because they do stuff socially and one day they meet a woman by chance and they hit it off.

trying to change yourself or improve to get women is pathetic. i learnt this the hard way

so you're saying that actual normal people don't do anything, they just go on with life and sex is encountered naturally and casually as life goes on because they are normal, meanwhile if you are involuntarily virgin after 25 it means there is something wrong with you and that implies also that no matter how hard you try to improve, you will always be a virgin unless obvious cheating like prostitutes?

Yes. Normie advice like "just go with the flow bro" only works if you're attractive.

Go to girl arouse her show your erection have sex

>women can smell desperation
>women however fail to smell toxic men and end up getting bitter

but I've seen guys who definitely are not normies having (also pretty cute) gfs.

I suspect that they have something else going for them though, like sons of well respected family, very good at a thing women like, weird ugly look but fascinating

i managed to meet a few women but once they found out I dont have friends and that I never had a girlfriend before they lose interest

Also true, the only people in the world that understand women are women and they hate each other

just be yourself bro :)

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Here's a redpill I had while living in South America
Women don't care about money
Women don't care (much) about height
Women don't care about face
What they want, is an assertive, confident partner who has the PERSONALITY of an alpha
Saw very attractive but timid guys end up lonely and literal atrocidades with 9/10s


are you facially deformed or 1m50 ? its way easier in russia than anywhere else to get a gf. lower your standard

ok so I am fucked.

But anyway that works in south america, where things are scary and back to primordial humanhood.
Surely in the 1st world it's different

How do women cope with their biological clock?
I'm 24 and single I am already looking for someone to settle down with and I want to have children in the next 4 years.
It is tearing me apart.

Fuck off retard

just have decent genetics and a normal upbringing its not that hard bro

maybe raise some other man's children since you're quite obviously a sissy betabux


I wish I was memeing, lots of you faggots are probably pretty attractive IRL but with crippling autism, so no woman sees you as protector.

Eeeeeh, I'd say it's even worse in the first world. Here, women don't need a man because they have their own jobs

>wanting to reproduce is now beta

God I wish I had a russian girlfriend
Every russian girl on incelpals is a personal 10/10
How can you not fuck one of those sluts

Well you gotta find the right partner first. You can’t marry the first girl that lets you stick your pinus in her vagene. Most people are willing to wait till they find the right person.

what you were really trying to say is that you're 24 and you want to lose your virginity in the next 4 years

I am 26 and had sex with more women than I care to remember, but all of them were ugly or shitskins

>just be confident bro women love that shit!
Literally a soy talking point

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Soyboys get laid so...

Nah, their gfs cheat on them with chads at parties all the time

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rape your sister/mother/grandmother

Like this?

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Posting with caption because mobileposting faggot

Pic related is a ridiculously high amount of couples in South America (the girl has a bad face to be honest, but otherwise)
The guy is a fucking atrocidad, you have no excuse, fag

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use your dick

you go to your next brothel, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find in Russia

its not surprising that women who live in violent shitholes prefer agressive men who will protect them, but things are different in europe. confidence is good but looks always come first

Bring a turkish BULL and let him fuck your russian gf while you're drinking vodka and watching them

Approach a women Who gives you consent and fuck her right in the pussy

> falling for the looks meme

just a firm handshake and look them in the eyes champ

ok boomer

Do you look like this? If not, don't get your hopes up

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that shit is either here or brazil. fml

Curries are gods

kek I know bruh, I was raised in congolombia

it's pretty good but too much work. overhyped but nice occasionally