I thought it was a war zone lol
I guess it's getting better
This is the democratic republic of Congo
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There are 60.000 white congolese still living there. They are on genocide watch list lol
It's very poor but it's gotten better since 2003. I hear a bit about it from French language news.
>There are 60.000 white congolese still living there. They are on genocide watch list lol
Congolese people don't hate whites, my mother was born in ziare and there was a Christian white priest there as well as white teachers.
They aren't seen as bad there.
It's still a war zone full of local warlords and atrocities being commited. Those crimes don't happen in cities, they're commited against defenseless people in the poor countryside.
Yea, I know, it's getting a bit better and the current president Félix Tshisekedi, isn't that bad and has been improving the situation in the eastern part of the Congo where the conflict, stoping the ebola outbreak is at as well as improving education there as well. Even though he is just a Kabila puppet, he is doing better job at making the DRC better.
I wonder when Africa reaches South East Asia tier development will it have tons of white expats looking for retirement or finding love.
>It's still a war zone full of local warlords and atrocities being commited. Those crimes don't happen in cities, they're commited against defenseless people in the poor countryside.
Most if not all of the fighting is in the eastern part, where all the minerals are, the rest of the area is just extremely poor.
If I was president there, I would just remove that cut that part of the continent and move most of the Congolese people out of there.
You would be a bad president for giving up resources vital to Congolese economy. There is a reason your country owns a ton of random rocks in the ocean. For resources weather it be fish or oil.
>I wonder when Africa reaches South East Asia tier development will it have tons of white expats looking for retirement or finding love.
Botswana is already south east Asia tier.
Namibia and south Africa are close but not there yet.
The main problem in africa is the corruption, most if not all of the aid money just goes to the corrupt governments.
China, though aren't great, is better than the IMF, as the money actually goes to development instead of the pokets of the rich. (Also it's funny how everyone goes crazy over Chinese debt traps but don't give a flying fuck about IMF debt and loans)
is your dad black?
Just think Kinshasa has 12 million people yet it's completely unknown globally and its contribution to world culture and economy is more than negligible. Pretty weird.
just think how France will be thriving when all her former colonies start getting richer and buy more Parisian stuff
btw, first mall in 2020 - it's quite late even for a third world country
>You would be a bad president for giving up resources vital to Congolese economy. There is a reason your country owns a ton of random rocks in the ocean. For resources weather it be fish or oil.
I would rather just try to diversity the economy, than deal with the conflict that has been happening for years on end.
It's just that the minerals themselves have been largely a curse on the country and those rebels wouldn't be in the eastern area if there was no minerals, that and the gov has barely any control over these minerals, if they did the situation would have been totally different.
Though if I could I would try to stop it or at least limit the rebels reach.
>I would rather just try to diversity the economy,
how many Congolese could take up a job in IT? is there outsourcing industry in Congo?
According to caspianreport, France is banking on that idea of african countries growing the french economy
Yes, my mother told me a bit about ziare. It wasn't that bad, if you were in the middle class there.
There was schools as well as universities there and there were jobs as well.
My mother studied chemistry there (they actually had the tools for teaching it)
Too bad Mobutu was a retard that was drunk with power and though that arming multiple militants all over central Africa was a decent idea.
God damn stupid, I wish the USA, didn't install such a shitty dictator after outing Lumumba.
but no one thinks that there are no educational facilities in African countries at all, obviously they have upper/middle class that has western living standards, just it's a small part of the society
>how many Congolese could take up a job in IT? is there outsourcing industry in Congo?
I have no clue, but I do hear that some people from the Botswana Innovation Hub where going and forming it companies in Congo.
Same with Indonesia
>250 million people
>virtually no relevance
>but no one thinks that there are no educational facilities in African countries at all, obviously they have upper/middle class that has western living standards, just it's a small part of the society
>'Western living standards'
I wouldn't say that especially considering it is the Congo, and this was in the 1990's
But overall before the Congo wars it was safer for your average pleb to live in.
Why do the developed parts of Africa still look like shitholes despite modern looking buildings and infrastructure ?
Just as Latin America, Africa needs to be focused on reducing corruption and investing in education. Atleast Rwanda is planning on becoming the Singapore of Africa by investing in education but Corruption is still bad.
what do you mean?
their architecture is a bit 1990s though
>Why do the developed parts of Africa still look like shitholes despite modern looking buildings and infrastructure ?
Eh, they mostly look fine but that's just me.
It's probably just due to the fact there is no decent aesthetic, when looking at an African city. That plus the ground not looking that great and you get a sub par African capital city.
It will be years before we will see an African city that looks unique as Japan's cities or China's cities.
>It will be years before we will see an African city that looks unique as Japan's cities or China's cities.
Cape Town is pretty unique, well planned and very comfortable to live in (in middle class neighborhoods)
98% of the population doesn't have internet.
>Call for plumber
>Call for engineer
Ni hao
the eastern region is full of swahili speakers and rwandan/burundian refugees. desu they should just cede it to the east african federation when it finally forms.
I guess it's already pretty common in big cities
What happened there in 2001-2002?
>Just as Latin America, Africa needs to be focused on reducing corruption and investing in education. Atleast Rwanda is planning on becoming the Singapore of Africa by investing in education but Corruption is still bad.
He is doing a decent job a very good one in my opinion, though poor his country is getting extremely better, and he is developing and urbanising the shitty places in there, not just Kigali, as well as introducing family planning. Giving free modern homes to people in the villages, which is good considering most people in Rwanda aren't able to afford a house.
He has taken some steps in terms of corruption as well,I don't think he is bad, even though he is a dictator, he is one the country needs, if it wasn't for him the Hutu, Tutsi thing would still be going on.
He needs a good successor though.
i often wonder this, especially since the country is a natural paradise and so should be rife with tourists (oustide bali) and my most estimations, bahasa indonesia is the world's eastiest language to learn given that it's origin is a creole to neccessitate trade between the various island peoples
Almost every country has a tiny gated community where rich people surround themselves with comforts. A lot of African countries are genuinely improving but I wouldn't consider some shitty little mall proof of anything.
>building suburbs with identical houses will solve our housing crisis
t. boomer
>Cape Town is pretty unique, well planned and very comfortable to live in (in middle class neighborhoods)
It's Uber dangerous though
More dangerous than your average African city.
To be honest the ANC needs to do what Rwanda does in its cities, basically detain people who do degenerate shit, like pissing everywhere and kick them out (China should do that too desu), and put them in detention facilities.
As well as rounding up the poor beggars and putting them in detention facilities.
As well as bring back the death penalty.
A lot of third-world countries already do that. Doesn't work out so well most of the time.
It's better than what most African governments do, leaving them be.
This is unironically stoping favelas from being built in dirt poor communities in Africa.
This overall is a good thing.
yeah but how many people will get such houses? especially in a corrupt country it's more likely that the privileged people will get them with the ones in need will be left with nothing
DRC is the biggest shithole on Earth but it has the potential to be a top 5 world power.
>DRC is the biggest shithole on Earth
I wonder who made it like that...
>yeah but how many people will get such houses? especially in a corrupt country it's more likely that the privileged people will get them with the ones in need will be left with nothing
True, overall it would be better if more people were educated, this would end up with educated people building good houses for a affordable price and most of the people in the country creating jobs as well as being able to pay for those houses.
What Rwanda is doing is nice, but not great.
A lot of African countries have been developing rapidly these past few years. I bet in a decade or two some African cuntrees will actually become relevent.
Big corporations working alongside western govs to destabilize the country for their own profits ?
Begls made it prosper and industrialized.
Most of the growth happened in the 40s-50s. From 1908 until then, not much good was going on there. Before 1908, it was hell on earth.
>DRC is the biggest shithole on Earth but it has the potential to be a top 5 world power.
N words lol, they can't create civilized societies.
But honestly it got fucked over during the cold war.
The soviets and communism was a cancer on Africa.
The only gov that actually embraced capitalism in the region was Botswana, and it was a utter shit-hole when the Brits left.
Everyone else either became commies or were left wing and got assassinated with the help of western and Soviet/Chinese backers.
Some of these leaders were stupid and hated the white man and thought capitalism was stupid and were swayed (or sponsored by commies)
Others were semi comptent but due to the USA's hate boner for commies just thought that assassinating them would be better, instead it got worse.
Some countries like wanted to industrialised, but then the dude got assassinated and replaced with an ultra commie, or worse, dictators.
Not to mention some of the wests decisions there were bad.
The worst thing the Brits did in Africa was combining the shitty underdeveloped muslim Northern and the developed Christian southern Nigeria.
The south was and is currently better the north,and if they were separated then the civil war wouldn't have happened.
I don't know what the Brits were thinking.
>GDP per capita (PPP)
What is that like average salary or what? You telling me they make more money than I do in fucking Nigeria?
Rwandan paid millitants as well as other millitants probably paid by other powers are just destabilising the eastern region just so they have an excuse to grab the precious materials like Colton.
If Congo actually had control over Colton it would fuck over the IT sector so fucking hard.
It's because it is a finite reasource that is used for modern phones and tablets.
Congo has the largest deposits of this on the earth.
If Congo had this and marked up the prices prices of phones would skyrocket and tech companies would be sweating bullets.
For a long time now tech companies haven't made their devices recycble (only 25 percent of it is) just because it's cheaper.
If the gov had control over it, then these companies would be shitting themselves and many people would critize these companies to death for not making them recyclable.
The DRC would have the entire world by its balls, and no one would be able to do shit about it.
Also economic aid going to shittier parts of Africa as well as relif aid in the shittier parts shouldn't be happening.
You won't be able to unironically stop the civil war in C.A R nor will relif aid (other than medical) will help sort out the DRC.
The economic Aid, as well as most IMF loans just goes to the corrupt governments, anyone thinking otherwise is just retarded.
I'm pretty sure it's yearly.
>Begls made it prosper and industrialized.
Well, your not that wrong, they were still poor as fuck, but your not that wrong.
>Some countries like
Lumumba wasn't great
The blacks there did end up chimping out when wanting freedom during his time and he was being a bit too cosy with the commies but he was 1000x better than Mobutu.
It seems unlikely anything will change in the future, any gov that cant assert control all over its country is nothing but free estate for foreign powers, plus just checked it out and like any african shithole its a dicerse country with no common ethnic identity which makes ot even harder for it to became even more developed like some southeastern asian countries, and its terrain makes it worse
>It seems unlikely anything will change in the future, any gov that cant assert control all over its country is nothing but free estate for foreign powers
True, that's the main issue but most of the rebels are being destroyed so it's getting better.
> plus just checked it out and like any african shithole its a dicerse country with no common ethnic identity which makes ot even harder for it to became even more developed like some southeastern asian countries, and its terrain makes it worse
The borders were another issue, shoving 50 plus ethnic groups thinking they would all thye get along and making the DRC the size of western Europe and wondering why it's poorly mismanaged was an issue that most govs in Africa had to face with.
Only a few countries like Tanzania (which has over 170 ethnicities) were able to avoid ethnic strife (mainly due to its first president).
Though splitting up countries now is a no no, considering the ones like South Sudan have just gotten worse.
Most countries have gone through this phase in the western world anyway and formered, one large cohesive culture.
But this was after various wars for over 2000 years.
Africans were just pretty chill (albeit underdeveloped) and only got into the civilization game recently.
Though most of the wars wouldn't have happened if the borders were properly defined, or at least were made with some thought.
If African countries can remove the tribalism, as well as Islamist terrorists (god damn, Islam is cancer), then it would be good for the long run.
The west did one thing that was good in africa it stopped the spread of Islam, the cancer that is Islam.
Sometimes, when I see even the littlest shred of development in Subsaharian Africa, I'm filled with hope for the region, that sometime in the future it will reach decent standards of living, and I'm even moved, and say, it's all gonna be alright. That even Japan, the clockwork country, was a backwards feudal country 200 years ago, and had coups happening a 100 years ago. Then I remember the webms of the animalistic dances in a modern context, the crime statistics in developed countries, the ancient history lacking any advanced civilisations, and I wonder if it's just a source material problem, that, indeed, there is something fundamentally different that cannot be changed, and doesn't fit with the rest. And I look at the demographic growth in that continent and the replacement in Europe. Feels bad, man
Sometimes, when I see even the littlest shred of development in Subsaharian Africa, I'm filled with hope for the region, that sometime in the future it will reach decent standards of living,
Some already have decent standards of living in the continent like Botswana (£8000 GDP per capita (£18000 PPP) and Namibia(£6000)
There are two black majority countries that are first world, like Barbados (£16000 GDP per capita) and the Bahamas (£32000 GDP per capita)
Those countries are richer than some sea countries as well as places like ucrane and Moldova.
Lots of countries in Africa are richer than eastern Europe.
>and I'm even moved, and say, it's all gonna be alright. That even Japan, the clockwork country, was a backwards feudal country 200 years ago, and had coups happening a 100 years ago. Then I remember the webms of the animalistic dances in a modern context
I too as an African hate this as well as the (eyeyeyeeyeye) shit
, the crime statistics in developed countries,
Rwanda is safer than India and the USA as well as Russia.
Many other countries in Africa are the same.
the ancient history lacking any advanced civilisations, and I wonder if it's just a source material problem,
Eretria as well as mansa miss's Kingdom.
There was some civilisations there.
Eretria/Ethiopia was able to btfo the italy.
>that, indeed, there is something fundamentally different that cannot be changed, and doesn't fit with the rest. And I look at the demographic growth in that continent and the replacement in Europe. Feels bad, man
African countries are getting better, it just takes time
Africans aren't a hopeless race.
And Barbados and Bahamas are 1st world.
Though there is a population issue that will hopefully level off in the future.
I'm sorry if I sound rude, but even your typing feels all over the place...
But the info you included, if true, makes me genuinely happy. At the end of the day I just wish for as many people as possible to be able to enjoy a decent living.
White "people" should be on the genocide watch list of every corner of earth.
*Mansa musa
Oooff I didn't format that weell, phonephosting isn't that great.
Well you get the point
Africa in my opinion isn't hopeless. And there are some success stories in the region.
A bit of Africans hate up the west because they(Africans) weren't able to control their destiny, it was always decided by some larger power, and didn't give a shit about the people there.
I wouldn't call, whites the saviour of Africa, far from it but it was needed, as the world itself is heading towards a new era and africa was stuck in the past.
Some of these countries were able to develop more than others.
I don't think Africa is a hopeless region, it has a future, but it will be a long long road. And it will have to develop fast.
Also Botswana wants to become first world (A high income economy (£12000 GDP per capita) by 2036.
I personally think they will be able to do it.
You can read about it here.