"Chinese virus", two very big words.
"Chinese virus", two very big words
I release the best cash, believe me. Consumers have money, federal bank benefits, government takes more loan, win win.
Why does he always make that wacky blowjob face
The best words, tremendous words
He's saying what we're all thinking.
And he won't apologize, that's the best part.
no, its american virus
No, what were really thinking is the virus is a Dem falseflag aimed at vilifying Trump and the noble Chinese.
I have people come up to me all the time, you know, and they make big words, they say, I'm telling you! They tell me, you know, you have some of the best.. words... ever. They're saying "we haven't heard words like that" and I can't even believe I'm saying this but "we haven't heard words like that in 20 years".
it's funny that common sense is being treated as racism in US
maybe when there will be deads pilling in the streets people will realize that there's nothing wrong with isolting chinks and keeping everything shut
He's right
>He's saying what we're all thinking.
That it's a hoax, that it is completely under control, that everyone needs to go back to work?
Literally anything to throw shade over his inaction and uselessness.
If conservative boomers want to believe this I for one welcome the oppurtunity to have them die en masse.
It's not a Chinese virus. It's a hoax perpetuated by the Democrats just like Trump said.
Chinks did nothing wrong, the virus is a false flag.
chinks did something wrong, is that they defend their dictatorship government that like always tried to sweep everything under the rug while telling rest of the world
>just a flu bro
For whom?
4 U
well if he wants to admit that the chinese blew up the american economy. i'd be okay with that.
If their government did anything wrong it was exaggerate a threat that wasn't there, but even then it was mostly due to international pressure as part of a global deep state scheme to overthrow Trump.
China tried to warn us of the Dem plot but no one would listen except Trump and his level headed Republicans. Don't buy into the China Bad meme, it's all a dem Soros plot.
He already capitulated to China by ending the trade war on their terms because he wanted it to stop jolting the economy, which was becoming increasingly unstable, during an election year.
>"Chinese virus"
he just said it again 2 minutes live on tv
So both china and the US are blaming each other for being massive fuck ups? This could get interesting.
He's under pressure from dems. He doesn't really believe it, he knows China did nothing wrong and this whole thing is a deep state plot but he has to play the game.
but it is chinas fault, they fucked up europe too
China didn't call it a "democratic hoax" and gut the CDC. They didn't intentionally limit the supply of test kits either. That was all Trump.
>exaggerate a threat that wasn't there,
oh but suddenly now it's a threat?
what changed
>viruses have nationalities now
>he knows China did nothing wrong
Nah, they just let loose a plague upon the world
They locked down millions of people. They didn't let anything loose like Trump has.
>"democratic hoax"
he was talking about the dems reaction to what he was doing
remember when chuck schumer said it was racist to block air traffic from china?
I bet there are thousands of corpses rotting in those quarantined commieblocks.
>a threat that wasn't there
there are few cases because there is no means for testing the vast majority of people who have the virus
I was told by both my doctor and the state board of health hotline that I am not eligible to be tested because I'm not "high risk" I.E. old and immunocompromised.
The numbers are in the thousands on paper but the scare is rooted in the fact that the real numbers are likely already in the range of millions of cases.
See Literally no worse than the flu and most redpilled Americans know it.
How exactly are we supposed to “punish” China? War? Sanctions? Demand that they give us 1 trillion dollars?
>thousands of corpses
>from a mild flu
>China did nothing wrong
They completely fucked up again by allowing gross shit like wet markets, not educating their people about basic hygiene and pretending nothing was going on for a month. It would be excusable if shit like SARs didnt also happen 18 years ago.
Ah, I see, just another Trump hater
>orange man bad
>all his fault
we get it
Extreme racism and prejudice against all chinkoids who dare leave China.
No he called the virus itself a hoax, shill. He then refused to quarantine Europe for months while suggesting people with the virus to work.
>They locked down millions of people. They didn't let anything loose like Trump has.
After a month and even then people were walking into and out of the supposed lock down.
>No he called the virus itself a hoax,
nope, go back to the news articles if you feel like it, I can't be bothered to search
So fucking desperate...
Wuhan has millions of inhabitants. Look at italian numbers, there's no way Hubei only has a little over 3k deaths when they ignored and tried suppressing news of the situation for close to 2 months.
*racist words
yeah, fuck trump, seriously . And fuck amerika too
>pretending nothing was going on
Because nothing was literally going on. Just like there's nothing going on in the States right now except liberal media hysteria so they can turn voters against Trump in November. Wake up, sheeple.
>some Americans still support trump
Literally why
>T-this is what he really meant!
Like how he went from saying "this is completely under control" in February to "oh I meant our response is completely under control, yeah!"
It’s. 7.7% death rate in Italy right now.
Stop trying to focus on Trump. China is the real enemy. They hate Judeo-christian civilization.
compare corona virus to H1N1, that was much scarier
real life idiocracy
orange man bad
just forget people like that, they've been poisoned by the media
H1N1 was nothing compared to the current virus.
Trump is China's bitch and if he weren't he wouldn't have surrendered his trade war.
>Literally no worse than the flu
uhhh zhang
3,433 died here
>Chinese virus
What I thought it was "just the flu"? Trump is sending me mixed signals here.
>It’s. 7.7% death rate in Italy right now.
Sure. Guess who controls Italy? The Vatican. And guess who controls the Vatican.
Seething Chinkanadian
I'm Taiwanese. I have no issue with Trump calling it Chinese virus because fuck the Chinese.
Poor drumpy. Bet he wishes he got a hold of this when he had the chance.
Fucking go to work and stop being lazy. Don't let the (((them))) sink your economies over a false scare. It's no coincidence dems are pushing the corona meme during an election year.
'Its going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear. And from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. Could maybe go away. We'll see what happens. Nobody really knows."
Don’t worry guys, Trump said a miracle is on its way!!!
You are being manipulated by the deep state trying to overthrow Trump. If you really support Trump, you will not scapegoat China.
And many more americans will die from SARS 2.0 in the few next months.
Take your medication and get some rest
it will be back up
he will be reelected
it doesn't matter who was in charge during this time, the same would happen
thanks, Chang, for the insight
The virus started in China and China lied about/covered it up. It's 100% China's fault.
Republicans are the only reasonable people left in America.
Pence is leading prayer groups at the white house right now!
>I'm Taiwanese
Yet another diaspora chinese who refuses to stay in his country.
I already saw some reports that there are other viruses in China right now that are just waiting to be spread around the world.
More are coming.
Eh, only reason Trump calls it “The Chinese Virus” is because it appeals to his xenophobic or boomer fan base. It makes it sound like China purposefully created it or something. It gets the low IQ troglodytes and boomers worked up
>China lied about/covered it up.
It was a hoax you dumbass liberal.
I was born here. I am literally just as American as you
Yeah and the pandemic isn't even real either, it's just a hoax. But seriously who's Hannity going to tell you to blame when neither of those things happen?
Republicans are notoriously retarded.
It's basically his only play after months of downplaying it and crippling the US response. It's funny because China seems to be doing the same thing.
>I already saw some reports that there are other viruses in China right now that are just waiting to be spread around the world.
>lied about/covered it up
There was literally nothing to lie or cover up. Would you make a big fuss over seasonal flu? The fact is that 'health experts' have already been coerced by the Deep State if they weren't working with it all along (mostly likely the latter).
Don't listen to them, listen to Republicans who know what's really going on and aren't going to let it destroy the American way of life.
>the stock market IS the economy
citation needed