
monday night edish

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post bops


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I'm lonely all the time. I just want a gf but I can't find a quality woman.

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If you dump the zo I will be back on the booze


*breaks all of arbys liqour bottles over his head*

when can i eat pizza or burger after wisdom teeth got removed

Can’t break plastic dummy

Trying to find the perfect waifu is a dead end. Just about every time I’ve gotten a gf it’s because I said to myself
>fuck it whatever I’ll just go out with this one for a little while and see what happens
And then I end up falling for them when I get to know them. Doesn’t happen all the time but more than I would expect. Just let your guard down and start doing things

when blood and paint allows you to do so

don’t give yourself dry socket bro

I'm not looking for perfection, I'm just looking for a woman that isn't a whore.


this corona shit canceled the girlfriend hunt lads

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go back

pls gib dutch gf

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When do you know it’s time to kill yourself?

just painted my nails
they look horrible
i cutting them now

I feel angry and I can't figure out why I am angry.

It's never, because it's the most guaranteed way to go to hell

should practice on models. makes you think..

absolute state

maybe you're malding

Well I'M angry because the entire planet has shut down for the next few months and I won't be able to get laid, all of my classes will be online so more studying, and my grandparents are probably going to die

Good advice.

no its not that
its just that my manhands dont go well with nail polish

Based. But I haven’t gotten laid in like 7 years.

The chaplain is the last one i've painted, i finally understood how i'm supposed to do the highlights, i thought it was ok to use a small bursh but they basically are details and the line needs to be really fucking small. I never said i was good.

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sex vid when

what did you expect lmao you're a man so you're gonna be an ugly "girl" looool

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I was so close to fucking a classmate qt and then they closed the university. Not fair bros

Not a fan of trannyism
The non passing ones (probably 70% of them) are painful to even look at

Send her a picture of you holding toilet paper and your address.

quintessential canadian post

Look good user

one way to get hospitalized?

>one way to get hospitalized?
Get corona.

Kill self.

run your head through a plate glass window while screaming, light yourself on fire for full-effect

its way higher like 99%

Chad is in quarantine now is the perfect time to strike

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I was thinking about adding a pic in hazmat gear to the tinder profile, but I don’t like the ambiguity that I might work in health. Considered hazmat with an AR to clearly be a prep schizo, but that’s a whole other can of worms. Every other profile has corona-related bios now. “Quarantine and chill” and shit like that

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Was about to say one that got me there but I don't want to give you any ideas so I won't

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Feels like I have a big poo brewing but the bathroom is far away from my toil outpost.

considered it as well. felt too corny. might go hunting later this week and display some carcasses saying i got plenty of meat or some shit



look at this proud father and his cute daughter enjoying quality time together

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i dont know what i expect
that some genie will appear and ill stop being ugly or smth
i dont have any life prospects
i should just die

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uh wow, VERY problematic, ale

looks like i'm out of a job buds

think im gonna head up to Missouri and help take care of my grandma while she's recovering from back surgery

wish me luck

fuck off

cleaned my room but i still have no friends and no job and no gf

poo poo pee pee

at least i can go 5 minutes without hearing trump because of this virus

Cant sleep anymore. 4 hours aint enough...

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what do you do that that is a problem

I can't see myself with anyone. I'm just a mess dealing with bigger messes and my only solace is alone time I wish I had more of. I dread getting up for toil tomorrow

This coronavirus is nothing why is everyone panicking so much Jesus Christ.

boomers because it can kill them
it's all boomers

can still cause organ damage and sterility in da youf

the achoo flu is drumpf's fault


Hello frens.

wots the good word, bruce

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some people care about they families


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lmao bullshit but I hope it's true, top tier aussie bants