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women tits pussy feet, these thoughts fill my mind, not a minute passes without me thinking about sex sex sex sex, i am obsessed, i want to fuck, i want to insert my dick in a vagina, i want to ejaculate inside, i want to see a female orgasm, i need to feel a vagina’s warmth


>tfw Iranian

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I hate introverts physically, I despise those kinds of people. I can hardly bear to talk to them. They have the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. They are arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, their arrogance is unlimited. And that makes me almost nauseous with anger and disgust. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s afraid. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups.

Introverts are ridiculously arrogant. Their "humbleness" is arrogance. Their "shyness" is arrogance. They are as arrogant as anyone else. But you won't know that because they are afraid. They don't talk much not because they are shy or quiet, but because they are afraid. Afraid of being made fun of, afraid of being humiliated. Afraid of other people. This is where the arrogance, and the contradiction comes in. Introverts crave validation; they crave it more than any extrovert. They want to be praised, they want to be glorified. But the fear of humiliation prevents them from striving for it. It makes them paranoid. That fear drives them to hate everyone else, to antagonize everyone else, to sit in a corner and spit on everyone who passes by.

Now, what will our poor little introvert do now that he can't get his validation from other people? He will be put on a pedestal, by himself; he will rub the nose of others in the dirt, by himself, all in his own mind. This is why they are so passive aggressive: they don't need to bring you down physically, you are already humiliated in their own minds.

Their patronizing tone, their false sense of humbleness, their self-depreciation; it all makes me nauseous. I want to hold them by the ears, and scream in their faces at the top of my lungs. To beg them, please, raise your head and stop smiling at yourself. That you are not so superior to me that you have to resort to humiliation to bring yourself down to my level.

I want to humiliate them. I want to humiliate them till they lose that sense of pride. I want them to be humiliated by others, again and again and again, until their deformed and exaggerated sense of pride and self-esteem gets grounded into dust, so that they can rebuild it to be normal like the others.

I want to punch their lying faces. I want to cause them great pain. Not to cause them injury; nor to humiliate them. But to make their faces become angry, frightened, weeping – anything but that smug, almost anaesthetized serenity they wear everywhere. To break that shell of humility, to scratch away that veneer of humbleness, to reveal the haughtiness and hypocrisy inside.

Hypocrisy? Yes, they are hypocrites. Arrogant people are by nature hypocrites. They have impossible standards for others while forgiving themselves their own transgressions. How else do you think they keep up their façade of humble superiority? Another aspect of their hypocrisy is their sensitivity and cruelty. Introverts are sensitive, that much is true, and also a well-known fact. What most people are not aware about is the unusual cruelty of introverts. They can be very cruel. This is because they believe they are more “emotional” beings, able to feel and appreciate the finer sensations, while other people are Neanderthals whose amplitude of both sadness and happiness is minute. They’re not cruel because they’re sadistic or heartless, they simply don’t believe others feel the same way as they do.

Only introverts would know this information

Introversion is like homosexuality.
Both can be cured.

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I remember when you used to write long posts about specific subjects
What happens to that?

He just surrendered lol

what are you talking about , schizo-boi ?
to who ?

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>10 posts in and already anime is posted.
Wow, mena really has deteriorated since i last came her before i was banned.
Anyway, this was the thread which caused me to get banned:

you want leave?

You used to interfere in every conversation and start laying off some information
Now you only post like a robot


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تي خر زكمك انت شن ناقصك زب ف تينتك ولا كيف
ادوي باهي
والمره الجايه وجه الكلام لمن ومني
راك براني يا فرخ القحبه
حتي سبانك بايخ للللرف


Attached: bro.jpg (680x620, 68.49K)

based m*nority

>didn't know your kind can be based

eat a shit Faggstizan


danDandandannDanndandandandanann DAN, TOK

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Why does he put a tire on his head??

are you that hote?


21th century Nasser.

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to hide m*nority stinchy corpses

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post here :
post here :

How can a person be so based? Couldn't agree more my chad friend social retards are quite evil and their resentment of their betters causes them to harm civilized order created by bros.

But show them no anger, humiliate them with showing off in front of them the bounty of your success. Nothing triggers an introjerk more than you being the center of attention with silly jokes and mundane stories while his lecture about the latest intellectual bullshit falls on sleeping ears of the one old grandpa who can't get away without pissing his pants.



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Rangeban occupied Israel

Bost some songs guys, i'm bored asf

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So uh...... *braps*


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Corona time

hey hey , less Negrophobic remarks

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t based

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fuck camper btw

This Israeli flag is acting like an excited kid on energy drinks whose big brother took to a party

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no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random pali incel on 4channel: AHAHAH MINORITYS
[everyone disliked dat]

wtf baljekie you came back from beyond the grave!!

I'm posting from heaven, God is real and hes allowing me to do this because of all the years I spent dabbing on them muzzies.

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can you put in a good word for me.... you don't need to tell g-d my name just tell Him that the basedest man deserves a pass and He will know what to do..

u wot m8

Attached: (you) (2).jpg (1000x541, 116.31K)

Cutr but you know it's real. Look at you, you've practically spent the entire thread talking to your self and everyone is just cringing around you. My example is literally perfect, you are acting like a kid whose big brother took to a party.

Attached: (you) (2).jpg (1000x541, 116.89K)

my pr agent told me to drop the trip

>basedest man deserves a pass
He already knows. That's why I'm posting here,as the basediest of them all.

However you aren't too subhuman yourself, worry not, I take take of my friends and you will be in heaven.

don't flatter yourself


This is it in filtering the J*RD flag, not because you're talking shit no.. Plenty do. But you're just pure cringe, get back to 9gag or meme center or whatever.

Attached: ath2.jpg (509x552, 84.13K)

Okay okay I didn't mean that...breath slower man. In... Out..
Okay you are good now, see? The seizures can be stopped.

Anyway, like I said, I got you a VIP heaven pass. Know that you are not alone in this, and I am.. If i may, your friend.

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stop embarassing yourself

just leave again..
play ded no one cared

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this thread is so cringe

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Why palenig you arent a pale nor a nig, Palestinian

تي خر زكمك انت شن ناقصك زب ف تينتك ولا كيف
ادوي باهي
والمره الجايه وجه الكلام لمن ومني
راك براني يا فرخ القحبه
حتي سبانك بايخ للللرف