Italy update in 20min.
How many deaths and new cases today?
Italy update in 20min.
How many deaths and new cases today?
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I was in that bridge
I bet 2k new infection and just 250 deaths
Italy should destroy those shitty old buildings and build nice new ones m
Venice is so beautiful without people. There is complete silence, the air smells good like when you are on the mountains, the water is clear and you can see the bottom and all the fish swimming
This is how medieval people probably use to seen it.
I think tourists have a lot to answer for, because they spread most of the diseases. Yes businessmen did too. But tourist did a lot.
I mean there's only a limited amount of boomers
330 deaths
3000 new infections
Is there somewhere people are actually betting on this?
this quarantine really does show just how beautiful everything is without thousands of people swarming every corner
796 new deaths
5050 new cases
Please learn to write properly and/or stop being black.
>medieval people
how old are you? 7?
2 deaths and no survivors
>This is how medieval people probably use to seen it.
Wut? If anything Venice had even more traffic back then.
You tell us
Lloyds London insure everything.. for a price
5k infections, 1.5k deaths
It also proves the superiority of the Homo NEETus over normalfags.
The latest days were:
I'm betting on largely the same figure today, 13%, and an slight increase of deaths.
i expect 2500 new cases and 400 new deaths since they've been in lock-down for quite some time now
Yesterday I went for a walk and heard all the birds chirping. It's like heaven
I really can't wait for electric cars to become mainstream
I thought there was only a few people back then, and its the industrial revolution that made people grow into millions and billions right now.
I am hoping they are in a decreasing trend, it would be terrible if it's still not under control
EU makes it so you can't bet on human suffering
>lets herd immunity lads
is UK right or wrong?
god those fucking faggots are going to sing again in like 10 minutes in my commieblock
What would an autist say about the trend looking at those numbers?
Why are italians struggling so much to contain it? Is it worse than China over there?
"Herd immunity" is "flatten the curve" by another name.
NONE of the West tried to "contain it", we all said "not our problem lol" until it was our problem now we are just trying to "mitigate" how bad it is on the hospitals. I feel sorry for Malaysia etc. and other Eastern nations that took it seriously day 1.
Given how quickly the government is backpeddaling, I would say go ask sweden
Yes. China went into lockdown when they were at a few dozen deaths, few hundred cases. Including a super lockdown on Hubei that has yet to be lifted.
Italy waited til they were at a few hundreds deaths and a few thousands cases. Then they went on lockdown. Not to mention Italy is full of old people who love to hug and kiss each other. It will peak higher than China did.
They aren't naturally immune like Argentinian mestizos/negritos
they're right, we're basically doing the same here anyway
do you really think that there's only 20 something thousand cases in the whole country? There's probably hundreds of thousands infected going around right now, in the end we're going for the herd immunity as well whether we like it or not
Yeah no, Venice was like the London of its time.
I fear we are going to see a second spike soon. It's almost under control in the north by I expect a huge number of new cases in the south
And hospitals in the south are much less prepared (Lombardy alone has more beds than all the regions in the south combined), there are going to be many more casualties if they can't contain it
stay strong spaghetti bros you're pretty good posters most of the time
Few friends and colleagues do. Not about Italy but the German cases, tho.
25€ each, who is the closest to the actually number after a week wins the pot.
They lack the gene which makes humans competent, they are more like us indians than the industrious han people
Italy, unlike China, is a thild world shithole
fingers crossed for less than 3200
>American education
That they hit peak and it's leveling off, a good sign.
Interesting, I thought medieval times was more farming-based and very few people around until you got to the big castle area. Sorry for misunderstanding.
The deaths are the only real number
Almost got me there
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Venice was a huge trading port and a financial hub. Think Hong Kong or Singapore of the time
sorry that would be unironically Naples
Venice was the trading capital of the Mediterranean.
It was, but Venice was the financial and commercial hub of the whole Mediterranean. Banking itself started in Italy.
The Black Death was probably imported in Europe through the ships that entered Venice, coming from the East Mediterranean.
Hope for no more than 3200
2800 would be a really good sign
let's hope so
Woah, they made the CS:GO map into a real city??!?
It's out
+7348 cases
+2055 deaths
Why they are always late?
fuck off hue
nooooooooooo! it wasn't supposed to be like this
holy shit 1902309293 new cases and 21912904890123850192 new deaths
>still calling it corona
yup italians
Kek Trump's briefings are always 45 minutes late, fuck off
In most of Europe and a good part of Italy that's true, but Italy went through a rapid urbanization through the first centuries of the II millennium, and an unprecedented number of people was living in cities throughout Italy, rather than as farmers around castles. And most towns and cities in Northern and Central Italy were de facto independent from any feudal link with any lord.
can't skip the coffee break