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based Varg

Just wait until Frogs cut his welfarino in 2 months

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>my business
You mean receiving welfare from the French state? Or is he taking donations now to support his family?

Why hes such an attwhore

God have mercy on this heathen who practices the paganism which killed missionaries, please God use your wrath against the degenerates, Amen.

Hard to lose your "business" when you're a welfare queen larping innawoods while being so addicted to twitter you can't actually give up the modern world you supposedly shun.

Based pagan lunatic.

Getting welfare isn't a business

because he knows his shitty audience. Yas Forums(nel) for example

>larping innawoods
He's actually larping about being innawoods as well. He lives in a residential quarter in the countryside.

>ex-con loser
He seems to be doing amazingly better off than most people who leave prison.

>failed musician
He is widely recognised in the music scene even today.

>a bum, a 'Nazi', paranoid, etc.

This is a rumor. He doesn't get welfare because he makes too much money from music to qualify. Confirmed on Twitter.

ching chong coof into your arm

That's the excuse he conceived after his video about welfare got too much backlash.
Even if he doesn't qualify his wife with asperger's does.

>losing my business
does he even work?

hes having a crisis and has been in one for some time now.

any neet living in a rural area could've tweeted this

Varg has become annoying. He can't just lead his life, he has to constantly tweet dumb shit.

I own a few Burzum albums. What is he spending my money on?

What do you expect from pagans? oh wow he's just like you.

how do I get french welfare?

If you're hispanic you could've passed yourself off as an afghan

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he's based (and you can't deny that)

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ooh check out that gyno though didnt notice that

>how do I get french welfare?
If you are a French fem not married each kid gives her a fuckton of welfare there, he has 6-8

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Varg is the only sexually active incel

Back when he was on Youtube he used to say that being thin or having a six pack is an african feature and real nordic europeans must have abundant layers of fat.

almost everything i hear him say is cope on some level

How did this retard ever get popular?

I somehow doubt that considering he hasn't even been active as a musician in years and has never performed live. Is he really still eating off his back catalogue and merch?

by murdering a guy

He justifies all his flaws and vices by saying they're actually pagan habits of true Europeans approved by Odin himself.
He even implied that browsing twitter and driving around is pagan twitter.com/GandalftheWhi19/status/1238549122229116928

>some of you might call me a loser, but am I dying to pneumonia? No? Exactly.

is he ok?

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What a fucking Chad.

His wife is from a wealthy family.
He's fine either way. Burzum probably sells still too

I live in the countryside and people still buy his music. Mostly the older albums though.

I think he makes quite well


>those replies

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he really is the most based retard out there

>He is widely recognised in the music scene even today.

Explain to me how this noname who got locked up for a murder in 1992 is in any way relevant to any genre of music?

In self-defense.

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By making revolutionary music

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its likes its the "trad" version of the instathot
instead of posting phony sexy photos for simps to go "ooooo so hot! #goals" you post how great your phony self sufficient life is and simps will go "oooooh you show those jews! #goals"

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listen to more music tourist

Honestly, probably. I still occasionally see 19-year-olds wearing Burzum shirts.

Extreme metal, zoomer

What's the problem with Arabs, Indians and Pakis? Why the fuck are they so horny and rapey?

Is burzum actually known

Traditional societies are like that because of repressive sexuality.

>Not denying that he was a cocksleeve for arabs in prison

He would be based if he turned to what he was originally named “Kristian” and openly repented of what he did

But to me he is just a worthless idolater destined for eternal damnation.


that's not how nordic prisons work
are you a fucking american?

i think you should turn to where you originated, wetback


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He's obviously larping.
People don't believe in Christ in 2020

Only by NEETs and nazi losers.
Yeah, rumour is that Varg convinced the Arabs to treat him American style.

That's why he defends having Autism

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Genuinely don't know how this ameritard think anyone is fooled by a proxy

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Nah, Burzum is famous among normal metal people too

That won't get (you)s though