Country expressions

Do you have some expressions and sayings related to other countries?
For example "Pardon my French" in USA

>Baño polaco (Polish bath)
When you wash just your armpits and crotch instead of the full body
>Hacer una cubana / do a cuban
>Hacer un francés / do a french
Oral sex
>Tortilla francesa / french omellette
>Ensaladilla rusa / Russian salad
Olivier salad (w/ diced potatoes)

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There's Russian rouellte

im from uruguay
when someone is playing dumb we say "hacerse el sueco." as in "no te hagas el sueco conmigo."

it means "play swedish" or "act swedish."
"don't play swedish with me."
i have no fucking clue why we say this.

here tittyfuck is espanhola

and if you wash anything else than armpit, dick and asshole, you must be a faggot

don't you mean 'hacerse el hueco'?

i'm pretty sure nobody in uruguay says this swedish thing

When you do a backflip to hit the ball in futbol, we call that a "chilena" (chilean)
we have tortilla rusa (russian omelette)
basically a spanish tortilla and one slice is poisoned
we have that too, its maybe because swedish tourists dont speak spanish, so if you pretend to be a swedish you act like you dont understand spanish or like you're not involved

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>Rusa ('Russian female')

anal sex

These are some

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We say dont act like a brazilian when you don't want someone to act like a retard.
Not sure where it comes from

French kissing is to kiss with tongue.

Russian roulette is where you put one bullet in a revolver, spin the chamber and put up to your head and pull the trigger. It was a form of torture the Russians supposdely did

>mexican reading comprehension
no va de eso el hilo bobo
va de expresiones sobre otros paises, no dichos de tu pais

>>Hacer una cubana / do a cuban
We call a tittyfuck an Espanholada

>we have that too, its maybe because swedish tourists dont speak spanish, so if you pretend to be a swedish you act like you dont understand spanish or like you're not involved
i mean that makes sense for contemporary spain, but why the fuck does my parent's generation in uruguay say it?

posta, hacerse el sueco. however, it could be that originally the phrase was "hacerse el zueco" as in, the hard wooden shoes.

Going Dutch is splitting a bill
Ditch oven is a kind of cookware or where you fart under a blanket and them pull it up over someone's head

>Polaco/a or Rusa/o

To refer to people that are very white looking

Anddddd that’s it. I’ve always found it funny how Yas Forums makes fun of Slavs for being non-white but we use them as an adjective to refer to something that is very European looking.

>Salir de Guatemala para entrar a Guatepeor
pun related to "guatemala" since mala means bad
Get out of Guatemala to enter Guateworse

>No hay moros en la costa - Theres no moors in the coast
means theres no danger. this dates back to when moors raided the mediterranean coasts of Spain
>Work like a chinese / Work like a black
To work really hard.
>Chinese tale
A lie or made up story
>Despedirse a la francesa - Say goodbye french-style
To part company without saying anything
eh, here "Españolada" is what we call our crappy local movies as an insult

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this animal is sometimes called a "monyet belanda" or "dutch monkey"

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all of those expressions, except for despedirse a la francesa, se dicen en latinoamerica

en uruguay los rusos son los judios

>chistes de gallegos...

Uff que mamoncito el manolo

Here we say that too, also 'hacerse el ruso'

>Ser cabeza de turco / Be a turk's head
when you decide to be blamed for something you didn't do
>Poner una pica en Flandes / To put a pike in Flanders
achieving something really hard. Dates back to the "Spanish way" wich was a really complex army route from norther italy, through the alps, to the spanish netherlands during the Flanders Wars
>Esto es una bicoca / this is a bicoca
something really easy that barely takes any effort. Also dates back to imperial Spain, to the Battle of Bicoca against french troops in 1522.

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French exit
>Leave without saying goodbye

Dutch oven
>Farting beneath the covers in bed

Oh I just remembered another expression that we use.

We use “sovietico” to refer to someone that has a very short temper, like for example:

Ese tipo es bien sovietico, ten cuidado.

That literally translate to “that guy is very soviet, be careful”.

That’s because the Jews that went to Uruguay where from Russia, I imagine.

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>Más se perdió en Cuba / More was lost in Cuba
When something bad happens, you might say this to say its not so bad. Reffers to the war of cuba, also known as the Disaster of 98 in Spain.
>Dutch oven
>>Farting beneath the covers in bed

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We have a saying that goes like
>Who cares that Hungarians don't have sea?
And it generally means don't bother with things that don't matter to you.

Apparently there is also a type of weed that people call "Albanka" or a female Albanian.

Just popped into my head, we also use terms like "A Turkish show", "A Spanish village", etc to talk about something that a person has no idea about. Also another one is, "He goes past it as if it were a Turkish grave" which means that no attention is payed to it.

Here baño polaco implies you wash your feet, ass and armpits (baño polaco: pata, culo y sobacos)

>Bajarse al moro / Go down to the moor
To go visit morocco in order to buy drugs (hashish mainly)
>Hacer el indio / Do the indian
Usually used for children misbehaving and being hyperactive
>Ser un cafre / Being a cafre
Being uncivilized or ignorant. The cafre people where an ethnic group in Africa. I've used this for years without knowing that lol
pretty good saying, based serbia, no wonder 2pac moved there
pic related could be an explanation.
I've also read that it could reffer to "zuecos" (wooden shoes)

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nunca se te va a quitar lo pendejo

>Baño polaco (Polish bath)
here its baño vaquero (cowboy bath) or baño frances (french bath)
>Hacer una cubana / do a cuban
thats a rusa (russian)
also tortilla de patata is called tortilla española

we say "lo que inventan los gringos" (it means something like: look at what the gringos invented!) when we see something weird that's technology related. my grandpa always says: "look at what the gringos invented -said an old lady- and she saved a fart in a bottle"

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Más perdido que turco en la niebla/More lost than a turk in the mist - self explanatory, although i'm not really sure why a turk

Costó un Perú/It costed a Perú - meaning that something costed a lot since Peru historically had lots of riches in their territory

De Guatemala a Guatepeor - Mala means bad and peor means worse, so it means that something went from bad to worse

Also there's a whole kind of jokes called "Chistes de gallego/Galician jokes" which imply all spaniards are really dumb and makes fun of it

Do you have an Galician jokes?

Also i don't know if it counts:
Perdimos como en Malvinas/We lost like in the Falklands - meaning you lost really hard

One galician says to another:
+ Hey Manolo pass me the shampoo
- Why don't you use the one in the bathroom?
+ Because this one says "for dry hair" and my hair is alredy wet

los españoles no se bañan y huelen mal

>facebook cringe memes

para inglês ver (so the Englishmen see it): lip service
polaquice (Polish thing): something lazily done
uma espanhola (a Spaniardette): titjob
falar grego (speak Greek): talk something incomprehensible
bizantino (Byzantine): something needlessly complex, specially laws

Also, dunno how common this is, but I've always called slightly chilled beer "polaca".

A Russian once told me a threesome with two men and woman can be called a "Swedish Family" but I don't know if he was just humoring me.

he wasn't

btw this phrase was more popular long before sweden emerged globally as a turbo-cuck country, nowdays it's out of fashion

Not used very much today but an old idiom is “böhmische Dörfer“ bohemian villages for a backwater. During austrian rule of bohemia/czechia german was the day to day language in many cities leaving mostly country folk to still speak czech.

>türken, getürkt sein
If something is fake or fishy, has been tampered with you can call it 'turk' (both verb and adjective)

American - an idiot or greedy person

A girl with a really shapely ass walks by you and your friend. A common saying would be "looks like 2 coons fighting its a croker sack!"

based as fuck

That's a real phrase back from XIX / beginning of XX century.

Just like "love a la French" was used back then for fellatio.

how does an argentinian commit suicide?
he gets on top of his ego and jumps

I can think of two
>March in indian fashion
To march in a single file
>Frenchman's complaint

>Tupakoi kuin turkkilainen
Smokes like a turk

why are you washing your asshole? trying to impress someone?

Your mother complained about the taste.

turkdusch, turkish shower. when you stink but spray a bottle of deodorant on instead of showering

Kek pretty acurate. Dont think we have Türkendusche as a word but I have been joking for years that turks seem to think deodorant is a shower in a can.

When you leave the door open we say "do you have niggers at home?"
When someone gets drunk unconscious we say "he's drunk as a Dane"
When two guys fuck a girl it's "swedish threesome", when it's two girls and one guy it's "Russian threesome"
When something is weird and unknown it's a "Spanish village"
When you spray yourself with deodorant instead of washing it's "Gypsy shower"

>Alte Schwede!
My parents used to say that when I was living in Germany

>Duro mas que metra enterrada
Lasted more than a buried marvel. Refers to someone who, in a game or doing something, lasted jack shit.
>Ni tan calvo, ni con dos pelucas
Referring to something not entirely true, not entirely false.
>La rusa
>Tirar piedras
To take a shit
>Carne con papas
To have porn. Usually used referring to porn in your cellphone or pc
White person
>Largar el forro
To work hard
>Hacerse el Willy
Play dumb
>Mas perdio' que guajiro en Nueva York
Guajiro is an indigenous people found in Zulia. This refers to someone who's really fucking lost.
>El guebo the burro no es trompeta
The donkey's dick is not a trumpet. I don't really know what it means, but it makes me laugh.

I miss my ex, how can I get over her if I work with her

Tittyfuck is "Spanish wanking" or "Spanish handjob" here

At least Turks shower more than once per week, unlike Germans.

>Maori shower/bath
When you just spray yourself with deodorant instead of actually showering.