Why are the French called frogs?

Why are the French called frogs?

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I thought it was because they use to eat frogs

>use to eat frogs

Because frogs are based.

>Easter the Toad
which retard made this

They eat frogs.

Yet they have the gall to make bat soup jokes.

>use to eat

am gonna throw up

>use to

Because we (supposedly) eat frogs. Frog legs, to be specific.
Like Germans are krauts, Italians are macaronis...
British national slurs are food-based.
In fact, most of us don't eat frog even once in their lifetime. Snails, oysters and mussels are quite common though.

Oh, and we eat oysters now only raw, but ALIVE


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>am gonna throw up
Frog legs taste like chicken - plus the texture is better.

Brits called us frogs before they called the French frogs, we were frogs because we live in a swamp
dunno why they call the French that though

I always wondered about that too because I have never heard that French eat frogs.
On the other hand we calls Italians “Žabari” (Žaba-frog) because they really do eat frogs

frogs' legs are quite tasty desu

>Fug! Time of goings!
god this is peak cringe

I don't know because we eat snails but not frogs.

>I have never heard that French eat frogs
It is not common (at all) but yes, there are some frog legs recipes in France, and some people eat that, at times. Pic is an example.

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Extremely cringe

Snails are really good tbf. Frogs are okay but nothing special

>British national slurs are food-based
You mean rosbif national slurs surely?

how funny

hon hon

nah, here few people use national slurs but it's:
angliche for Englishmen
schleu or boche for Germans
rital for Italians
espingouin or gnognosse for Spaniards
moricaud, crouille or raton for N Afris
bougnoule for Black Afris
chinetoque for Chinese

you are what you eat

>you are what you eat
exactly - that's why the Anglos are shitty while the French are among the finest in the world

>that's why the Anglos are shitty
no, we're a steak pie

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Based, 100% ENGLISH beef

Žabarji is what people from Ljubljana get called by people from other parts of Slovenia, especially Styria. Mostly because they live in a marsh and also partly because they supposedly say "kva" for "what" (which isn't really true, the Ljubljana term is "ka", kva is what certain parts of Upper Carniola use)

Haha XD i love Yas Forums memes too!

Yeah, you are a castrated bull

You can take away his testicles but he's still a BVLL

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no, that's called an ox

>Why yes, I love a luvvverly Greggs sausig rowl, what of it?

i tried it and it was just disgusting

Right, what's all this then?

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whoa it's like I'm really in 2009!


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>Why yes, I am from Leeds, how can you tell?

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>eating raw, DEAD oysters

frog legs are good though, you should try them if you get a chance. we eat them in the southern US as well

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We eat frogs

looks yummy

>most of us don't eat frog

This is false, piss off mohamed

Slovenia has way too many dialects
I’ve been to Kranjska Gora and Ljubljana and after talking to the people there I’ve felt like they were two separate languages

Why do you people hate us so much?

What's your fucking problem?

Ok, mamadou.

but i love you jean-pierre chan

I had Escargo once and it was like eating a rubbery chunk of butter.

thank you burger friend
I'm getting tired to be insulted all day
I don't know how much more I can take

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes when u feeled happy :)

wen day is dark always rember happy day

je t'aime à la folie france-chan

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I don’t, I just dislike your language (Parisian)

Escargots with gruyère cheese, white wine and garlic is quite tasty to be fair, not too greasy, but the texture of the snail is a bit rubbery

In history class they told that it's because when english speaker heard french, it sounded like a frog to them. In return, french would refer to Anglos as squarehead because of the way they divide their field.

idk, we call italians "frog chasers" because they eat frogs but i have no idea why the french are called that.

More like not nearly enough!
Well you could step outside of the capital and they'd already speak quite a bit differently (also depending on whether you went north or south since the capital is right in between two major dialect groups, just as Kranjska Gora is, but on a west-east axis).

My professor claimed that it came from Clovis I, King of the Franks, and the first Christian king whose banner featured three frogs.

you're my best friend

but french is a nice language

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>Why are the French called frogs?
Other animals were already taken.
Frogs are based, GOAT and eternal anyway.
The frog has been this website's animal since forever as proof of its excellent quality.

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no problem france-chan glad we r frens :)

my maman lives in france at the moment; vaugirard to be precise, i hope she's ok. haven't heard from her in over a week, starting to get worried

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>use to

>i hope she's ok
She most likely is user.
Ça va aller

>bougnoule for Black Afris
Are you legit retarded or have you been living in a deep cavern for the last 100 years?

>he doesn't end his sentences with voilà

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