Juggalo edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
How to talk to strangers and make friends in Canada?
So are we really getting thousand dollar checks or what
I can be your friend at a distance
in the form of $10 checks over the span of 100 years
based edish
Do macfags really???
I'll be spending all of mine on sex, drugs, and food
Man I'm losin' it
>tfw no californian gf
took me a sec lol fukkin macfag juggalos
this reaction to corona is retarded
Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother do you think they'll like this song?
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Am I weird for wanting to fuck a girl in heavy makeup like a juggalo or a clown?
Goodbye blue sky > mother
Is it true that trump will give you free money to start a farm?
Maybe, but Mother is a more important part of the story
I miss him so much bros
>muh daddy boo hoo
ok Roger
boys give me free money to cum im my butt
What's your problem with it?
The covid corona chinese virus of the quarentine meme and the toilet paper panic costco
who needs toilet paper? what a dumb meme
i have none and its ok, just use the sink.
PANIC! at the Costco
I kinda like the white makeup look too. Not a fan of the rest though
it's stupid, this is a nothing burger, the fatality rate is low, most people don't even show symptoms, yet we're all crashing our countries with no survivors
websters dictionary page 53 definition 20
reminder that if you believe china's mortality numbers you are a fool
the white makeup the mexicans do for that one holiday is kinda cute
dont have a dictionary on hand
The toilet paper plague
lmao wtf, yeah "asylum seekers" totally wouldn't have coronavirus buncha retards
A low fatality rate still has massive potential to kill a lot, considering it spreads like hell. I can understand where you're coming from, but this really isn't nothing.
Based and vandalpilled.
what if you're a refugee from coronachan?
what does that sign say
Then stay home, duh
>break my balls
This is actually a figure of speech in French.
The Peace of the Tomb Retirement Home.
business idea
start drinking
I ain't doin any of this!
What if you need yo park on a hill?
business idea
give me money
ill be streaming ds3 in a couple of hours cuz the second one bored me
ill try to get 100%
drink an entire gallon of milk on stream and i will
i dont have a camera
*uncaps guiness*
>yet we're all crashing our countries with no survivors
and that's a good thing and it's beautiful
*fucking dies*
so fucking gay that they've gotten rid of the lever on most cars and replaced it with a button. lever has saved my ass in snowy driving on multiple occasions
how so? I've only ever used mine for parking, and doing j turns
Absolutely based
it's related to the principles behind the j-turn. when you've got poor traction, you can use the e-brake to swing the arse end around and make a turn, when you otherwise might crash into a curb or something
do leafs really do this
>arse end