Attached: dli9v29ef9f41.jpg (640x853, 59.56K)
Does liking petite girls = pedophiliac tendencies?
Joshua James
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Brody Sullivan
wtf i thought she has a dick
David Hill
Damn I wish I had a big dick
Jaxson Morris
but only the man could type that caption, he's the one taking the photo
John Phillips
Carter Brooks
>Does liking petite girls = pedophiliac tendencies
No, liking children = pedophilic tendencies
Brayden Morales
same. our brains are literally broken from porn
Asher Williams
Damn I wish she had a big dick
Ryder Turner
These cuck captions never make sense.
How does the reader even score these girls if they're meant to be some small dicked loser.
Christopher Green
Same, whats your measurements?
(I am 11cm or 4.3inches)
Xavier Perez
10/10 tits
Nathaniel Perry
I don't understand if these pics are supposed to be impressive or something, my dick is totally average and easily reaches that far up on a girl's belly.
Asher Johnson
Did they even try with that caption? Fake as fuck. That picture's hot anyway though, so whatever.
To answer your question, no. Most men like smaller women because they're "dominated" easier or more submissive.
Tyler Foster
go back to réddit
Jack Nelson
>tfw you have just a normal-sized 9 inch cock
William Miller
please say she has a dick
Connor Ross
It looks huge because the girl is tiny lol
Luis Parker
Are you able to satisfy a women with your dick? Genuine question.
Elijah Cook
are you a mutt?
only muttbrains naturally capable to process such line of thought, you can't use normal logic.
Caleb Nelson
Exactly wtf was he trying to say here.
James Perez
im really getting tired of being a virgin
Andrew Taylor
just how small that chick's hands are. that's an average dong btw
Samuel Nelson
I am incel
Xavier Ross
It genuinely took me five minutes to understand the captions, I thought the woman wrote that
Samuel Richardson
>I am incel
need some help king?
Elijah Perez
I'm 6 inches but I'm a pencil fucked girthlet.
I've had sex many times with multiple different women though so can't complain
Jace Roberts
it's not fair
Aiden Baker
they don't have that natural contour; this is questionable but looks a bit natural
Lucas Martin
judging yourself against unrealistic standards = misery
Lucas Collins
>I'm a pencil fucked girthlet.
same 6 inch girthlet here
Cameron Hernandez
woman have unrealistic standards
Easton Walker
That level of big cock just makes sex difficult. I've had girls complain that my 6.5 makes them sore
Noah Hernandez
Nevermind, i think the perspective is fucking with me
Thomas Barnes
women suffer immense scrutiny as well = shoulders, hips, waist, lips, nose, face, etc. if your partner can't accept imperfection then she's a hypocrite or just plain insecure
Ryan Murphy
listen king, in true love that can only be achieved through accident, dick size doesn't matter because in love at worst case you'le get a "we can work that out" if you're bad at sex.
Jonathan Clark
instagram and tiktok have raised the bar so goddamn much that most women's standards are just laughable now
Juan Lewis
Nathan Robinson
Nolan Howard
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Gabriel Powell
also inachievable for 99.9%, and whats more is that they make surgical enhancements because they're at the mercy of it too. Either way, is keeping a partner who views the world through that lens really worth it?
Luis Price
Hello r/china
Cooper Reed
only men are turned down for sex. welcome to reality
Camden Richardson
stop coping and actually do something
all you need is prostaglandin e1
Kayden Rogers
does it? i have 8”x5.5” penis and am a virgin. would i have difficult time having sex?
Gabriel Barnes
stop lying. women are incredibly superficial and will leave or cheat when unsatisfied
Lincoln Taylor
wrong. turned down hundreds of turds with man hands and fat bellies
Jaxson Baker
If you're too forward you're a weirdo and if you don't make a move fast they'll start wondering if you're gay. There's no way to beat this game
Gavin Price
entire movement centered around female standards and rejection
Gavin Clark
I don't need to have a big dick if my gf is the one who fucks me
Carson Fisher
great, you are either part of the minority of men who get approached by women or a boomer who has no idea what he is talking about
Grayson Foster
stale meme
Evan Watson
Have rejected two women because i would rather stay in bed.
Dunno, never taken a cock in me. I guess it could
Ian Peterson
This is truly a path to paradise.
Daniel Jones
Oliver Reed
not too much effort and just relax, don't be too emotionally invested. I've rejected countless [basically marriage proposals] and mainly because of my psychological issues
Noah Price
Yas Forums’s so gay that everyone prefers to talk about dicks rather than to acknowledge the fine tits in the pic.
Oliver Ramirez
i have a lot of sex, just walk up to her and say hi bro.
Isaac Long
fuck off faggot
Evan Hall
any experience?
Blake Harris
fucking hell, the jannies have actually gone on strike haven't they
Jace Brown
Adam Cook
then walk away
Joshua Robinson
No. I'm a pedo (I like girls from 10 to 11 years old), and I hate being related to retards who think liking a 20 year old granny with small tits is being "pedo".
Parker Price
he isnt chinese you fucking moron
Asher Smith
>I'm a pedo
you mean pedro right?
Austin Morales
"Pedro" is a very stupid name. I'm sorry for those guys named like that.